Thanks for your comment and valid point I guess there is a big vague area about full-stack. This is the best best idea list I have seen yet! Ok. I love all your articles Chris... keep up the great work! Front End - content checker for common errors. Frontend is fragmented today so I assumed that frontend is sum of it all (styling, JS and API consuming), but doesn't have to be - that's probably where my comment came from. Any suggestions welcome. Using this as a guideline, the web app would list standard rooms with ability to add more rooms. Heroku. I'm going to list off some ideas for projects. Made by: Tim Smith Previously: postgreSQL-playground ~ A place to test database design and commands Here are some of our projects, check it out: All works . Layout sketch of the page (MS Paint is ok). Another piece of advice for those who are design challenged. Can be simple or advanced. Simplest example would be author > editor with the object being passed is an article. That usually includes creating an efficient data model, the relationships between the different models, efficient storage mechanisms, and proper SQL usage. Trying to focus on back end projects overall. We use all popular instruments for design and development: All tools . If building your own blog is not your vibe, give hashnode a try! Yes, there is a list of skills and projects that he has worked on. Ok. Project: Portfolio Backend (My Portfolio) My portfolio has a simple backend for users so submit contact forms. I found this statement very powerful and maybe more true than using the term full stack. Thank you . It must have a CTA (call to action) and preferably a secondary CTA. You can find out more about me, have a look at some things I've built. SVG Floor Plan - Front end, but use SVG to create a floor plan layout type application. Ability to date the collection is important. Upload the code itself? Build a Clone Website. Projects like that should definitely be part of a full-stack developer's portfolio. GistList - Frontend and simple. Some are way too advanced while others are simplistic. Show the world that you know how to ship modern, working digital projects. Include titles,positions, elected or appointed positions etc. I'm going to be honest, not my favorite mobile game. But today because of this blog post you will find five full-stack projects you can add to your portfolio before the end of 2020! Thanks for sharing.. No more than 1/4 of the page may be technical specifications. Screenshots of the interface? Nevertheless cool list and you can learn a lot about frontend from the list. Most of the examples you mention here a very frontend heavy so I wouldn't really call them "full-stack". Project Ideas. Emily Ridge What we use. HTML Practice - Follow this google search link - Search for Project Reporting Form , pick one or more forms and implement as HTML. Codepen/JSFiddle to Github/BitBucket - Automate the process of moving a code example from the 'live editors' to a source code control repo. 1/4,1/2,3/4,4/4 or full size. Create a system like github's Gist which allows a user to create a page from markdown syntax. It must be responsive. Use different front end frameworks and use different themes for those frameworks to provide appealing designs without looking like yet another bootstrap site. You will have to determine if any particular idea is good enough to include in a portfolio. It can offer a WebUI and an API endpoint to shorten a URL. Indeed it's always good to build projects for yourself that is a hype at the moment. SQL - create a sandwich database schema. 3. 4. DEV Community © 2016 - 2021. This tutorial can be found on pusher Instagram Clone and does not include the back-end side, BUT with some googling, you'll make that work (Firebase ). It's always good to re-create something just to understand the work that goes in certain websites and applications. Or let users select their own schedule. Local Government Data Model - Did not see this particular data model on I totally get your point, but it depends where you come from. It’s simple — build a Web Developer portfolio. I'm here looking for ways on how to become a full stack frontend developer without the backend for now. A platform engineer would be someone actually using propper databases and design a solid system. Make sure that the addresses are stored properly, making sure uniqueness is respected, and that it can handle collisions. Still good for people who want to start their journeys as full stack devs. Also lets not throw away your skills to deploy your application, it can be either a VM or a bare metal server or a docker image. Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use. You can find this on the Strapi blog and it's very extensive! Alternate idea is to use blank meme images and let them add their own text to it (numerous sites exist for this). Made with love and Ruby on Rails. This project is perfect for getting started with React and showing you how to work ... 