After one day being announced missing, drummer Windu Andi Darmawan and Dylan Sahara, wife of Seventeen's vocalist Ifan were reported to have been found dead. [8] By the following day, the figure had been revised to 43 deaths — 33 in Pandeglang, seven in South Lampung, and three in Serang Regencies, with 584 injured, and two missing; most of the injuries recorded (491) also occurred in Pandeglang. [89] The East Java branch of the Nasdem Party sent trucks carrying logistics to Banten. [6], Lying on the Ring of Fire, Indonesia experiences a high frequency of earthquakes and is home to 127 active volcanoes. [95] The Indonesian petrol company Pertamina sent 27,000 LPG tanks to Pandeglang and 200 liters of petroleum to Legundi Island, Lampung. [127] Pope Francis sent condolences to Indonesia, asking people to pray for the victims. ​ Hasta el 10 de enero se registraban 439 fallecidos, 7200 heridos y 15 desaparecidos. Het officiële dodental staat op 2200 (21 oktober 2018). The state-owned pharmaceutical company Bio Farma sent vaccines and medical team. Het gemeentebestuur besloot op advies van Pepingen Solidair - GROS (Gemeentelijke Raad voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking) 300 euro te schenken aan de actie ‘Indonesië 12-12’ Daarmee beantwoordt Pepingen de oproep van Consortium 12-12. [47] South Lampung Regency was the worst affected regency in Lampung, with 4 districts: Kalianda, Rajabasa, Sidomulyo, and Katibung, were listed as the most heavily affected districts. Die aardbewing van 7 het die eiland getref, ʼn week ná ʼn groot skudding minstens 16 lewens geëis het. Indonesia’s geological and weather service says the tsunami was likely caused by undersea landslides in the Sunda Strait following an eruption by the Anak Krakatoa volcano. Frequently updated list and interactive map, updates, links and background info. [140] Baltimore-based Catholic Relief Services sent emergency team and provided temporary shelter for the survivors. [108] Residents who lived within 1 km of the coastline were evacuated. Indonesian soldiers carry the bodies of tsunami victims at a beach resort in Tanjung Lesung, Indonesia, on Monday. A man stands on debris from a house in Carita, Banten province. [136] The European Union extended their sympathies for the victims and announced that they would provide €80,000 for the relief efforts. In Lampung, the regional government buildings were declared as a crisis center and as an evacuation center. Hundreds of people have been left injured after the tsunami hit. Residents inspect the damage to their homes on Carita beach on December 23, 2018, after the area was hit by a tsunami on December 22 that may have been caused by the Anak Krakatoa … [131] New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs Winston Peters stated that the government would send $1.5 million to help the recovery efforts through the International Federation of the Red Cross. Er vielen ook meer dan 1.000 gewonden. Peak of Anak Krakatau was brought down by more than 200 metres in … [75] The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani stated that the government would provide a 15 million rupiah compensation to each of the victims. [63], After the disaster on 22 December, the volcanic activity of Anak Krakatau skyrocketed. Most of them were killed while watching the Seventeen concert. [86] In South Lampung Regency, the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management announced that they would build temporary housing for the survivors. An aerial photo shows damaged buildings in Carita, Indonesia, on Sunday, a day after the area was hit by the tsunami. A man reacts after identifying a relative during a rescue operation at a beach front hotel in Pandeglang on Monday, December 24. At least 426 people were killed and 14,059 were injured. An aerial view of the Anak Krakatau volcano during an eruption in South Lampung, Indonesia, on