No man regaurdless of his job should be allowed to take a life, the taking of a human life is murder, no matter who is taking the life. While it is only necessary to say that they should both have rotted in jail for what happened, I have to agree with Heather. Would any of you like to have your say? The comics are available now for preorder. I’m sorry for the loss of all the lives that the Copelands took I really am.I know there step grandson and his wife very well and have heard the stories many times.I have just finished the book and I have to say Ray Copeland was a genius for someone who only finished the 4th grade.I know this may sound sick but his plan was ingenius and if he hadn’t let Jack McCormick go he could have made more money.I am not taking up for the man what so ever so please don’t get me wrong,I am just fascinated by how clever he was for someone without an education.As for Faye I’m still not convinced either way if she was involved or not.Most family members think not,but the book claims different so I have no opinion.I know this will upset some of you but I don’t care,it’s just one persons opinion. Unmarried and reclusive, seldom speaking even to her closest neighbors, it was clear that Stella loved her privacy. I am the wife of her sister Mary Wilson Smith’s (From Harrison, Arkansas) grandson, Dwayne Smith from California. She was an abused wife! I just wonder if Jimmy Dale Harvey may be a relative of mine. Heather as soon as you except the facts you will be able to forgive her and yourself. Sge needed the gas chamber as far as I am concerened. Ray and Faye Copeland were the oldest people to ever receive the death penalty, with Ray being 75 and Faye being 69 at the time of their sentencing. I’m currently watching a show about them on I.D. She probly seduced some of them. It’s really hard to say, and is really not my place to judge. COME ON. I myself forgave them both a long time ago and wish the family only the best but please don’t disrecpt yourself or the families of their victims because for one it is gross and it only make you look like you condon murder. Operating the Frankel Fund from his bedroom in his parents’ home, crammed with rented equipment he could hardly afford, Frankel convinced a … May God Be with All of you!!! Thank you. Leave the children, grandchildren, nieces etc alone dont judge unless u are in that situation. RIP. Please, she worked outside of the home, she shopped in town ALONE, she was alone when he was looking for his next victim… she had ample opportunity to get the hell away from him and go to authorities… he couldn’t hurt her if he couldn’t get to her… ANYONE EVER THINK ABOUT THAT? This would make since to me. Ray & Faye Copeland (Wikimedia Commons). Sorry for all you who are related but your relatives were pretty screwed up…..even if Faye wasnt involved she was still aware that it was going on and in that way she is just as guilty as Ray…..their kinda like Bonny and Clide just not as famous…..or cool…..or bank robbers…but anyway. I MEAN, WHAT DID SHE THINK THAT THEY “ALL” JUST WENT BACK TO WHEREVER THEY CAME FROM, AND THEY “ALL” JUST HAPPENED TO FORGET TO TAKE THEIR CLOTHES? Ray and Faye Copeland: This is the stuff they base horror movies on. But why condem those who had nothing to do with any of it. Ray died in 1993 whilst on death row. >> back then i just dropped my head and went ahead and took it. She also told me that rays father jessej was extremely abusive to my aunt. I felt the love she had for her family. I think Ray was the name of his other brother. A better man to work with I have never seen. In 1999, her sentence was commuted to life in prison. And im sorry but the Copelands both got off to easy for what they have done to my family and all the other ones who will never have the closer we got. He worked on the family farm and turns out he was murdered by one of their sons. I NEED to know the name of the one daughter. You cant believe everything written especially about faye. I am a Copeland, but not related to these particular ones. They were convicted of killing five drifters at their farm in Mooresville, Missouri. to a few who do not care about battered wives, do some research, battered wives have done all sorts of things in fear of their own life. Hey my uncle was thomas park he was on that list that faye wrote in here hand writing wit the x by his name. I too have lost and can imagine your pain but in order to heal you have to let the hatred go. was it Alice Faye? Forensic Files is an American documentary-style series which reveals how forensic science is used to solve violent crimes, mysterious accidents, and even outbreaks of illness. Jason, I really do believe that you are right, And I don’t know about when she was in prison, but taking care of her sometimes gave me the willies. God is very powerful and for those who say my prayers are with you should support this, no matter the circumstances you will not die before your time has come, god will not allow that to happen. It wont bring anybody back, and the only copelands your hurting now are the ones left behind.. And they lost their loved ones too, whether you think they were bad people or not, it’s no right of yours to say they shouldn’t love their mother! My grandfather lived in Missouri- he had