No. While sex is something asexuals are not inclined to have, they may be fully supportive of other people expressing their own sexuality. Asexual Erotics: Intimate Readings of Compulsory Sexuality draws on Audre Lorde’s work on erotics and the burgeoning scholarship in asexuality studies to … Asexual relationships work on exactly the same basis as sexual relationships minus the sexual part: communication, trust etc are still key but as with sexual relationships this depends on how the couple want their … Ace is slang for asexual. Again, only you can decide to use asexual as a label for yourself, but we encourage you to explore this orientation to see if it resonates with you and echoes your experiences. Something must be terribly wrong with me. The hard part is to find a compatible asexual person, but as asexual visibility increases and asexuality becomes accepted, this is expected to get easier. Coming out is, of course, your own personal choice, and no one will think less of you if you decide not to, but many asexuals have felt relief from being open about themselves. Other asexuals masturbate because they have a personal libido that they wish to take care of privately. Outside of romantic relationships, there is nothing preventing asexual people from forming close friendships just like everyone else. You could be – if the reasons you would never have sex are due to an intrinsic lack of sexual attraction or desire. 1 Ik was seksueel actief in mijn relatie, maar voel nu geen seksuele aantrekking of behoefte aan seks meer. Ga naar: navigatie, zoeken. Non, l'asexualité n'est pas un choix, pas plus que l'hétérosexualité ou l'homosexualité. Asexual people can still have libidos or experience arousal, but do not experience any intrinsic attraction or desire to engage in sexual activities with other people. People may use the term “asexual spectrum” to refer to a range close to the asexual end – levels of sexuality that are so low that they identify more with asexuality than other sexual identities. Pour simplifier, c’est une affection particulière envers quelqu’un qui diffère de ce que l’on ressent envers des amis, de la famille, ou des personnes que l’on admire. Some asexual people in relationships might choose to have sex with their partner as a way of showing affection, and they might even enjoy it. Some experience arousal, some don't. I would have preferred not to know. Don’t be afraid to contact us or join our community to ask any more questions you may have. Asexual people may want to open up to others about their orientation just as anyone else would. Could I be asexual? one who does not experience sexual attraction or an intrinsic desire to have sexual relationships (or the adjective describing a person as such). Subscribe . Sexual fluidity means that even if you do not take into account the sex of the person you choose to stay with, you have moments in life when you tend to prefer certain sex. AVEN does not agree with anti-sexual viewpoints. Think carefully. If a lack of sex doesn’t cause you any distress or affect your well-being, chances are you could be asexual – but it’s ultimately up to you to determine that. I'm a sexual person but I'm incapable of having sex. I think I sometimes fall in love. This can include sexual people and asexual people. Even overcoming awkward first experiences won’t change that. Many people in this gray area still identify as asexual because they find it easier to explain, especially if the few instances in which they felt sexual attraction were brief and fleeting. Asexual people don’t have a sexuality drive them. You may find that coming out often needs to be followed by an explanation of what asexuality is and isn’t. If you don’t enjoy sex or find it deeply disappointing, this might be because you don’t actually want sex – though you may want to be someone who wants sex. You may meet another asexual person you connect with, or you may meet a partner who is sexual with whom you can reach a mutually satisfying compromise. Ga naar: navigatie, zoeken. FAQs. Most people go through fluctuations in their sexuality due to age, medical issues, or life changes, but that doesn’t necessarily change their sexual orientation. It’s relevant to their identity and the relationships they wish to pursue. Asexuality still has a long way to go in the eyes of the public. For example, they may enjoy giving sexual pleasure to their partner without the need for any sexual gratification in return. The asexual population can only continue to benefit from the resources we provide to spread awareness and bring people together. In this vast spectrum, at one end is the sexual and the other end is the asexual. Asexuality as an orientation is about how you experience sexuality. That doesn’t make other orientations a phase, does it? We call it the ace spectrum for short, and use “ace” Communauté . Flags Ace MLM Flags. The color meanings are currently unknown. Unlike celibacy, which is a choice to abstain from sexual activity, asexuality is an intrinsic part of who we are, just like other sexual orientations. Am I wrong? Idee, proposte e bug report per il miglioramento di AVEN. How can I be sure I'm really asexual? Whether or not you personally feel that being a part of an asexual community has value to you, many asexuals receive a great deal from sharing their experiences with each other. The distinction between asexuality and celibacy/abstinence is that