If that is the case, the longer fault system could produce larger temblors. Notable Earthquakes. However, creep occurs in spots along the Hayward Fault. That means the Hayward Fault may be due. It extends from San Jose about 74 miles northward along the base of the East Bay Hills to San Pablo Bay. It caused minimal damage. The Hayward Fault runs along the foot of the East Bay hills, something that all residents of the Bay Area, and the East Bay in particular, should know. The Hayward Fault is considered one of the most dangerous in the world because scientists believe it is due for a large earthquake and because it runs under a densely populated area of California. Today, more than 2.4 million people live close to the fault and are at great risk when the next significant earthquake occurs. The Hayward Fault Zone is a geologic fault zone capable of generating destructive earthquakes. There are many easy tours you can take to get a closer look at this subterranean beast, as well as maps to find out how close you live to the fault and what seismic hazards—such as landslides or liquefaction—exist near you. Cracks appeared in walls as far away as Napa, Santa Rosa, and Hollister. Since then, creep has caused the two sides of the stadium to be offset more than a foot, requiring retrofitting with expansion joints. In the Greater Bay Area, it San Andreas, which continues north up the peninsula, has several branches. The San Andreas Fault system forms the boundary between the North American and the Pacific tectonic plates. The mapped traces represent the integration of the following three different types of data: (1) geomorphic expression, (2) creep (aseismic fault slip),and (3) trench exposures. To share this video via email, copy and paste the message and URL below into your favorite email client and send. Motion over millions of years has brought different sets of rocks next to each other on the fault trace. Aside from size and reputation, a major difference between the Hayward and San Andreas faults is “aseismic creep”. At a time when the greater Bay Area had a population of only about a quarter-million and infrastructure was minimal, damage was estimated at $350,000 in 1868 dollars. (El Cerrito—Spanish, "the little hill"—takes its name from Albany Hill.) This fault is about 74 mi (119 km) long, situated mainly along the western base of the hills on the east side of San Francisco Bay. In October 2007, a magnitude 5.6 event on the Calaveras Fault, near its junction with the Hayward outside of San Jose, was felt as far away as Sacramento. A three-dimensional (3D) geologic map of the Hayward Fault zone was created by integrating the results from geologic mapping, potential field geophysics, and seismology investigations. This fault is about 74 mi (119 km) long, situated mainly along the western base of the hills on the east side of San Francisco Bay. Attribution: Natural Hazards. The California Geological Survey was among the organizations contributing to the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, Version 2, released in April 2008. In March 2008, the 1868 Hayward Earthquake Alliance and Risk Management Solutions estimated that a repeat of the 1868 earthquake would impact more than five million people – leaving 100,000 or more homeless -- and cause $165 billion in damage to residential and commercial properties. The Hayward Fault splinters from the Calaveras Fault, which itself is an offshoot of the San Andreas Fault The maximum horizontal displacement was about six feet. California’s Hayward Fault is considered one of the most dangerous seismological zones in the United States. Starting in the south near Hollister, the Calaveras Fault branches off to run east of San Jose and continue through Pleasanton and Danville toward Walnut Creek. The west side moves north with each major earthquake on it. USGS scientists describe the Hayward fault as a tectonic time bomb, due anytime for another magnitude 6.8 to 7.0 earthquake. It is parallel to and east of its more famous (and much longer) sister fault, the San Andreas Fault. Technically, the Hayward Fault is itself part of the vast San Andreas Fault Zone which, according to current theory, actually extends across the western US and even out to sea some distance. The group attending the Tracing the Hayward Fault – A Potential Disaster Area field trip, met near the Fremont BART station, which amazingly is almost on the Hayward Fault, in order to follow the fault trace from Fremont to Oakland. The fault moved northward from the Warm Springs area of Fremont possibly as far as Berkeley. Hayward Fault Zone - Notable Earthquakes. Moveout values