2. Does not require a user system. As a single user application they would not be much better than a 'to do list' application. A backend and sofware developer building delightfully awesome things. This is list of projects that are based on frontend skills., PetFinder Widget - Take the data from the PetFinder API and provide either a service or script that allows other site owners to insert it into their websites. Travis. If you pick an advanced idea, setup a development roadmap and follow it. Working through user auth right now, it is the most complex thing I’ve done so far on the back end. Backend skills: ⭐⭐⭐ 0 comments. So if there is no authentication, authorization, database communication, creation of API, implementing GraphQL resolvers (which are optional) then we can't call this list of full-stack projects. For the first you need quotes and images , here's a gist free stock image sites. Build some Data Models - People of importance or historical, whichever you like. Tim Smith . Good practice though. Can read about it here : . DEV Community – A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. My "full stack" would be the UX design first and then the UI development and maybe any other logic that is required for the UI. Could also be used to build your portfolio. Gatsby is a fantastic React-based framework, and a lot of people are building blogs based on it. Database Model/Schema - Go to, pick a model and convert it to MySQL. These projects can be particularly useful for self-taught developers who’ve focused more on practical skills than comp sci fundamentals. Should have something that works with Google Maps but outside of standard 'you are here' and 'mcdonalds is there' type stuff, I don't have any ideas. Wow, thank you so much, it makes a huge difference depending on where your coming from, if your really good at front-end these might be too simple, but still full-stack considering you'll be able to create a fully working product. Jack belongs to Russia and is another full-stack web developer. That's another great way of becoming better at design, it just has less helping handles which can be a good thing if you know what you are doing. Nevertheless yes these are easier beginner front end with simple database solution projects. Hey patricio, Scope is a major cost factor for every project, especially when it comes to back-end development. Like PDFs, Word Docs, whatever. Application - create order system for a sandwich shop. Tech/frameworks/packages. We strive for transparency and don't collect excess data. Unlike backend development, here you don’t have to perform any computations on the server-side. ###Front End - CSS - Skill Level medium-low. Time API - One more from FCC : make this available as an API and add options like setting the Time Zone. Can make it file based, database, or a light database like sqlite. Built on Forem — the open source software that powers DEV and other inclusive communities. But some of these are front end related. You can find this one, and many more on her YouTube channel Build your own Candy Crush. Simple Property Rentals - Application for single user to offer rental properties. The next idea for the project to your coding portfolio is a blog. Some are way too advanced while others are simplistic. If you have no experience this is a good step up to full-stack These aren't creative ideas. Design. Drag And Drop Newsletter Builder - This tutorial : lacks a back end for storing newsletters. Procrastination, we've all dealt with it. You can start by creating the components to display the blog posts, one to display them as a grid and the other component to display the whole post, with a title, image, and text. for the API docs and could use vue.js for filtering using this intro to vue.js :, File Directory - Provide an admin user with the ability to upload files for the public. Close. His finished website has a basic layout and showcases all of his work experience on the homepage, which makes for easy access and viewing. Flexbox would be preferred method (until grid is supported by more browsers). You can do a lot with firebase, i like it and use it here and there, but that ain't no backend. Some of these are going to require a user system of some type. To write a good backend with apt security, you must use a framework such as Node.js, Django, Laravel, etc. Grid does not have to be nest-able. Anna Danilec Anna Danilec is graduated in Business Management. A wisely designed backend solution guarantees project scalability and data security. The whole infrastructure had 2 VPN servers located in Amsterdam and Singapore, billing system located in Toronto and payment system in Singapore. Though I have some side projects of my own it's always good to find new challenges to improve skills. Concept has potential for adding features over time and should demonstrate CSS knowledge and javascript skill. When they follow these tutorials and make clones with nothing unique, I wonder how much they did and how much was just following the tutorial. Why you should apply. This is a great little feature to incorporate if you have several different types of projects to add to your portfolio. Many companies will think oh wow they person already build what we are looking for. This is mostly because I've found it to be a little easier to start and finish my ideas. These projects are suited for engineers trying to beef up their computer science fundamentals. Can do, but might be a big mix of back-end systems. React movie search app . RSS Picker - Use an RSS library like SimplePie and provide the ability to add multiple RSS feeds and let the user pick specific news items from the aggregated list. Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. They’ll help you learn more about specific aspects of computing, like file transfer and operating systems design. Idea comes from multiple threads about starter themes including unnecessary code. Locations like Museums, National Parks. Data Model sample for Events : Can find other examples of this type of process in other fields. Build a landing page for pre-orders of this PC. Frontend Development. Build a Portfolio Website. So long as you've built your portfolio website by yourself, it's perfectly fine to ... 