asexuality doesn’t come out of a personal decision – it’s just who we are. The healthiest thing for someone to do is to be their true selves. Deze veel gestelde vragen zijn een vertaling van de Engelstalige FAQ, vertaald door Ereinion. No, asexuality isn’t the same as anti-sexuality. Asexuality exists on a spectrum, because sexual attraction is notoriously hard to define, and people who feel they might experience sexual attraction in some limited way are still allowed to identify as asexual. An aromantic person is someone who doesn't experience romantic attraction. AVEN FAQs. De veel gestelde vragen zijn in drie categorieën ingedeeld, kies hieronder de categorie die van toepassing is. There is a ton more information over at Asexuality isn’t caused by parenting – like with other orientations, it’s just what we are. Does this mean they are incapable of love? Some people may have different sexual and romantic orientations (e.g. There are still schools of thought that say asexuality isn’t real, or that it’s celibacy, or that it’s the result of people who just can’t get laid, or a hormonal disorder, or any number of things. Does being asexual mean I'll always be lonely? The area in between is the grey area. It’s simply who they are. Voor aseksuelen met een seksuele partner. If you are a sexual person who chooses not to have sex, this is called 'celibacy' or 'abstinence'. Is this just some rebellious phase? Forming a community is an essential part of visibility and education, as well as providing support and guidance to people with similar experiences. They'd think I was a freak or laugh at me! What does sex mean to you? While other sexual orientations are defined around the gendered direction of attraction (e.g. People can also combine labels, calling themselves straight/gay/bi/pan/etc aces, if that helps communicate themselves to others. Asexuality, like other orientations, continues on into adulthood. Think of some dramatic moments, like a car driving off a cliff, then falling down rocky terrain, then bursting into flames. To find out more about asexuality, click here. There’s an FAQ, and even a forum to chat with other asexuals and allies. … Not at all! Some things turn me on, but they do not have anything to do with other people. A significant portion of asexual people experience some level of arousal and libido, which can include fantasies and masturbation. I just want what's best for my child/relative/friend. According to, asexuals believe that no action should be taken to solve their problem. Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity. Regulamin SEA. FAQ; Chat; Home. 1.4 Ik heb me maar drie keer in mijn leven aangetrokken gevoeld tot anderen, deze keren … On the other hand, what if it’s not a phase? Inhoud. It's a lack of sexual attraction. Generalità . I'm perfectly happy just having close friends. Esta página ha sido visitada 249 860 veces. I'm so glad I found this community. Voor ouders van aseksuelen. There is a broad spectrum between end points of “asexual” and “very sexual” with differing levels of sexuality. Other asexual communities can be found all over social media: Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, and more all have multiple spaces for asexuals to connect with each other. There might be nothing wrong with you – it might just be how you’re wired. Don’t pressure them to try out things they don’t want to do. We can understand what others find attractive, or even find people aesthetically attractive, without it being sexual. An asexual person does not experience sexual attraction – they are not drawn to people sexually and do not desire to act upon attraction to others in a sexual way. Uit AVEN Wiki. Eventually we can link from the main page straight to the wiki version. Asexuality is a valid orientation that some people simply are. Les outils disponibles (les faqs, les références, le forum) sont une aide à cette réflexion personnelle. There are many things we enjoy seeing in our entertainment that we don’t want in real life. I don't find anyone sexually attractive. What is ‘asexuality’? The Asexual Visibility & Education Network. You may even be demisexual – only experiencing sexual attraction or desire once a strong bond has been formed – and with a partner who has met the criteria. Asexual people can still be taught the values of acceptance of sexuality, even if they don’t want to have sex themselves. This is a question that ultimately only you can answer. Other people may be sex-indifferent (without strong feelings either way) or sex-favorable (willing to have sex with a partner in some conditions). Allosexual/Sexual Person-A person who experiences sexual … Some people may come to the conclusion that they’re asexual after trying out sex, but that doesn’t make them any more or less asexual than people who haven’t tried it. Tell them it’s okay to be who they are. It isn’t a defect to be fixed, or something we can work to change. Asexuality and sexuality are not necessarily black and white. Others may want to have sex in order to have children, to satisfy curiosity, or for a variety of other reasons – just not the same intrinsic reasons that the majority of people have. Most people who specify a romantic orientation do so like we do with sexual orientations: hetero-, homo-, bi-, pan-, or aromantic (people who don’t experience romantic attraction or desires). Just like with all orientations, there are asexual people who have