between the arrival times of FZHW and direct P waves are used to obtain average P-wave velocity contrasts across different sections of the fault. A lidar image of the east side of UC Berkeley and the Hayward fault (red). Thirty people perished in the quake, including five in San Francisco. Its last major earthquake occurred on October 21st, 1868, destroying downtown Hayward, killing 5 people and, injuring 30. The New Madrid Seismic Zone, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois A sizable earthquake could cut off water supplies – not only for drinking, but also for fighting fires -- to nearly half the Bay Area. The Hayward Fault runs along the foot of the East Bay hills, something that all residents of the Bay Area, and the East Bay in particular, should know. The biggest earthquake on the fault in recorded history was an estimated magnitude 7 at 7:53 a.m. October 21, 1868. 2004), with a total dextral displacement of around 600 km. That includes more than 800 deaths, 18,000 injuries … Much of the damage would be uninsured. The largest quake on the Hayward Fault in recorded history occurred in 1868, with an estimated magnitude of 7.0. It was known as “the Great San Francisco earthquake” until 1906, damaging almost every building in Hayward and doing significant damage in San Francisco, in Fremont, San Jose, San Leandro and elsewhere. The Seismic Hazard Mapping Program addresses the secondary earthquake hazards of liquefaction (the inability of water-saturated, heavily shaken soil to support structures) and landslides. The results are based on waveforms generated by more than 5,800 … This fault is about 74 mi (119 km) long, situated mainly along the western base of the hills on the east side of San Francisco Bay. The complex … Among other sites, the fault runs directly under the now-abandoned old city hall in downtown Hayward, the University of California-Berkeley football stadium, the Mira Vista Golf Course near Berkeley, Lake Temescal, Contra Costa College, and Port Pinole Shoreline Regional Park. The ground consistently moves a few millimeters each year, pulling apart sidewalks, pipelines and other structures that sit astride the fault. For more information on these programs. It occurred on the southern segment of the fault, receiving its name (some decades later) from the nascent town of Hayward where it was determined the quake's epicenter was located. The California Geological Survey’s 1987 Earthquake Planning Scenario for a Magnitude 7.5 Earthquake on the Hayward Fault in San Francisco Bay Area anticipated 1,500 to 4,500 deaths, depending on the time of occurrence, and three times that number of nonfatal casualties. Click the 'Hazards and Preparedness' link at the top of the page for more information and great resources to help you. The three decades mentioned earlier may be an optimistic time span. Please take some time to prepare yourself and your family in the unfortunate event of the 'Big One'. More than a thousand roads (including the trans-bay bridges) could be closed for significant amounts of time. There are 12 Alquist-Priolo zone maps covering the Hayward Fault. Argus & Gordon 2001; Wakabayashi et al. Explore the science behind a simulation of a magnitude 7 earthquake on the East Bay's Hayward Fault and learn what it could mean for shaking potential in your area. While the San Andreas fault gets much of the attention, it's the Hayward fault that quake experts consider the most dangerous fault in America. It was considered the "Great Earthquake" until 1906. The Hayward Fault could unleash a magnitude 7.0 earthquake, capable of catastrophic damage. The faults shown here are represented by simple lines which do not show how deep and large they are. Since it has been more than 144 years since the last major earthquake, the clock is ticking. Creep accounts for a small part of the total motion that takes place on a fault over geologic time; earthquakes account for the rest. It runs through densely populated areas, including Richmond, El Cerrito, Berkeley, Oakland, San Leandro, Castro Valley, Hayward, Union City, Fremont, and San Jose. Real estate disclosure is required when property within a zone is sold. The Hayward fault where the quake shook lies beneath a highly populated area in the Bay—and the next "big one" could be a magnitude 6.8 to 7 … Its last major earthquake occurred on October 21st, 1868, destroying downtown Hayward, killing 5 people and, injuring 30. That report stated that there’s a 31 percent chance the Hayward Fault will produce a magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquake in the next three decades. We’ve updated this video: https://youtu.be/GhFMtCmHc9cOctober 21st will mark the 141st Anniversary of the 1868 Hayward Earthquake. UC Berkeley’s Memorial Stadium was built in 1923. The Hayward Fault—Is It Due for a Repeat of the Powerful 1868 Earthquake? The Hayward Fault is thought capable of generating a magnitude 7.5 quake. Before large-scale construction can take place within these zones, local government must obtain site-specific geologic investigations, and mitigation steps may be required. They have found that the most recent 5 major earthquakes happened on average every 140 years. Zones of Required Investigation are created in areas prone to liquefaction and landslides. Official state Earthquake Fault Zone maps that govern construction setbacks and disclosure are produced by the California Geological Survey. What if...A 7.0 earthquake hit the San Francisco Bay Area? The Hayward Fault belongs to the San Andreas system that separates the Pacific Plate and the Sierra Nevada microplate, accommodating 75-80 per cent (38-40 mm yr -1) of the present relative motion between the Pacific and North American plates (e.g. The Hayward fault zone, as described in this work, is a zone of highly deformed rocks, trending north 30 degrees west and ranging in width from about 2 to 10 kilometers. This fault is about 74 mi (119 km) long, situated mainly along the western base of the hills on the east side of San Francisco Bay. The Hayward Fault Zone is a geologic fault zone capable of generating destructive earthquakes.This fault is about 74 mi (119 km) long, situated mainly along the western base of the hills on the east side of San Francisco Bay.It runs through densely populated areas, including Richmond, El Cerrito, Berkeley, Oakland, San Leandro, Castro Valley, Hayward, Union City, Fremont, and San Jose. For residents of the East Bay, the Hayward fault is of particular concern because it runs through many cities such as San Jose, Fremont, Hayward, San Leandro, Oakland, Berkeley, El Cerrito and Richmond. [15] Although its magnitude was less than the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, the intensity of shaking experienced in the Hayward area may have been greater than in 1906 due to the proximity of the Hayward Fault. Scientists have been studying the past earthquakes on the Hayward fault. The Hayward Fault Zone derived its name from the city of Hayward in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Alquist-Priolo program is designed to ensure that structures for human habitation are not built atop surface traces of active faults (in most cases, a 50-foot setback is required). Near San Jose the Hayward Fault branches off the Calaveras and continues north along the foot of the East Bay Hills. San Francisco alone suffered $350,000 in property damage. Hayward Fault Map and Tour This map is informational only and is not a regulatory map. Liquefaction could render local airports and port facilities useless. Hi there! Are you, your family, and your business prepared to outsmart disaster? It is very likely that the Hayward fault will rupture and produce a significant earthquake within the next 30 years. The San Andreas Fault and other Bay Area fault zones are on both sides of the bay: San Jose fault, Berrocal fault zone, Hayward fault zone, Chabot fault, San Gregorio fault zone and others. We observe fault zone head waves (FZHW) that are generated by and propagate along a roughly 80 km section of the Hayward fault in the San Francisco Bay area. On April 18th of this year, the HayWired earthquake scenario will be released to the public. The map volume is oriented northwest and is approximately bisected by the Hayward Fault. Estimated moment magnitude of 6.3–6.7 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX , it was the most recent large earthquake to occur on the Hayward Fault Zone. The purpose of this map is to show the location of and evidence for recent movement on active fault traces within the Hayward Fault Zone, California. The Hayward fault is not our only fault. Communities on or near the fault include San Jose, Oakland, Fremont, Richmond, Berkeley, Hayward, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, El Cerrito, Emeryville, Kensington and Milpitas. With an estimated magnitude of 6.8 it caused damage throughout the area. On October 21, 2018, we will commemorate the 150th anniversary of the M 6.8 Hayward Fault earthquake. However, many scientists believe that the Hayward Fault is connected to the Calaveras Fault to the south, the Rodgers Creek Fault to the north and to the Maacama Fault still farther north. The site of his home was on the former El Camino Viejo, or Castro Street (now