Nineteen Labour Party members voted for it, as did seven members of the Liberal Democrats, and one member each of the Conservatives, the Democratic Unionists, Plaid Cymru, and the Greens. 5 July 2019 DRC’s ‘genocide,’ Asia’s food worries, and migrants caught in Libya’s war: The Cheat Sheet MONUSCO on an exploratory mission in Ituri province, Democratic Republic of Congo. Armed conflict in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is the world’s deadliest conflict since World War II, with over 5.4 million people dead and more than three million displaced since violence broke out in the mid-1990s. We have entire generations affected by that. “We’re going to present expert witnesses to flush out” centuries of genocide and other US crimes before an International Tribunal on US Human Rights Abuses, said Jihad Abdulmumit, The bloodshed that has taken more than 200 Palestinian lives is the result of “a planned provocation to feed the ultra-right” in Israel, said Sara Flounders,  of the International, Congo Genocide, 5.4 Million Dead: An Interview with Sylvestre Mido, Elizabeth Warren Wants Green Bombs, not a Green New Deal, Parallels Between Black and Palestinian Struggles, Bill Cosby Should Have Been Denounced by Black America Long Ago. You’re telling me that you went to school in Congo, and they told you about the glorious King Leopold without telling you that he wiped out half the population? The man is still sold to Congolese children almost as a “savior” of our nation. I'm not under any illusion that his election alone will be enough to end the genocide. Ann Garrison: Global power elites are silent about Hutu genocide and Rwanda’s ongoing occupation of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),because it has served their interests for many years." Children are taken away from their families to be trained as child soldiers or to be used as slaves in mines. Author Guy Vanthemsche is professor of contemporary history at Free University Brussels (Vrjie Universiteit Brussel). AG: So what did you do after you saw “White King, Red Rubber, Black Death”? © 2019 Human Rights Watch In central and eastern Congo, numerous armed groups, and in some cases government security forces, attacked civilians, killing and wounding many. How Complacency, Complicity of Black Misleadership Class Led to Supreme Court Evisceration of the Voting Rights Act, Movements Not Saviors: Lessons from Bobi Wine’s Tweet for Juan Guaido, Ugandans Still Resisting Museveni’s Play to Stay in Power, Uganda: Bobi Wine Rocks the Vote but Museveni Claims Victory, Uganda’s Youth Majority Brave Police Blockades and Bullets to Rally Behind Bobi Wine, Tribute to My Beloved Sister Barbara Allimadi – Fighter for Justice in Uganda, Overcrowded DRC Prisons 'Ticking Time-Bomb' for COVID-19 Pandemic, DRC’s Virunga: Park, Gorillas, and Rangers All Under Attack, Rwanda Exports 2,163 kg of Gold, UAE Imports 12,539 kg of It, Assange Is Not a Journalist (If Journalists Are Ass-Kissing Propagandists for the Ruling Class), Black Agenda Radio for Week of May 17, 2021, Military Industrial Complex Poisons Black Town, US Fakes ISIS Threat in Congo to Justify AFRICOM Presence, October Tribunal to Probe US Crimes Against Humanity. Displaced families from Minembwe take shelter at a small church in Uvira. Kabila ensured that the most pliable and least threatening opposition figure, Félix Tshisekedi, would be designated president. or text the word “Congo” to 84321. AG: I assume you’d also like the rest of us to acknowledge the killing and work to stop it? SM: As far as I am aware that is the general situation. Belgian-Caused Genocide in Congo: An Inadvertent–And Much-Needed–Lesson for Guy Verhofstadt. SM: Yes, but it was still significant that Jeremy Corbyn made them hear our case and they gave us even that much support. His family fled Congo in 1999, when he was 16 years old. Opposition leader Félix Tshisekedi was declared the winner of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) presidential elections held in late December 2018 and was inaugurated in January 2019. 100% of all donations go directly to victims in the DRC & are tax deductible. “This is the province of all Iturians. AG: I looked up the Corbyn motion—submitted on December 12, 2011—while we were talking. “Radically rude” poet Stella Nyanzi and opposition leader Kizza Besigye join Bobi Wine in rejecting Museveni’s claim to have been rightfully re-ele, Ugandan pop star turned presidential candidate Bobi Wine is not Sankara or Lumumba, but he has risked his life to mount a fierce challenge to the 3, US elites may see the writing on the wall in Uganda, where the youth majority population are braving police blockades and bullets to rally behind B. Genocost, a UK-based Congolese advocacy group, commemorated Congo Genocide this week on August 2nd. Facts About Genocide in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Black Agenda Radio with Margaret Kimberley and Glen Ford, Water and land in the small Black town of Tallevast, Florida, was for two generations contaminated by beryllium refined for Lockheed Martin, NASA and other big players in the US war and space busin, The US continues to insist that ISIS is to blame for recent violence in the Congo, where six million people have died since 1996, despite the fact that hardly any Muslims reside in the mineral-rich. Ituri is not the only part of DRC wracked by unrest with about 4.5 million people across the vast central African nation displaced by various conflicts. Both provinces sit along DRC’s border with Uganda. 