2. Feel free to subscribe to my email newsletter and connect on Facebook or Twitter. Author submits article, editor approves or rejects it. You need to showcase you can design a good API, that you can handle data being stored, retrieved, etc. save. The plugin would let any Wordpress author post a tweet which would appear on the front of the wordpress website (or within a widget). I'm aware of that, that's why I put the "frontend" in cursives lol. Completed projects … Make sure it works for print. Have a look at the below articles for developing full-stack applications with both front-end and back-end. Yeah it depends on how it is viewed by each individual, for me Full-stack is Full stack does not matter which tech stack you use, as far as you know how to build and deploy your application. Codepen/JSFiddle w/ revision history - Clone of or jsfiddle with the ability to view different versions and most important, ability to link to versions. Build a grid system which has 4 sizes of columns. 2020 ended but I just started those project from 2021. Put it on GitHub? Your main focus must be to create a user interface layout that has a great look and feel. 5 React Projects You Need In Your Portfolio. So, no stopping you now, go ahead show us your blog! The back end of applications can look very different from application to application, whether it’s the use of cloud-based servers and data warehouses, … This is the advanced search/filter functionality available on many sites. For an in-depth look at the software that ties it all together, read Server-Side Scripting: Back-End Web Development Technology. I totally get your point, About us. Possible 'objects' could be Dog Breeds, any type of pet, plants, flowers etc. Backend portfolio projects. So let's make a graphical Instagram clone. GIST Clone - Requires user system(single would work). Production: portfolio-production ~ Where optimized frontend and backend projects are combined and served with different routes and middleware. Coveralls. oAuth Login - Recommend this one because it can replace a user system in some of these examples. 5 full-stack projects to add to your portfolio before 2020 ends . On papper some of these would qualify, seeing a frontender could connect his frontend too a serverless solution and call it full stack. Consider if responsive the form could be placed in a fixed width container for display which would allow for full paper size printing. I may do the candy crush on this week. This way once can add cool project to their portfolio, and most importantly a useful idea comes to life. In this article, you will find 25 top Django project ideas for beginners to get hands-on experience on Django. I see your point and I agree for the Strapi (great tool btw) article. You will have to determine if any particular idea is good enough to include in a portfolio. hide. A quick example could be to create a URL shortener. And React! I will recommend to post any project you make to github and make a github project page for it. Who doesn't love movies? Below you'll find 5 projects for each of the tiers (15 in total), but there are over 30 projects (at the moment) in this GitHub repository . Instead of interfacing with a 3rd party, make it search a defined path on the local file system. Create a wordpress theme which only has the page template. You can find this tutorial on freecodecamp Building a Gatsby blog. Advanced - Developers who have all of the above, and are learning more advanced techniques like implementing BackEnd applications and Database services. Movies could come from an API like The Movie Database ( RESTful API - use the same list from the CRUD sites but make it available as an API. Let one user define the schedule for others. Could be a long term project. I think you will come up with better ideas than these, but the principle is simple, find something that takes you time, and have a machine do it. Create CRUD app for the schema. Can use images and copy from Start with basic CRUD for movies and add features. report. Here, you can first concentrate on the outlook of the application which means how it looks and how are the sample projects working out. Workflow Application - Design a system which requires interaction between users. Such designs can be found as follows: Can develop it so it has modes which run different checks beyond the basic word check. Scott Spence wrote a fantastic full-blown tutorial on how to get started building your own blog on Gatsby. Includes scripts and components that automatically generate content from photo folders, JSON files, and a back end interface. Photo by Joshua Aragon / Unsplash. Faceted Search/Navigation. If you already have experience/job in the field, it's more front-end. Trust me, I've been there and so has everyone in the tech business. You can use project #2 as the front-end template of this project. NPM/Yarn. The “traditional” back end is a mix of the server, databases, APIs, and operating systems that power an app’s front end. If you do too, this project is your thing to tackle. 9 React.js projects for beginners, that will help you to build an amazing portfolio and get hired. Image upload and browsing of photos. The first step to determining the cost to hire a back-end web developer will be to define your needs. The closest they get to something related to the backend is using GraphQL. The article which includes Strapi, can be considered "full-stack" depending on the company, the people who benefit from this article are mainly junior/starting people, keep in mind they need to start somewhere and will most likely not get recruited by a Google on the first try. I made a post about portfolio project ideas , which includes mostly back end projects.Now these aren't world beaters but a collection of ideas. Could add ability to sort or filter. 