experienced trauma, and asexual people who haven’t. Are asexual people more (intelligent/responsible/moral/etc) than sexual people? For sexual people, it’s usually just a matter of getting over those awkward first experiences before they’re familiar and comfortable with sex and their sexuality that drives them. These are the FAQs from the AVEN front page, edit and improve them here. In general, sex is a natural part of existence for most people. It may be considered a sexual orientation or the lack thereof. People who normally do not experience sexual attraction but sometimes do experience it, experience sexual attraction but have a low sex drive, enjoy and … While asexuality is a sexual orientation, conditions like Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorders (HSDD) affect people who are sexual but may be facing difficulties with their sex drives. The idea of being “more asexual than others” is questionable. Sexual orientation: An identity or label typically based on the gendered direction of sexual attraction, or the lack thereof. I’d be fine never living through that, personally, and you probably would be too. Acknowledge that asexuality is a valid orientation. Where does that fit in with my sexual orientation? Non, les abstinents se privent de relations sexuelles, alors que les asexuels n'en ressentent pas le besoin. The asexual community is open to helping people who may be in a stage of questioning their orientation, or just still making sense of themselves. I've only really been attracted to about three people my entire life, but when I was I wanted to have sex with them. heterosexual = sexually attracted to the opposite gender), asexual people simply don’t experience the “sexual” part. Some asexual people, like people of all orientations, may have experienced past trauma or have mental health concerns, but those are not necessarily linked to their asexuality. This category is also often simply referred to as “sexual”. Love doesn’t equal sex. Note: if you’re experiencing a lack of sexual desire that is causing personal distress, you may want to consult with a medical professional. (Note: the spelling of gray/grey may vary by country.). Reading this FAQ and the rest of the material on this site may help you decide whether or not you’re asexual. Or, find us at Penington Institute, 95 Drummond Street, Carlton, VIC, 3053 Penington Institute ABN: 23 005 070 102. Frequently Asked Questions; Community Guidelines; Contact Us; Asexual Spectrum . FAQ; Chat; Strona domowa. Asexuals with romantic orientations aren’t any less asexual than aromantic asexuals, just as asexual people who are in sexual relationships with loving partners have as much value in the community as those of us who have never had a single sexual experience. I suppose I'm not asexual, then? Many sexual people go through dry spells of low sexual attraction or desire. Nope! Asexuals are just the exception to that. If you feel like you’re holding yourself back from something, you should practice the necessary self-care to become your best self. Some asexual people feel a lot of pressure to form sexual relationships, especially if the people around them don’t realize they’re simply not sexual. This may include kinks or fetishes – activities or sensations that arouse a person sexually, but have nothing to do with wanting sex with another person. As mentioned above, asexuality is a wide spectrum and cannot be reduced to a black and white definition. Yes, as asexual people may still experience romantic attraction or desire that may be homoromantic, biromantic, or panromantic and find it useful to identify as such. … Give them the time and space they need to come to terms with their own identity. Inhoud. This is different from the choice to abstain from sex until certain criteria are met. The Basics. Monogamous sexual attraction is different from asexuality, in that monogamous sexual people still have sexual desires that they need to fulfill through their relationship. Want to get emails whenever I post? I've seen articles saying asexual people can still have a sex drive. Are you expecting the intense pleasure you hear people talk about? Argomenti Messaggi Ultimo messaggio; Annunci Comunicazioni da parte dello staff. Вам может помочь прочтение этого faq и других материалов сайта. Many people of all sexual orientations may go through periods of their lives where they’re questioning their orientations. They may identify as simply gray, graysexual, gray-asexual, or gray-a. Some people may experience clear shifts in sexual orientation, and it’s up to them to determine how they identify based on what label works best. It is encouraged that you explore this with other people who may be able to provide insight. Because asexual people can still experience romantic attraction, many of them split their orientation into sexual and romantic components. We are happy to help and provide support to folks from all walks of life who have questions about asexuality or identify under the asexual umbrella. Asexuality is a sexual orientation defined by a lack of sexual attraction or intrinsic desire for partnered sex. If you don’t feel sexually attracted to people or have an intrinsic desire to have sex with other people, that’s separate from the things you watch or read. Asexual: Someone who does not experience sexual attraction or an intrinsic desire to have sexual relationships (or the adjective describing a person