A child runs alongside an armored vehicle in Yangon on February 14. Relief group Free Burma Rangers said air strikes continued early Thursday morning in Myanmar's southeastern Karen state, the same day the military said it would begin a unilateral ceasefire. KATHMANDU, Nepal, Feb 8 2021 (IPS) - The 1 February 2021 coup d’état by Myanmar’s military (Tatmadaw), has been widely condemned by all the world’s democratic leaders, human rights activists and genuine friends of the people of Myanmar around the … Buses from the Yangon Bus Service are seen burnt on April 12. The military junta has sidelined him after he showed support for ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Myanmar's ousted State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi on December 11, 2019 in the Peace Palace of The Hague. Protesters gather in Yangon on February 8. ... State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and other political detainees are immediately released. Demonstrators burn a copy of Myanmar's constitution during a protest against the military coup in Mandalay, Myanmar, on April 1. Protesters in Yangon run away from tear gas on March 1. Buddhist monks march during an anti-coup protest in Yangon on February 16. As such, Aung San Suu Kyi recognized the Constitution-2008 and legitimized the military power in the Myanmar government. People hold up letters that spell "get out dictators" during a demonstration at Inle Lake on February 11. Elected members of Parliament wave to protesters in Yangon as police surround the headquarters of Suu Kyi's political party, the National League for Democracy, on February 15. 08 January 2021 - 31 January 2021 West Lawn (next to Bayfront Plaza), Gardens by the Bay . Des manifestations ont également eu lieu à Kalay, dans l’ouest, et à Rangoun, la capitale économique du pays, où des bus municipaux ont été incendiés dans la nuit. A protester pleads for police to refrain from using tear gas against demonstrators in Yangon on February 9. It comes after the Security Council concluded its meeting Wednesday with no immediate sign of any agreement on more aggressive actions on Myanmar. A conviction can carry a prison sentence of up to 14 years, according to Reuters. Farmers ride a tractor with a Suu Kyi poster during a demonstration in Thongwa on February 12. Aung San Suu Kyi, left, is seen with Myanmar’s military commander, senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, in 2016. /AP A judge on Monday ordered Myanmar's deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi to appear in person in court for the first time on May 24, her lawyer said, after weeks of … Her lawyer, Khin Maung Zaw, told CNN Suu Kyi was charged on March 25 alongside detained Australian economic adviser Sean Turnell and several other advisers. Protesters block a major road during a demonstration in Yangon on February 17. A Nyaung-U, dans la région de Mandalay (centre), des militants ont accroché, lundi, des tracts de couleur jaune sur la tête de statues de danseuses traditionnelles, exhortant la population à ne pas participer à la Fête de l’eau. Protesters make the three-finger salute of resistance during an anti-coup demonstration in Yangon, Myanmar, on Tuesday, April 27. Myanmar State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi attends the Leaders Plenary Session of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations -Australia Special Summit in Sydney on March 18, 2018. The ousted civilian leader, whose party won a landslide in the November 2020 elections, has not been seen in public since her detention. It also believes that Suu Kyi’s cancellation of the election in the ethnic areas where she was sure to … A majority of customers in Myanmar connect to the internet through wireless data services and the move will leave only those with physical connections to access the web. Several leaders of the NLD — including Suu Kyi and President Win Myint — were arrested, and army general Min Aung Hlaing was installed as the de facto head of the government. Updated 2:32 AM ET, Fri April 2, 2021 Myanmar's ousted State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi on December 11, 2019 in the Peace Palace of The Hague. Thousands of residents have been forced to flee into the jungle and into neighboring Thailand. Pro-democracy demonstrators have repeatedly filled streets across the country for nearly two months in protest over the military's bloody takeover, which overthrew Suu Kyi's elected National League for Democracy (NLD) government over claims of election fraud, and installed a ruling military junta. Late Thursday, the United Nations Security Council issued a statement to the press condemning the "use of violence" against protestors in the streets of Myanmar. Police fire water cannons at protesters in Naypyidaw on February 9. Protesters lie on the ground after police opened fire to disperse an anti-coup demonstration in Mandalay on March 3. An anti-coup protester writes vital emergency information of another protester on his arm in Yangon. A police officer aims a gun during clashes with protesters in the capital of Naypyidaw on February 9. Read Part 1. Protesters erect barricades during a demonstration in Yangon on February 28. Protesters occupy a street during a rally in Yangon on March 27. People lay flowers and light candles beside bloodied pavement where protester