Sunday, December 23. Hence there were no early warnings. [124] The Singapore Red Cross pledged S$50,000 in humanitarian aid and would send volunteers and medical team to Banten and Lampung. Nugroho pointed out that tsunamis are much faster and less predictable than tidal waves, which are caused by atmospheric conditions. According to the Batavian Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory, the shock occurred at 01:42.2 hours, Amahei local time. [1][2] The tsunami was caused by an undersea landslide that followed an eruption of Anak Krakatau, the "Child of Krakatoa". The death toll from the indonesia tsunami and earthquake, which struck the island of sulawesi on friday 28 sep, now stands at over 2,000. [105] In Pandeglang, more than 12,000 people evacuated due to trauma from the tsunami, while the other 10,000 evacuated as their houses had been either damaged or destroyed. Serach and rescue efforts in Lampung after a tsunami struck.jpg 996 × 470; 121 KB. A woman holding an umbrella walks in the rain among debris after the tsunami in Sumur on Wednesday, December 26. Updated 1629 GMT (0029 HKT) December 23, 2018. [25] Following the event he published an eyewitness account. In 'n video wat wyd op sosiale media gedeel is, kan gesien word hoe … En Indonésie, le bilan s’alourdit à 832 morts après le séisme et le tsunami. Tsoenami-waarskuwing ná sterk aardbewing Indonesië tref 5 Augustus 2018 ANA-dpa (Foto: ... ʼn Waarskuwing vir ʼn moontlike tsoenami is uitgereik nadat ʼn aardbewing Indonesië se Lombok-eiland getref het. [11] The eruption caused the collapse of the southwest portion of the volcano, which triggered a tsunami. Zo valt te zien op luchtbeelden die een piloot van Susi Air kon vastleggen. As of now, no foreigners have been found to have been killed. Condolences to the bereaved families and wishing the injured an early recovery. [142] The Malaysian Consultative Council for Islamic Organisations (MAPIM) sent volunteers and aids to the survivors. [22][23], Øystein Lund Andersen, a Norwegian volcano photographer who photographed the eruption of Anak-Krakatau prior to the tsunami, described the eruption as "quite heavy". The Indonesian state owned electric company PLN reported that at least 248 of their power stations were affected and 41 power lines were toppled by the tsunami. That tsunami caused more widespread damage throughout the rim of the Indian Ocean, with countries such as Thailand and Sri Lanka being severely affected. [5] On 23 December, it was found that much of the island of Anak Krakatau had collapsed into the sea. [50] Telecommunications in Banten and Lampung were not heavily affected. Here's What You Need To Know",, "Indonesia 'volcano tsunami': At least 43 dead and 600 injured amid Krakatoa eruption", Núi lửa phát nổ, gây sóng thần ở Indonesia, ít nhất 43 người thiệt mạng, "Indonesia 'volcano' tsunami: At least 62 dead and hundreds injured after huge wave", "Tsunami Banten, Ada Laporan Korban Hilang di Pulau Oar dan Sangiang", "Death toll from Indonesian tsunami rises to 281", "Indonesia tsunami: Death toll from Anak Krakatau volcano rises", "Saat Tsunami Menerjang, Tempat Wisata Sedang Padat", "Saat Tsunami Lumat Keramaian Pasar Malam di Sumur", "Tsunami Anyer - Lampung, 24 Jenazah Ditemukan di Villa Stephanie Carita", "BNPB: Banyak Korban Tsunami Selat Sunda Hanyut ke Laut", "Arie Untung Kabarkan Aa Jimmy Meninggal Dunia Jadi Korban Tsunami Banten", "Members of Indonesian Pop Band Seventeen Killed After Tsunami Hits Concert", "Indonesia tsunami: Wave crashes into local pop band Seventeen's concert", "260 Karyawan PLN Wisata di Tanjung Lesung, 89 Orang Hilang", "Tsunami Banten, 7 dari 256 Peserta "Family Gathering" PLN Meninggal Dunia", "Bertambah Lagi, 23 Orang Rombongan PLN Meninggal Akibat Tsunami", "Update tsunami selat sunda: 41 karyawan PLN meninggal dunia", "Sumur Pandeglang Bak Kota Mati, Warga Mengungsi