as such). I used to experience sexual attraction. Respect their privacy. If you’re feeling alienated from other people, there are growing asexual communities both in person and online that you can reach out to for support and acceptance. If you’re thinking that asexual might describe you, why not come on over and visit the Asexuality Visibility and Education Network ( Only you can know if you’re asexual or not, but we can give you starting points to examine this. Le Vrai/Faux... pour les mito ! What if they turn out unhappy or alone? Do you want it to be an amazing shared expression of love with your partner? Many asexual people have the same concerns, which is why semi-anonymous online environments like the AVEN forums have helped so many. Asexual people are just as diverse in other areas as sexual people are, whether that is in areas of intelligence, morality, athleticism, sociability, or any other type of trait. What's wrong with me? It’s important to remember that asexuality is an umbrella term, and exists on a spectrum. Should we tell the family/neighbours/teachers/etc.? For example, heterosexual women might think other women are beautiful/sexy/attractive without experiencing sexual attraction towards other women. Messaggio da Jess9 » dom mag 16, 2021 8:22 pm. Bienvenida. Jess9 Junior Messaggi: 23 Iscritto il: sab mag 01, 2021 2:10 pm Orientamento: etero demisex romantica Genere: F Località: Emilia Romagna. I'm so glad I found this community. Some asexuals who masturbate do not have a sex drive motivating them, but they just do it because it feels nice or relieves stress. Regulamin. AVEN as an organization strongly believes in collaboration and support with LGBT+ groups, but it is up to the individual to determine if they identify as “queer” or part of the LGBT+ population. So many of us have gone through the same thing, and we’re happy to impart our wisdom on the people in need of support. (Note: sexual attraction does not need to be based on appearance, and can also develop gradually over time.). The Asexual Visibility & Education Network. I'm perfectly happy just having close friends. Regulamin SEA. REGULAMIN Wpisy łamiące regulamin podlegają kontroli administratorów - … Some people are okay with sex within relationships in spite of this, some people don’t feel strongly about sex at all, and some people are repulsed by sex – any of these are fine, and found within the asexual community. What will other people think? For example, a homoromantic asexual may still call themselves gay. Do you think it's caused by sexual abuse/repressed homosexuality/another psychological issue? Aven-fr est le réseau d'entraide des asexuels francophones qui vise à étendre la visibilité et l'information sur l'asexualité There are a number of reasons people have stated for participating in these communities: to learn about asexuality, to learn about themselves, to connect with similar people, and many more. It’s simply who we are. Be patient with people. Asexuals do not get horny toward other people, they would feel completely satisfied if they never shared a single sexual experience for the rest of their lives. asexual; attraction; … Even if you do identify as asexual and later find that person who sparks your sexuality, that’s fine! Their FAQ is full of interesting information! I'm only really attracted to people after I get to know them. For asexual people, though, this isn't directed at other people. Fluidity in sexual orientation is a subject of debate, with varying opinions. If you don’t experiences crushes or desire for romantic relationship, you may be aromantic. Additionally, many asexual people have very positive and supportive views of sexuality in general. Vrai. In fact, many people come to discover they’re asexual after attempting “normal” sexual relationships that don’t pan out. You shouldn’t keep yourself in denial just in case you’re wrong. Asexuals are generally very different from one another: some experience romantic attraction, some don't. FAQ; T'chat; Site; Accueil. That being said, if you have a difficult time being intimate with people and are unhappy as a result, then it is probably a good idea to seek some sort of counseling. 1 Wat is aseksualiteit precies? I don't have crushes on people. If sex makes their partner feel loved, then some asexuals may wish to take part in consensual sex acts if only because they desire their partner’s happiness. Sexual people may have many reasons to choose to be celibate – religious or moral reasons, negative experiences, personal discipline, or waiting for a long-term committed relationship. Asexual people simply don’t experience the intrinsic desire for sex with other people, even if you love the person and feel deeply attracted to them in romantic or aesthetic ways. Between romanticism and aromanticism inherently superior to terms with their own FAQ that could be. Your definition of asexuality in general everyone knows exactly who or what they are from an early age a or! Academics have referred to as “ sexual ” and later find that person who sparks your sexuality that. Romantic orientations, not just asexuality point of asexuality, per se views sexuality... Of Visibility and Education, as well as differences means I 'm completely asexual 's horrible the! Mean my child/relative/friend have an opinion that disapproves of sexuality make you feel like you ’ re yourself... 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