two brothers and a sister, I believe. he loved his mother. think about this… if what they say is true… how come none of you all are like that? sorry for all involved. he was getting ready to pull into his job parking lot and the drunk driver hit him. How many of her family has spent the money that they made on the people they killed. Ray Copeland (December 30, 1914 – October 19, 1993) and Faye Della Wilson Copeland (August 4, 1921 – December 28, 2003) became, at the ages of 76 and 69 respectively, the oldest couple ever sentenced to death in the United States. i've carried bruises. I would like everyone to know that i feel Faye is not guilty she is only involved ecause if she didnt do what Ray said he would beat her. Not because they werent executed. background: '#333333', I don’t feel a bit sorry for Faye, she should’ve told police and then he would’ve been gone and unable to harm her any more. They were convicted of killing five drifters at their farm in Mooresville, Missouri. }).render().setUser('blogofdeath').start(); Post was not sent - check your email addresses! But on the other hand they did the taxpayers a favor by checking out the way they did. Does anyone know when each victim might have become involved with the Copelands and what they were doing before? She had kept a death list of the men with black Xs next to their names. She stumbled out of the woods where a passerby saw her injured body and immediately called the local police. I’m writing a piece on the Copeland case for a magazine in the UK, to tie in with the new comic book. AND MY UNKLE MIKE I LOVED HIM TO HE DIED IN A CAR WREK GOING TO WORK. I am ashamed that I even needed to read this blog to accomplish my goal; but I am trying to learn the names of the other victims of these evil people. When Faye got with Ray she was young, back in those days you used the resources you had…. and to the family’s that were touched by this… Faye told and was thrown in jail! Ray died of natural causes in 1993 while waiting on death row. The former Coronation Street actress wore a … Faye stunned audiences in her Dancing on Ice debut. He was trying to make some HONESt money and these people you all talk about forgiving took this away from him and the others. Birthday: December 30, 1914Date of Death: October 19, 1993Age at Death: 78. In the late 1980s, Ray and Faye Copeland used drifters in a scheme to buy cattle with bad checks. RIP <3 PJC "I love you bub and I always will" 09/30/1968, Hi. shell: { I think Faye was so scared to say anything for fear of no one believing her, then what would she have done? I am not here to talk about anyone being guilty or inocent. As evidence of her guilt, prosecutors presented a list, written in her hand, that included at least five of the victims’ names. The VICTIMS deserve some recognition and the publication of some fond memories about THEM. I feel Faye convinced him to do it in order to make more money cause she is one greedy s.o.b. In 1999, her sentence was commuted to life in prison, where she died in 2004, the Los Angeles Times reported that year. I’m making a “wanted” poster for their arrest. was very important! I watch forensic files and this is one of my favorite cases to watch, Sorry to head about your cousin, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time :/. 7. When her sentence was commuted to life in prison in 1999, Faye Copeland was the oldest woman on death row. IN ALL REALITY, I HAVE TO AGREE WITH YOU. Ray and Faye Copeland lived in self-imposed rural isolation near here for decades, a quiet farm couple scratching out a living on 40 acres of hard soil in northwest Missouri. My family was just contacted by the FBI about a family member who went missing in the late 90s. As far as the motive is concerned, I would say that it has to do with the choice theory on how the main motive is criminal enterprise … Heck, she was forced to have sex with guys while her husband watched, and she was abused, she was most likely scared and did what her husband said. Faye was the oldest woman on death row until her … At trial, Faye’s defense was that her husband had committed the killings without her knowledge, claiming she was both a bystander and a victim of battered woman syndrome. Loss is very hard exspecially when its malicous but you gotta get that anger out of your heart. Symbol: the lion, life pursuit: to lead the way, secret desire: to be a star, and serial killers who are a Leo; John George "The Acid Bath Murderer" Haigh, Myra "Moors Murderer" Hindley and Faye Copeland (aged 69, with her husband Ray aged 78, they were the oldest couple ever sentenced to death for murder in the USA). Both were sentenced to die by lethal injection. She was 82. SOMEBODY. I chose Ray and Faye Copeland. Canada CRIME HUNTER: Oldest serial killers Ray and Faye slaughtered drifters. I’VE TRIED TO FIND IT, BUT CAN’T. but she had a family. but she loved him! Faye Della Copeland (née Wilson; August 4, 1921 – December 23, 2003) and Ray Copeland (December 30, 1914 – October 19, 1993) became, at the ages of 69 and 76 respectively, the oldest couple ever sentenced to death in the United States. If something tragic happened to someone you were close to you sure as hell would not want people making fun of or making comic books (JOKES) about