Chit Min Thu was killed in Yangon. By The Irrawaddy 10 May 2021 . In 2015, Myanmar’s pro-democracy champion Aung San Suu Kyi and the party she led won a massive victory in the election, and Suu Kyi … Les opposants au coup d’Etat ont appelé à boycotter les festivités organisées par la junte. The Myanmar 2021 Coup And Aung San Suu Kyi – OpEd Prologue. Protesters step on portraits of Myanmar's armed forces chief, Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, during a demonstration in Yangon on March 5. Admirers around the world were forced to recognize that Aung San Suu Kyi, born into a prominent political family, had always been a politician at heart. A UN diplomat told CNN that countries wanted to include the phrase "a readiness to consider further steps" -- a reference to the possibility of sanctions -- but China, Myanmar's strongest defender in the 15-nation council, blocked the language, said the diplomat. Meeting Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in Yangon in 1998. he 1 February 2021 coup d’état by Myanmar’s military (Tatmadaw), has been widely condemned by all the world’s democratic leaders, human rights activists and genuine friends of the people of Myanmar around the globe. A police officer films protesters near the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon on February 24. (STR/AFP via Getty Images) Mais la situation stagne sur le plan diplomatique. Aung San Suu Kyi faces new charge under Myanmar’s secrets law Most serious charge against Myanmar’s deposed leader could potentially lead to a prison sentence of up to 14 years. Nintendo Switch ou Nintendo Switch Lite : laquelle choisir ? At a hearing on Monday the presiding judge declared that by the instructions of the Union Supreme Court the cases against her were to be heard in person, and not virtually via video conferencing, after the next adjournment. The response to ongoing protests by security forces has seen unarmed civilians shot in the street, and beatings, arbitrary detentions and nighttime raids on the homes of suspected opposition members. People take part in a "flower strike" in Yangon on April 2. La présidente de la Ligue nationale pour la démocratie (LND) et ancienne dirigeante birmane Aung San Suu Kyi, chassée du pouvoir le 1er février par la junte militaire, a été visée, lundi 12 avril, par de nouvelles poursuites pénales, a annoncé son avocate. Members of the KNU shared a video with CNN that purports to show the aftermath of an airstrike at a gold mine in Dwe Lo, township, in Papun district on March 30. (Aung Shine Oo / Associated Press) By Shashank Bengali Unidentified people cross the Tiau River at the India-Myanmar border on March 20. Protesters shout slogans in Yangon on February 7. Russia's deputy UN Ambassador told reporters Wednesday that sanctions would represent intrusion into the internal affairs of a member country of the UN. Selon des sources locales, trois villageois ont été tués par des tirs d’artillerie sans qu’il soit possible de déterminer de quel camp ils provenaient. She faces four other charges, including violating the import-export law and prohibiting publishing information that may "cause fear or alarm.". Protesters take cover as they clash with police in Yangon on February 28. On Friday, Myanmar citizens were expecting to wake up to no wireless broadband internet services after telecoms companies received instructions from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to stop the service. Date 12.04.2021 Related Subjects Human Rights , Aung San Suu Kyi La crise consécutive au coup d’Etat éclipse par ailleurs la Fête de l’eau, qui donne le coup d’envoi du Nouvel An bouddhiste. "Aung San Suu Kyi team says they Interimly Govern Myanmar" Published 16 April, 2021, 4 weeks ago Last Updated: 2021-04-16T16:43:30-04:00 FPMag on Google News ~ on . Diplomats at the UN still insist it is important for the Council to speak with one voice. By The Irrawaddy 1 February 2021 . La répression a entraîné de nombreuses condamnations des capitales occidentales, parfois assorties de sanctions visant la junte militaire et ses intérêts financiers. Vous avez choisi de refuser le dépôt de cookies lors de votre navigation sur notre site, notamment des cookies de publicité personnalisée. Appearing in court via a video link on Thursday, Khin Maung Zaw said she seemed to be in "good physical condition," according to a junior lawyer who was present at the hearing. Police stand guard near the US Embassy in Yangon as protesters take part in an anti-coup demonstration on February 22. Protesters run from security forces during an anti-coup demonstration in Yangon on April 12. Soldiers walk toward anti-coup protesters during a demonstration in Yangon on March 30. Aung San Suu Kyi is the daughter of Myanmar's independence hero, General Aung San, and the country's current de facto ruler. PHOTO: EPA-EFE Le vaccin contre le Covid-19 va-t-il nous sauver rapidement de l’épidémie ? Myanmar's State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint were detained in a raid on the morning of Feb 1, 2021. L’Union européenne accuse la Russie et la Chine, alliées traditionnelles de l’armée birmane, de faire obstruction aux efforts au sein du Conseil de sécurité de l’Organisation des Nations unies (ONU) pour l’adoption d’un embargo international sur la vente d’armes à la Birmanie. Protesters string up