16 Years of U.S. Genocide in Congo. Genocost asks that nations formally recognize August 2nd as Congo Genocide Commemoration Day. Donate. AG: Could you talk about how Jeremy Corbyn has supported you? There is room for everyone,” he said on a visit with internally displaced people. An army of multinational corporations and various lobbies would be fighting him. Congolese are systematically killed. But when you have all five of them happening in one place, you can no longer say that this is not a genocide. In the period from 1885 to 1908, many well-documented atrocities were perpetrated in the Congo Free State (today the Democratic Republic of the Congo) which, at the time, was a colony under the personal rule of King Leopold II of the Belgians.These atrocities were particularly associated with the labour policies used to collect natural rubber for export. Those are the same superpowers that have sold weapons to militias on both sides of the Congo/Rwanda border for the last 20 years. Congolese officials are blaming armed Rwandan Hutu refugees for the massacre of twelve rangers and five civilians, but there are any number of othe, The final 2019 UN Group of Experts Report on the Democratic Republic of the Congo confirms that Congo’s eastern neighbor Rwanda remains a haven for. It would let them know that their usual allies, including Tony and Cherie Blair, are no longer in charge and will not be able to protect them much longer. We have nothing against that, but we believe that it is equally if not more important to gain the support of the Congolese people themselves. War epidemiologists working with the International Rescue Committee estimated the death toll at 5.4 million during just 10 years of the nearly 20-year old conflict. SM: Discovering the true story of Leopold II made me realize how important it is for us as a nation to be able to learn and tell our own story and to pass it to the next generation in the hope that they will not suffer as past generations did. It's Congo Genocide Week, the anniversary of the 1998 invasion of the Congo by the US puppet armies of Rwanda and Uganda. Ituri and North Kivu province to the south are also trying to halt a major epidemic of Ebola that has claimed more than 1,500 lives since it emerged last August. 15 May 2019. It can be argued that the UN Convention on Genocide includes most of those crimes in far more general description, but one crime that it does not include is “plunder of public or private property.” So do you think your group might add violation of the Nuremberg Principles to your list of crimes committed in Congo? Incumbents. Mark Oliver. It’s what has been happening for the last nearly 20 years. He turned the nation into a moneymaking machine by farming ivory and rubber and building a fortune on the labor of the people who lived there. Massacres of Hutus during the First Congo War refers to the mass killing of Rwandan, Congolese, and Burundian Hutu men, women, and children in villages and refugee camps then hunted down while fleeing across the territory of Democratic Republic of Congo from October 1996 to May 1997. Ann Garrison: Sylvester, why does your group want to “commemorate” a genocide that is ongoing? Women are systematically raped, separated from their community and left living with sexually transmitted disease. Sylvestre Mido: We want to commemorate the genocide in Congo because Congo has a history filled with forgotten tragedies.There are no commemorations for the 10 million Congolese killed under Belgium’s King Leopold II’s reign of terror. 04.10.2019. (c) Crimes against humanity: Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhuman acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds, when such acts are done or such persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime. “Never again!” is happening again. Genocost, a UK-based Congolese advocacy group, commemorated Congo Genocide this week on August 2nd. Civilians have suffered the most, victim to both direct violence and secondary effects of the conflict, such as disease and hunger. Donate towards the genocide relief. So I'm surprised and happy that, six years later, Jeremy Corbyn leads the Labour Party and has a good chance of becoming Prime Minister. All of these criteria are met in Congo. We need to remember them and work to bring an end to the killing. Recent Developments. A horror to humanity. that has claimed more than 1,500 lives since it emerged last August. Font-ils passer l'intérêt financier avant l'intérêt humain ? It’s a sustained killing. Much of the recent genocide is involves two factions: the Raia Mutomboki militia, which … Though a peace treaty was signed in 2003, the violence, displacement, and mass killing continue. That was Jeremy Corbyn, and he told us that he'd been to Congo, he understood what's going on there, and he wanted to urge us to continue our struggle because it needs much more of the world's attention. Other events of 2019 History of the DRC: Events in the year 2019 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I spoke to Genocost spokesperson Sylvester Mido, a Congolese British IT professional and activist. The United Nations (U.N.) reports at least 110,000 Banyamulenge were displaced in South Kivu from October 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020. INTRODUCTION: CURRENT EVENTS IN THE LIGHT OF THE CONGOLESE