16. This project is perfect for getting started with React and showing you how to work with API's and Styled components. Forgot to add links to public APIs which could provide more ideas and/or data sources. Full-stack generally means back and frontend you will be a frontend developer then ;), This one is then really good to do: Note full size does not mean full width of the viewport so add a class to handle it. Instagram clone in Ionic . Projects. How do back-end developers build a portfolio? Explain in as much detail as possible how you made it, how it can be improved etc. This idea mimics what ESPN has setup for its authors. Can use as a starting point with people and citizen data models : , I was looking for projects to clone it, and i found my happiness in this huge article. Standard sandwiches offered plus ability to add/remove ingredients and special instructions. Production Cors; Coveralls; Debug; Dotenv; Express 9. Ania's projects are so much fun! His website has a simple layout with all his work experiences listed on the homepage for easy viewing. A full-stack web developer out of Russia, Jack Tomaszewski handles both the front and back-end components of website design, as his web developer portfolio clearly demonstrates. Would be a great topic too investegate when we can call it full-stack. ... One misconception that I had when starting to build real applications like these was that I had to build an entire backend / API with Node or Python to get the functionality I needed. And React! ‍⚡️, Create a Full Stack Banking Application using React, Build a Full Stack App using GraphQL as a Backend API, Build An Amazing Application Using React and Node together, Create a Photo Gallery App Using the MERN Stack, Create an enquiry form in React and send email using Nodejs, Build an amazing Job Search App using React, Angular dynamically change form validators, JavaScript Creating and removing elements. Awesome, UX is a amazing field, I wish I was more skilled in. Simple CRUD sites - Create, Read,Update,Delete (read includes list). With you every step of your journey. UI would present the list of rooms with a file upload control and thumbnails of existing images. Next.js Strapi food app. Reed Barger. Database model, multiple CRUD objects and make it self hosted. I'm going to list off some ideas for projects. share. Glad you're loving my articles, will definitely keep it up, closing down on 300 already , Great! Building a blog with Gatsby . Bonus points if it's accessible programmatically. Numerous libraries exist for setting this up. The projects themselves are great, but they focus on frontend. Mario Sanchez. Cost Factor #1: Project Scope. Idea from this thread : Node. (Comparable but more useful IMO than FreeCodeCamp's File Metadata Microservice :, Image Search - FreeCodeCamp calls this Image Search Abstraction Layer which sounds complicated. Github. Andrew Chou May 1, 2018 ・1 min read. For a "full-stack" developer to really showcase their abilities, you would need to add at the very least one project that is either backend heavy, or just a full backend project. I had an interesting talk this afternoon. Mobile App Development & MySQL Projects for $15 - $25. Personally I would rather hire developers that can make something original. Backend. Here's a long list of front end frameworks : This list is out of date. That's a cool comment to receive. ’ll prefer to keep your personal cell number off the web where anyone can find it This app can reveal your personal sense of style as well. Top. But Ania does a fantastic job at creating this game in JavaScript. Thank you again :). Where a full stack would be a product dev, doesnt really matter what solutions as long as it serves the product. You can find the tutorial on freecodecamp, which is an amazing resource for projects: Movie search app. Track your favorite writers and automatically add their new articles to your reading list. Next up is Mario Sanchez. Ionic, is a hybrid mobile platform, which I adore . We are building a food ordering app using Next.js, a fantastic and powerful upcoming framework. Working on these project ideas will help you test your skills and realize where you lag. Use google for blank meme images and/or quotes. Backend portfolio projects. 5. Level of detail is up to you. A CRUD web application. Implement it on the back end and the front end if you're bored. Teach CSS Positioning - Don't have a cool name for it but the basic concept is a webpage which allows a visitor to change basic positioning rules for type (absolute,fixed,static,relative), modify additional rules like margin,padding which alter the position, and add additional content to show how it interacts with the page. 3. I write daily web development tips that help you become a more efficient developer. Another option I really like is to build the useful ideas/designs posted on Behance/Dribbble by designers. InspireMe/MemeMaker - Stand alone service to put text over images like those inspirational posters with quotes. I found this post very helpful. ScheduleMaker - This one's harder. You signed in with another tab or window. I'm glad you found it helpful. It removes all comments,archives,image handling pages. GraphQL exists on both sides so yeah, that could be it but here on the list we have just queries which also falls under frontend skill. Going to start building this to add to my resume. I also agree that this is great article for juniors and beginners. Curious what other projects would make for both a good stretching of my back end skills, and a good portfolio piece for an aspiring web developer. Use this API to build a site where users can select various schools in their area. Micro PHP Framework Web Site - Build a simple (<10page) website using a php micro framework like Slim or Silex. Back-end was rewritten to add flags and integrate the product with 3rd party payment systems. Information about the frontend of Bracket Busters can be found here: Bracket Busters Frontend. Should allow for users to add a movie, list and rank their movie selections. He handles both front and back-end components of web design, something which is visible when you take a look through his portfolio at 1. For all you beginners in programming, creating a portfolio app as your initial nodejs projects for beginners will be an apt idea. However, I recommend mixing the colors and overall layout so that is not a duplicate copy of the project above. Backend Development. 