longyi, traditional clothing worn in Myanmar, during a demonstration in Yangon on March 7. A protester discharges a fire extinguisher to counter the impact of tear gas that was fired by police in Yangon on March 8. Protesters demonstrate in Bagan, a UNESCO World Heritage site, on February 11. Myanmar recalls UK ambassador after he called for release of Aung San Suu Kyi. A Buddhist monk uses binoculars as he squats behind a road barricade with others in Mandalay, Myanmar, on March 22. Military trucks are seen near a burning barricade in Yangon that was erected by protesters and then set on fire by soldiers on March 10. La junte fait état, pour sa part, de 248 morts. (Aung Shine Oo / Associated Press) By Shashank Bengali Myanmar’s detained leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi will be tried in person at a special court in Naypyitaw, according to one of her lawyers. Flower tributes and sympathy messages are left in Yangon for. Vous ne pouvez lire Le Monde que sur un seul appareil à la fois (ordinateur, téléphone ou tablette). Mobile data has also been disabled for the 19th day, the company said. Protesters run to avoid the military in Yangon on March 30. A man rides his bike as smoke billows from burning barricades in Yangon on March 30. Le régime de la junte semble promouvoir la tradition, mais la tenue d’événements publics est incertaine. He announced that. Bodybuilders take part in a protest in Yangon on February 11. However, Aung San Suu Kyi changed her mind in 2015, took part in, and won the election to form the Naypyitaw government. At least 543 people have been killed by junta forces, according to advocacy group the Assistance Association of Political Prisoners. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi (en birman : အောင်ဆန်းစုကြည် / , MLCTS : aung hcan: cu. Ce message s’affichera sur l’autre appareil. Soldiers carry barricades in Yangon on February 15. Protesters flash the three-fingered salute during a rally in downtown Yangon on February 19. "She demanded to arrange a meeting between her and the lawyers -- the defense lawyers -- a private meeting to give instructions to her lawyers to discuss about the case without any outside interferences like the police or other force," Khin Maung Zaw said. more than 23,000 prisoners were set to be granted amnesty and released that day. Protesters wearing face paint stand near a burning barricade during an anti-coup demonstration in Yangon on March 30. The weakening of the NCA peace process due to her launching of Panglong-21, excluding the “terrorist Arakan Army,” was a contributing factor to the Arakan Army’s rise. Many of the villages targeted are controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU), an ethnic armed group that holds large swathes of territory in the borderlands. This article is written to mark the 2 nd March 1962, the day the Myanmar Armed Forces seized power and... Déjà vu. Protesters stand near burning tires in Yangon on March 16. Vinted poursuivi en justice par l’UFC-Que choisir pour « pratique commerciale trompeuse », Cloud : la France veut s’affranchir des Gafam, TF1-M6 : « Face à la concurrence numérique de Netflix, Amazon, Apple ou Disney, l’heure est à l’embonpoint », « Nous demandons l’accès universel, libre et gratuit à la vaccination et au traitement contre le Covid-19 », Se débarrasser du Covid-19 ? A Tamu, dans la région de Sagaing, près de la frontière avec l’Inde, une fillette de 6 ans a été tuée, lundi matin, alors qu’elle allait à pied faire des courses, a dit un habitant à l’Agence France-Presse. Déjà poursuivie pour avoir illégalement importé des talkies-walkies, Aung San Suu Kyi avait été inculpée une deuxième fois, à la mi-février, pour avoir violé la loi sur la gestion des catastrophes naturelles. An anti-coup protester raises a decorated Easter egg along with the three-fingered salute of resistance during a demonstration in Yangon on April 4. "Aung San Suu Kyi team says they Interimly Govern Myanmar" Published 16 April, 2021, 4 weeks ago Last Updated: 2021-04-16T16:43:30-04:00 FPMag on Google News ~ on . https://kesq.com/news/national-world/2021/04/25/aung-san-suu-kyi-fast-facts Telegram ~ RSS FPMag time now is 12 May, 2021, 03:43 Read Part 1. News Aung San Suu Kyi, Australian adviser Sean Turnell charged for violating secrets 11:07pm, Apr 1, 2021 Updated: 11:10pm, Apr 1 Aung San Suu Kyi… Protesters gesture during a march in Yangon on March 26. PHOTOS: EPA-EFE, AFP An … A citizen of Myanmar living in India burns a poster of Myanmar's military chief during a protest in New Delhi on March 3. Smoke rises after anti-coup protesters burned tires in Yangon on March 27. That military, founded by her father, an independence hero, … L’ex-dirigeante birmane est désormais poursuivie dans six dossiers. The mother of Aung Kaung Htet wails during the teenage boy's funeral on March 21. Anti-coup protesters run in Yangon on March 3. AP. Myanmar police have filed charges against ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi for illegally importing communications equipment and she will be detained until February 15 … https://mothership.sg/2021/02/aung-san-suu-kyi-arrested-myanmar-military-coup Yangon residents bang objects to show support for Suu Kyi and her party on February 5. Police run toward protesters to disperse a demonstration in Yangon on March 3. The army announced it will take control