GENOCIDE. SM: Kagame's Influence in DRC is not really a secret to anyone. In an attempt to end the latest outbreak of violence, Tshisekedi on Sunday ordered DRC’s army to launch a “large-scale” operation against armed groups in Ituri’s Djugu and Mahagi territories. Tshisekedi added the aim was apparently to “destabilise the power” of the central government in the capital, Kinshasa. To push Ituri to ignite,” he said at a press conference in the city of Bunia. August 2nd is the anniversary of the beginning of the Second Congo War, so we commemorate it to remind Congolese communities at home and abroad that since that date, millions of Congolese have been killed, raped, kidnapped, and enslaved for our natural resources. To this day, Congo teaches the Belgian curriculum left after colonization. Since then, Masunzu’s group forms the core part of Gumino and had split several times under pressure from … The leader of the Democratic Republic of the Congo said the violence appeared to be a “plot” and vowed to “find out the truth” about who was behind the deadly unrest. Though a peace treaty was signed in 2003, the violence, displacement, and mass killing continue. They were established by the United Nations’ International Law Commission to codify the legal principles underlying the Nuremberg Trials of Nazi party members following World War II. Many of its people have not seen peace in more than 20 years. Each one of those harmful acts inflicted on the Congolese people fits the definition of genocide on its own. SM: Yes. (Now pure Selk'nam are considered extinct.) July 17, 2019 The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a country rich in resources, yet fraught with conflict and violence. DR Congo is potentially one of the richest countries on earth, but colonialism, slavery and corruption have turned it into one of the poorest, writes historian Dan Snow. Since the 1998 invasion of the Congo 5.4 million congolese have perished so the west could access their country's mineral wealth. SM: Article II of the UN Convention on Genocide defines the crime in 5 ways: (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; or. In the past month, over 60 civilians have been killed in the North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). I agree with them, but this is your story, so tell me why you and your group think it’s important to claim the word “genocide”? The genocide reduced their numbers from around 3,000 to about 500 people. It is packed with information. AG: OK, hold on because my jaw just hit the floor. And he didn’t just talk. transit and reception facilities in the country’s west as “overwhelmed”. The armed group has been blamed for instigating the latest bloodshed. Que penses-tu des génocides qu'il y a actuellement ? But it would send a strong signal to Rwanda’s Paul Kagame and all the other dictators and warlords wreaking havoc in the Congo and the Great Lakes Region. SM: I met Jeremy Corbyn on Christmas Eve 2011, when I was standing outside 10 Downing Street in the cold and rain with thousands of Congolese protesting the rigged Congolese election. SM: No. 28 October 2019 ; In eastern Congo, a local conflict flares as regional tensions rise ‘This is not just an ethnic problem. Today Congo is reliving almost exactly the same inhumane exploitation as it did under Leopold—the systematic killing and enslavement of Congolese for their resources. Some books … One of the worst instances that comes to mind is the six days of war in Kisangani during which Ugandan and Rwandan troops fought each other for mineral treasure on Congolese soil. The operation was put together in collaboration with the UN peacekeeping mission MONUSCO and neighbouring countries affected by the violence, including Uganda and Rwanda. Vast swaths of territory have been destabilised by the Rwandan genocide in the early 1990s and other regional fighting. The gold-rich region has experienced ethnic. Felix Tshisekedi appeals for Congolese to ‘love one another’ amid resurgent interethnic conflict in the northeast. Once a nation takes a stand and makes it clear to the world that it will not settle for anything less than justice, it becomes difficult for anyone wanting to deal with us in the future to continue their abuse and aggression. Genocost 2019 in Cape Town, South Africa Ce 2 août marquait 21 ans depuis le début de la deuxième guerre du Congo en 1998. UNHCR estimated more than 300,000 people have fled their homes in Ituri, with people escaping unrest in Djugu, in particular. Un conflit qui a déstabilisé la région des Grands Lacs par des crimes de guerre et des génocides. Things quickly got out of control. Hundreds of people fleeing the conflict crossed the border into Uganda every day in June, according to the UN’s refugee agency (UNHCR), which last week described transit and reception facilities in the country’s west as “overwhelmed”. Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2409 (2018), Security Council Extends Mission in Democratic Republic of Congo until 31 March 2019 Rwanda and Uganda have both repeatedly violated this first principle of international law by repeatedly invading Congo. The killings have been reported by regional leaders to be perpetrated by members of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) a Ugandan militia that has been ravaging the Eastern Provinces of the DRC for over two decades. AG: Do you think this ongoing occupation could be sustained without the assistance of military powers more formidable than Rwanda? The country is currently experiencing the largest displacement crisis in Africa. Aren’t genocides and other tragedies usually commemorated in retrospect? In an attempt to end the latest outbreak of violence. August 2nd is the day that US allies Rwanda and Uganda invaded the Democratic Republic of the Congo, starting the Second Congo War in 1998. Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe encore au Congo ? An old man showed up and said he'd like to have a word with us, and the elders said, "Let him speak; he's the MP of Islington," which has a large Congolese community. Rwandan rebel groups like the M23, which was notorious for committing atrocities in Congo, continually flow back and forth between the Congo/Rwanda border. GIVE NOW. Only after moving to the UK did I discover the true story of Leopold in the BBC documentary “White King, Red Rubber, Black Death.”. She travels south of Kisangani to refugee camps where Hutu refugees have sought safety after a series of attacks. Hate speech has incited massacres of the Banyamulenge by militias from the Bafuliro, Babembe, and Banyindu ethnic groups. A call to action regarding the atrocity in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo “Never again!” is happening again. Facts | February 20, 2019 10 Horrifying Facts About The Genocide In The Congo Free State. That is, however, something that the UN and the "international community" aren’t likely to do unless and until it serves their interests. Once we acknowledge what we have gone through, it becomes difficult for others to dismiss it, and that is what we are working toward. It would be ridiculous to assume that in today’s world, Rwanda could militarily occupy a nation the size of Congo on its own. 2012. Politics; Rwanda The crimes of the Rwandan Patriotic Front ... a Canadian reporter for RFI, arrives in the Democratic Republic of Congo—then Zaire—to cover the unfolding humanitarian crisis. SM: Yes, the UK and the US are the largest bilateral donors to both Congo and Rwanda, so I believe that having someone like Jeremy Corbyn in power could bring a positive change. They’ve also committed war crimes and crimes against humanity as defined in the rest of the Nuremberg Principles: (b) War crimes: Violations of the laws or customs of war which include, but are not limited to, murder, ill treatment or deportation to slave-labour or for any other purpose of civilian population of or in occupied territory, murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war, of persons on the seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity. Uganda, in particular, has been under increased strain by the violence in Ituri. AG: Some writers and scholars have said that the word genocide is so overused and politically abused that they no longer use it, or use it only rarely. We do want our friends all over the world to stand with us and help us end the killing. After that he asked Parliament to pass a motion saying that the 2011 election results were not credible. One of the most recent genocides happened in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Genocide Watch reports that genocide continues to take place. It’s a killing that is driven by the need to be making profit, and the demand for copper, coltan, and other mineral resources that the Congolese have. They simply "disappear" back into Rwanda when it serves them. Rampant timber exploitation and deforestation is destroying not only our forest people but also the global climate. Congo is home to one of the world’s largest rainforests, second only to the Amazon’s, and that means it’s a huge part of the planet’s lungs. President Felix Tshisekedi described interethnic bloodshed in DRC’s northeast as “attempted genocide” after scores of people were killed and tens of thousands displaced. His group was mainly composed by Banyamulenge soldiers who fought the RCD and RPA (now RDF) between February to September 2002 (Ntanyoma 2019:225). Those hoping to balkanize Congo by splitting off the mineral rich Kivu Provinces have failed despite many years trying. Moreover, a report by the United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights states there has been evidence of recent genocides in the DRC as early as 1993. AG: And this is particularly important because the US and the UK are the most influential big powers in Congo and the African Great Lakes Region, right? Genocide is what is happening in Congo. Tshisekedi added his government also devised a plan for the “complete eradication” of foreign armed groups operating in the region. We are known for our warmth, our vibrant culture, and our music and arts and we’d like to share all this beauty with the rest of the world, but as long as the violence continues, we are losing not only our people, but also our culture, our environment, our wildlife, and our chance to join in preventing climate catastrophe. We could well add those to the list of crimes committed during this conflict, but for the time being, we want to focus people’s attention on the bigger picture by asking them to acknowledge the genocide. has been under increased strain by the violence in Ituri. They include Professor Edward S. Herman and David Peterson, co-authors of “The Politics of Genocide,” and Noam Chomsky, who wrote the introduction to that book. AG: Is that true across the Congolese school system? 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