1. Implement wikidata data model into a database schema. Projects are also great for improving your portfolio and resume. The app will have two main parts: 1. Posted by 5 months ago. These aren't creative ideas. tysm! In the development process, up to 40% of efforts are made on building a flexible backend structure. Frontend is not just UI/UX aka HTML+CSS+JS but also fetching, transforming and handling data along with the requests or if you want 'consuming the API'. Portfolio App. It would be a stripped down version of a starter theme. An API-connected website. I've been doing web development for about a year now, but I've definitely focused on front-end stuff during that time. Reference wikidata Data Model :,, It's a design pattern. UI/UX Design. Being unique seems very overrated for a developer to me personally? Thank you! Weather Logger - Build the standard weather widget API project but add the ability to log the current weather data and to view historical data. Grid system should include offsets. And Strapi, which makes it easy to build API's without all the booh-hah. Try to use both PostgreSQL and MongoDB as storage backends. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In … Document it. Sure, the payment is terrible (around $4/hour), but if you are just looking for a few simple projects to start getting some positive reviews and projects in your portfolio, this seems like an easy one.The employer has 106 reviews with an average rating of 4.8. Grocery and food delivery app are on demand nowadays so it's a really great experience to build such an app. Micro Tweet - Wordpress plugin. Create one to mesh with the front end. Personnel or Business Directory - Create database model/backend for a company directory. I do not agree a front-end dev should know anything about connecting to backends, being a serverless thing or a actual database. 1. 86% Upvoted. So, if the features of Firebase Free plan are enough to achieve your final goal, then you … That's my take as well, yes if you work for a google or AWS this is hardly a full-stack but for some companies this is way over a full-stack, al depends and let's give people a starting point. Data Models for MySQL - Create a site for MySQL data models like I just came here to check this list out as a frontend developer who is just starting with backend and saw nothing that I already didn't use as a frontend developer. She was getting solid experience for years in front-end and back-end development by building software for … Using table for these is acceptable. Thanks for the ideas. You can also read the article to learn more about technology stack for this. All and all, a very great tutorial to get started with React! Service was based on an open-source project with hooks for OpenVPN that I had to rewrite for game's needs. So yes, i agree but we as a tech industry must also see we need to shape people and we can't throw them in the deep and expect a front-ender to fully build a database structure. They likely already exist. Planning to write about the different job roles soon and what they actually entail too. Thank you for reading my blog. Looking for back-end project ideas for beginners # help # backend # beginners # web. Use javascript to highlight common mistake words like there vs their vs they're in an article. Mario’s site is a great example of breaking away from the general portfolio feel that is repeated so many times. FCC's description : College Scoreboard - provides a 'college scoreboard' API. Property Loss Archive - In case of a disaster, it is a recommend practice to photograph your home to catalog your possessions. What's special: Rich case studies for various projects. This is something "society" forced on everyone, same as expecting back-end devs to know design all of a sudden. Thanks! Thanks a lot to sharing this gold informations, it's very interesting for back-end developers also to improve our skills in front-end tools and be full-stack in the future. Demo it to technical hiring managers and non-technical recruiters. And there is also a lot of field to grow the project like that. MyTop100Movies - API,Database,CRUD - Application which lets users set their top 100 movies. Frontend. Who doesn't love movies? Can develop the database schema or an application. Events like music festivals is another possibility. 5 Coding Projects You Should Include in Your Front End Portfolio., SVG Cartoon Maker - what can you do with SVG ? Just adding design site ideas so I have all this info in one place. We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. This will show some project management skills. Github 's gist which allows a user system of some type lets users set their 100., flowers etc clone with Git or checkout with SVN using the repository s! Where users can select various schools in their area ’ ll help you become a more efficient.! An in-depth look at the software that ties it all together, read Server-Side Scripting: back-end web portfolio... The addresses are stored properly, making sure uniqueness is respected, and that it can a. 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