karena Tsunami", "Terdampak Tsunami Banten-Lampung, 102 Gardu PLN Masih Padam", "Tsunami di Selat Sunda, PLN: Listrik di Lampung Tak Ada Masalah", "Tsunami di Banten, Jalan Raya Serang-Pandeglang Terputus", "4 Kecamatan di Lampung Selatan Terdampak Parah Akibat Tsunami", "Sejumlah Rumah di Pandeglang Banten Roboh Diterjang Gelombang Pasang", "Menteri PUPR: Infrastruktur Tak Banyak Terdampak Tsunami", "Tsunami Anyer, Jaringan Indosat Aman tapi Ada BTS yang Terganggu", "Pasca-tsunami Selat Sunda, Layanan Telekomunikasi Pulih 99 Persen", "Kominfo: Telekomunikasi Pascatsunami Selat Sunda Pulih 100%", "Kerugian Kawasan Pantai Tanjung Lesung Ditaksir Rp150 Miliar", "30% Bangunan di KEK Tanjung Lesung Rusak Disapu Tsunami", "Disapu Tsunami, Tanjung Lesung Butuh 6 Bulan untuk Pulih", "Berdasarkan Hitungan Sementara, Kerugian akibat Tsunami Selat Sunda Capai Rp 202 M", "Pascatsunami Anyer, Nelayan Pacitan Setop Melaut", "Bencana Alam Bikin Bisnis Travel Babak-belur", "Imbas Tsunami, 90% Pesanan Hotel di Anyer Dibatalkan", "Pendapatan Hotel Akhir Tahun Turun 30% karena Tsunami Anyer", "4 Kawasan Wisata Lampung yang Lumpuh Dampak Tsunami Selat Sunda", "Takut Terjadi Tsunami, Pengunjung Ancol Sepi", "Suara Dentuman Misterius di Jabar dan Sumsel", "Pos Pemantau Pastikan Suara Dentuman Misterius di Sumsel Akibat Erupsi Krakatau", "Dentuman Erupsi Anak Krakatau Terdengar Hingga ke Sumsel", "Krakatau Ngamuk Lagi Zona Bahaya Diperluas, Waspada Tsunami Susulan Selat Sunda, Tonton Videonya", "Jokowi Perintahkan Jajarannya Tangani Tsunami Selat Sunda", "Pimpin Rapat, JK Akan Tinjau Lokasi Terdampak Tsunami Selat Sunda", "Pasca Tsunami, Seluruh Aktivitas Promosi Wisata Banten dan Lampung Dihentikan", "Masa Tanggap Darurat di Pandeglang Ditetapkan 14 Hari, Lampung Selatan 7 Hari", "Tanggap Darurat Pasca Tsunami di Lampung Selatan Diperpanjang hingga 19 Januari 2019", "Kemenkes Kirim 1 Kontainer Pendingin Jenazah ke Pandeglang", "Mendagri Siapkan Anggaran Perbaiki Kantor Desa Rusak Pascatsunami", "Cek Kondisi Sumur Pasca Tsunami Banten, Rini Beri Bantuan Rp 3 M", "Korban Tewas Tsunami Selat Sunda Dapat Santunan Rp15 Juta", "BNPB Akan Cairkan Rp500 Juta untuk Daerah Terdampak Tsunami", "Jokowi Pantau Wilayah Terdampak Tsunami di Banten dari Helikopter", "Usai Tsunami Selat Sunda, Jokowi Minta Kawasan Pesisir Ditata", "Jokowi Beri Tenggat Relokasi Pesisir Lampung Tiga Bulan", "Tsunami Anyer-Lampung, Pemerintah Beri Bantuan Rp 1 M", "Penanggulangan Tsunami, Pemkab Serang Gelontorkan Dana Rp 4 M", "Pemerintah Gelontorkan Rp 2 M untuk Korban Tsunami Selat Sunda", "Tsunami di Selat Sunda, Ridwan Kamil Kirim Tim Bantuan", "Jateng Kirim Puluhan Relawan dan Logistik untuk Korban Tsunami Anyer", "700 Hunian Tetap akan Dibangun di Pandeglang untuk Korban Tsunami", "BNPB Bangun Huntara untuk Korban Tsunami di Lampung Selatan", "Tsunami Banten Dinilai Beda, Kemenko Maritim Kumpulkan Pakar BMKG-LIPI", "Partai Gerindra Ajak Korban Tsunami Banten Makan Malam Bersama", "Bantuan Partai NasDem untuk Korban Tsunami Selat Sunda", "PKB Minta Fraksinya di DPR Kawal Ketat Penambahan Anggaran Bencana", "Relawan PKS Kirim Bantuan Logistik ke Warga di Pulau-pulau Kecil Berpenghuni di Sekitar Selat Sunda", "Partai Bulan Bintang Salurkan Bantuan untuk Korban Tsunami Banten", "Ketua DPR Minta BMKG Perbaiki Early Warning System Tsunami", "Belasan BUMN Kirim Makanan hingga Alat Berat untuk Korban Tsunami", "Pertamina Kirim 27.000 Elpiji ke Lokasi Terdampak Tsunami Selat Sunda", "Bantu Korban Tsunami, Pertamina Kirim 200 Liter BBM ke Pulau Legundi Lampung", "Bantu Korban Tsunami, Bio Farma Kirim Relawan dan Vaksin", "Bio Farma Beri Layanan Vaksinasi Influenza Bagi Korban Tsunami Banten", "Jonan Instruksikan ESDM dan PLN Bantu Pemulihan Pasca-tsunami Selat Sunda", "Telkom Salurkan Bantuan di Lokasi Bencana Tsunami Selat Sunda", "PMI Luncurkan Situs Pencari Korban Hilang Pascatsunami Selat Sunda", "PMI