Mission Boulevard) between C and D Streets, but the structure was severely damaged in the 1868 Hayward earthquake, with the Hayward Fault running directly under its location. The map volume is 100 km long, 20 km wide, and extends to a depth of 12 km below sea level. The San Andreas Fault is locked in many places; much of its energy is released in the form of earthquakes. The Hayward Fault Zone is located in northern California in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Hayward Fault is considered one of the most dangerous in the world because scientists believe it is due for a large earthquake and because it runs under a densely populated area of California. The Hayward Fault, a long and lethal crack in the Earth, slices along the base of the Berkeley Hills and directly through the University of California. Earthquakes estimated at magnitude 5.9 occurred on the Hayward Fault in 1864 and 1870, and a magnitude 5.6 event struck in 1889. (Play Video), Cooperative Institute for Deep Earth Research (CIDER), Northern California Earthquake Data Center (NCEDC). In 2028, it will have been 160 years since the 1868 event. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. The Hayward Fault Zone is a geologic fault zone capable of generating destructive earthquakes. The fault runs parallel to and east of the San Andreas Fault. 4 months ago – via Boston Globe And none of those players were quite good enough in this series. Relatively short fault that runs between and generally parallel to the much longer San Andreas Fault and Hayward Fault Zones, trending northwest along the eastern foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains in the Coast Range Geomorphic Province. Horizontal polarization of ground motion in the Hayward fault zone at Fremont, California: Dominant fault-high-angle polarization and fault-induced cracks 8 M. Pischiutta 1, F. Salvini 2, J. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Below is a massive list of hayward fault zone words - that is, words related to hayward fault zone. A fault’s length is related to the maximum strength of an earthquake it can produce. It runs through densely populated areas, including Richmond, El Cerrito, Berkeley, Oakland, San Leandro, Castro Valley, Hayward, Union City, Fremont, and San Jose. Secondary hazards such as landslides and wildfires are possible. The Hayward fault is part of the wide plate boundary between the two largest lithospheric plates : the Pacific plate on the west and the North American plate on the east. With an estimated magnitude of 6.8 it caused damage throughout the area. While a significant amount of structural retrofitting work has been done in the Bay Area, the Hayward Fault runs under numerous lifelines, such as freeways, the Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct, and Bay Area Rapid Transit tracks. Two CGS programs establish regulatory zones in seismically active areas to protect lives and property. The aforementioned CGS scenario noted that eight large (99 beds or more) acute care hospitals in Alameda and Contra Costa counties are within a mile of the fault. The Hayward Fault Zone is a geologic fault zone capable of generating significantly destructive earthquakes. Notable structures include Memorial Stadium and the Greek Theater. Learn more at outsmartdisaster.com. How large an earthquake can the fault produce? CGS also reviews geologic site reports of new and retrofitted schools and hospitals. The Hayward fault is an extremely interesting feature of the East Bay and you can see its footprints all over the place once you know where and how to look. It is a member of the San Andreas Fault system that runs from the Gulf of California in the south, to Cape Mendocino in the north. And that figure does not include potential post-quake fire losses, damage to infrastructure, or the disruption of business. By digging trenches across the fault, scientists have determined that the last five earthquakes large enough to cause damage have occurred about every 140 years (the “recurrence rate”). The Hayward Fault Zone is a geologic fault zone capable of generating significantly destructive earthquakes. The Hayward Fault runs through El Cerrito. However, the 1868 quake caused … Far away as Napa, Santa Rosa, and Hollister the public more information and great resources help! And a magnitude 7.5 quake browser does not include potential post-quake fire losses, damage to,... For deep Earth Research ( CIDER ), Cooperative Institute for deep Earth Research ( )! Will mark the 141st Anniversary of the page for more information and great to... 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