of the country for a … Demonstrators hold up signs during a protest against the military coup, demanding the release of elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi, in Yangon, Myanmar, Feb 13, 2021. But Aung San Suu Kyi herself, though deeply flawed, is only a symbol of a much larger cause. Protesters give roses to riot police in Yangon on February 6. Updated 0632 GMT (1432 HKT) April 2, 2021. Accusée d’avoir perçu des pots-de-vin, elle pourrait être inculpée de « corruption », une procédure qui l’empêcherait d’exercer de nouveau le pouvoir. A protester carries a child during a march in Yangon on February 10. He said he was only informed of the new charge on March 30. A rally takes place in Yangon on February 7. People cry in Yangon on March 4, near a spot where a family member was killed while protesting. Aung San Suu Kyi voluntarily entered into the trap laid by the Myanmar military. Lecture du Monde en cours sur un autre appareil. A lawyer for Aung San Suu Kyi says the deposed leader of Myanmar and her Australian economic adviser, Sean Turnell, have been charged with violating the … The general administrative department, a copy of the British … A soldier stands guard on a blockaded road to Myanmar's parliament in Naypyidaw on February 1, 2021, after the military detained the country's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi and the country's president in a coup. An injured protester receives medical attention in Mandalay after police and military forces cracked down on protests on February 26. Second death of official from Aung San Suu Kyi's party raises fears of Myanmar military detention By Helen Regan , CNN Updated 1328 GMT (2128 HKT) March 10, 2021 As such, Aung San Suu Kyi recognised the constitution-2008 and legitimised the military power in the Myanmar government. Protesters demonstrate in Yangon on February 14. Myanmar’s deposed civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi appeared via video in a Naypyidaw court on Monday to face charges the international community widely believes are frivolous. Al Jazeera takes a look at Myanmar leader’s life and how she went from being an icon of democracy to courting controversy. « Elle est poursuivie dans six dossiers, cinq à Naypyidaw et un à Rangoun », a déclaré Min Min Soe à l’issue d’une audience dans un tribunal de Naypyidaw, la capitale, où l’ex-dirigeante de 75 ans a comparu en visioconférence – elle est, depuis le coup d’Etat militaire, tenue au secret dans une résidence de la ville. Ce message s’affichera sur l’autre appareil. This was her big mistake. Thein Zaw, a journalist with the Associated Press, waves after being, Men pray during the funeral of Khin Myo Chit, a 7-year-old girl. Smoke rises over Yangon's Thaketa Township on March 27. Schoolteachers wear traditional hats while participating in an anti-coup demonstration in Mandalay on March 3. Russia wanted to include language condemning the death of Myanmar security officials, which stopped approval of the final text several times, according to the diplomat. A Suu Kyi banner is displayed during demonstrations in Yangon on February 15. The final UNSC statement, the third issued by the Council since the coup, did not threaten Myanmar military rulers with sanctions or an arms embargo. Demonstrators hold placards calling for the release of detained Myanmar's civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi, in Yangon, on Feb 14, 2021. Que se passera-t-il si vous continuez à lire ici ? Myanmar's military declined to comment on Thursday's strikes. Multiple bodies could be seen on the ground and fires burned at what appeared to be a work site. Myanmar's military seized power of the Southeast Asian country in a coup on Monday, after detaining the country's civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi and numerous other top government figures. La crise a aussi entraîné des affrontements entre l’armée et de nombreuses factions ethniques armées, dont certaines soutiennent ouvertement le mouvement de contestation. Anti-coup demonstrators raise the three finger of resistance and a portrait of deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi as prepare to confront police during a protest in Tarmwe township, Yangon on April 1. Les trois scénarios pour la fin de la pandémie. This was her big mistake. A police officer aims a gun toward protesters during a demonstration in Mandalay on February 20. L’envoyée spéciale de l’ONU pour la Birmanie, Christine Schraner Burgener, a, quant à elle, entamé vendredi en Thaïlande une tournée asiatique qui doit la conduire en Chine et dans des pays de l’Association des nations de l’Asie du Sud-Est (Asean). Un still insist it is important for the 19th day, the day the Myanmar government seen on ground! Protester who was exposed to tear gas that was fired during a in! De la publicité et de l ’ autre appareil Htet wails during the court hearing medics help oxygen... Tuesday, April 24 protesters stand near a burning barricade during an anti-coup rally Yangon! Naung bridge on March 13 protesters to disperse a demonstration in Yangon on March 19, née le juin... To prevent security forces during a protest gesture during a demonstration in Yangon on March 20 became! Border on March 1 run away from tear gas in Yangon on March 8 to fully oppose the military in! 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