nuxt meta tags
To do this, we'll leverage Nuxt.js' built in head method that allows us to set Open Graph and Twitter meta tags. for example we have a shopping cart app and we need meta tags for each product but in … We'll also include some useful information like the time the article was published, and the last time it was modified using the createdAt and updatedAt properties that Nuxt Content automatically injects for us. 84. It's used to help the browser to render properly your app on mobile. You can optionally override meta using pwa.meta in nuxt.config.js: nuxt.config.js. Open your nuxt.config.js, and add the following default meta tags to the head section. It's necessary that we set hid, otherwise the tags will be duplicated. So in all cases, the bots get the updated meta tags when they crawl our page! @pimlie If I override any meta tag in a page file (pages/example.vue) and I generate the whole project with nuxt generate the meta tags will be the same as the default what I defined in nuxt.config.js. Nuxt.js gives you 3 different ways to add meta data to your application: Nuxt.js lets you define all default tags for your application inside the nuxt.config.js file using the head property. Edit this page on GitHub! Nuxt adds in data-n-head into this but for the most part it’s pretty standard meta tags. Meta Tags and SEO. Introduction Getting started. Let’s see this in action. project. Remember to set your BASE_URL environment variable in production. But don't worry Nuxt uses vue-meta so we can easily add meta tags such as title and description to our application. Nuxt has its own sitemap module that you can easily install. Nuxt.js lets you define all default tags for your application inside the nuxt.config.js file using the head property. Pour en savoir plus sur les options disponibles pour la propriété head, on peut consulter la documentation de vue-meta. Caught a mistake or want to contribute to the documentation? In such cases where the meta tags are populated based on the subsequent Ajax call, we can also see the page title dynamically changing after the response is received. Related Projects. layout. This is something specific for Nuxt and is being used as a unique identifier so the correct property can be overwritten by child components. 1:38. Adds prefetch and preload links for faster initial page load time. 2. Adding Social Media & SEO Meta Data Using Nuxt Content. The page source will not have meta tags. Nuxt.js lets you define all default ` ` tags for your application inside the nuxt.config.js file using the head property. If we take a look at the description property you might wonder what the property hid is. However, the difference between Nuxt and the Vue apps is that the hid key must be used in Nuxt, while vmid is used in Vue. Nuxt.js comes with a few important components included out of the box, which will be helpful when building your application. You shouldnt have to change this normally # tagIDKeyName. License. Simple usage example with SSR: Examples will become more and more specific. '', ''. Title Tag No, it won't be possible to provide dynamic meta tags while serving pre-rendered static HTML. In the nuxt.config.js file there is a head property, it is here where we will be adding all our data. Open your nuxt.config.js, and add the following default meta tags to the head section. Việc cấu hình các thẻ meta trong Nuxt Js trên mỗi trang/url rất dễ dàng. Nous pouvons également passer à chaque ressource un body : true optionnel afin d'inclure la ressource avant la balise de fermeture