it… GET A REAL LIFE & JOB!!!!!!! Ray and Faye Copeland At the time of their sentencing, Ray and Faye Copeland were the oldest people ever sent to death row. I tried to contact her prior to her death, but never received a response. I have read the book a few years ago, but the information had faded. I first saw the story of Ray & Faye Copeland in Startling Detective (July 1992) written by … What a better job then that for her. I would very much like to hear from anyone who can provide any background information about Ray and Faye and in particular the dynamics of their relationship. I’d just like to point out that due to the comments on this page, every time someone google-searches my name, the first words in the answer are “fuck you, bitch”. If she was innocent, I really feel terrible for her, and how she had to live the rest of her life. In 1990, the jury found her guilty of five counts of first degree murder. Well you know life can be pretty shity, for the ones related to those whos lives ended at the hands of Ray and Faye, as well as those related to Ray and Faye. type: 'profile', it’s nice to see someone other than myself thinking that it is beyond sick that the family of the MURDERERS want to make money off the victim’s and their families… perhaps that dna strand is stronger than one might think. I wont be able to sleep till i know. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to visit about this or anything. Furthermore, NO pictures of these people should be published unless needed for assistance in capturing them. ……..They are both guilty. Knowing that they will not have a happy life with them. May God bless and help the families of Paul Jason Cowart, John W Freeman, Jimmie Dale Harvey, Wayne Warner, Dennis Murphy, Thomas Park and the many others who I have not yet been able to identify. Contact if you care. Everyone has a right to there opinion about faye but arguing about it does”t make us very nice people eitheer. Thank you for any help! this is mariah copeland’s cousin, I’m not really related to ray and faye, but only through marriage, kinda, my dad married my mom, my mom is danielles sister, danielle is STILL married to Mike, Mike is ray and faye’s grandson, so yeah, im not actually related to them, but am to the Copeland’s….. this is anthony my sister is daniell and i am the brother that went to there farm and rode there horses at i am now 19 and till this day i still think that my great grama fay is innocent my gradpa abused her and treated her like shit and she paid for her misstakes and if you want to say she is guilty go ahead but if you dont know the whole story7 then dont talk shit she was a great women to me and my family so dont so stuff that you just want to put on her because its not turr, even though my grandfather ray did these bad things ( i am the daughter of sonny copeland ray and fayes youngest son) my grandmother was a very loving person no she had no sexual relations with the victims i miss her with all my heart im also vey sorry to hear about my cousin mike copeland, to whomever was wondering fay and ray have five kids 4 boys and 1 girl and yes the farm in mooresville is still there the youngest son sonny has remodeled it and plans on retiring with hisnwife mary there, Angel love they had 6 kids, 5 boys & 1 girl. Toni is correct, on both counts. He died in November 26,2002. somebody. COME ON!!!! It’s been long enough…. Does anyone know the names of their kids??? Michael was in his early 30s. Dear Heather, Mike and Copeland In The Blood, I believe the writer is family to the Copelands. My family has all different versions about the story, but is also a sore subject that is not favorable in my home. My sociology class is doing a project on social deviants. Fuck you bitch. If ANYONE knows about other victims of these killers (I refuse to put their names in print yet again) please give THEM some time and space. In time wuons will heal and the pain will fade, but life still go’s on. They’ve got a sale on the books here. She also stitched a quilt made from the clothing of the murdered men. My mother’s maiden name was Moore (somewhere in her long blood line Mooresville was founded but we haven’t traced it back that far) and my grandfather did alot of contstruction in Mooresville. Ray (1914 - 1993) and Faye Della Copeland (1921 - 30 December 2003) were convicted of killing five drifters (and likely killed at least seven more, though no bodies were recovered), and ultimately became the oldest couple ever sentenced to death in the United States— Faye was 69 and Ray was 76 at the time of sentencing. I feel for the victims they didnt derserve this, so let God do his job. However I beleive that everyone fails to realize that there are alot of victims who have never been recognized. Here’s the link They were convicted of killing five drifters at their farm in Missouri. . I have met her son, Al, and can say that he is a very nice man, and I had alot of respect for him. James 4:17 On August 6th, 1999, Faye's death sentence was commuted to life in prison because the evidence of her involvement wasn't enough to substantiate the death penalty. And now it hurts to go to Chillicothee because i get accused of making my great-grandparent’s mistake. 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