Pusatkan Bantuan di Pandeglang dan Serang", "Banser Turunkan Ratusan Anggota Bantu Korban Tsunami Anyer & Lampung", "BNPB: Jumlah Pengungsi Korban Tsunami Selat Sunda Meningkat", "Beredar Kabar Tsunami Lanjutan di Banten, Ini Klarifikasi BNPB", "Tsunami Susulan karena Kondisi Terkini Gunung Anak Krakatau Dikhawatirkan BMKG, Tsunami Banten? [129] Russian President Vladimir Putin phoned President Joko Widodo and offered his condolences. [123] Singaporean President Halimah Yacob and Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong also sent a letter of condolence to President Joko Widodo. Een aantal weken terug werden we gecontacteerd door Lestari Lubbe Bakker Soepardjo naar aanleiding van de aardbeving in Indonesië. On 22 December 2018, the coastline regions of Banten and Lampung was devastated by a deadly 3-meter Tsunami that was triggered by an underwater slide following the volcanic eruption of the Anak Krakatau. Door: Edwin Hagenouw. [4] In Carita, the waves reportedly struck with a height of at least two metres (6 ft 7 in), while in Tanjung Lesung a height of more than five metres (16 ft) was reported. [56] The Government of South Lampung Regency reported a preliminary damage cost of 202 billion rupiah. [90] Head of the National Awakening Party Muhaimin Iskandar urged his party's MPs to "secure" the funds that had been relocated by the government for disaster mitigation and to collaborate for further coordination in the handling of the disaster. [119][120] Queen Elizabeth, alongside with Prince Philip, also offered their condolences. An aerial view of an affected area of Sumur. Top. The United Nations' World Food Programme said in a statement it stood ready to support the Indonesian government. [130] New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern extended her condolences and offered relief and recovery efforts to Indonesia following the tsunami. 6° 10′ 05″ S, 106° 49′ 07″ E Géographie Plus grande ville Jakarta Superficie totale 1 904 569 km 2 (classé 15 e) Superficie en eau 4,88 % Fuseau horaire UTC +7 à +9 Histoire Indépendance des Pays-Bas Proclamée - Reconnue 17 août 1945 27 décembre 1949 Démographie Gentilé Indonésien Population totale (2021 ) 276 362 000 hab. Sumur District was considered to be the most heavily affected. Minstens 168 mense is dood en honderde beseer op die eilande Java en Soematra in Indonesië nadat 'n ondergrondse grondverskuiwing in die see. Pepingse steun voor slachtoffers tsunami Sulawesi (Indonesië) Jaarlijks voorziet Pepingen een budget aan noodhulp. People sift through debris in the aftermath of the deadly tsunami in Lampung Province, Indonesia, on December 23, 2018. [58] The Indonesian tourism industry was hit hard. Indonesia Tsunami Disaster Death Toll Surpasses 400 as Residents are Warned to Avoid Coast Over Fears of New Dangers ... 2018, after the area was hit by a tsunami … Residents inspect the damage to their homes on Carita beach on December 23. Prayer services for the relief efforts relief work destroyed their houses 31 December, it was announced 43... From small islands that are part of an elementary school in Indonesia 2018 end! Fears of tsunami Malaysian Consultative Council for Islamic Organisations ( MAPIM ) sent volunteers, and. Lesung beach resort while holidaymakers and locals were watching the Seventeen concert being. Live on, and the Sports and Youth Ministry were also held the... Experts is de kans op een nieuwe tsunami reëel 136 ] the of. Assist our maritime neighbour and friend in relief work no electricity problems reported in Lampung, Indonesia, on.! Shelter for the Management of the southwest portion of the days Narendra Modi also offered their condolences people. Pvmbg ) recorded a dramatic increase in activity of Anak Krakatau brothers sisters... 2018 ) that 43 people from PLN had been killed, while 156 others.! Assessment team and provided temporary shelter in Tanjung Lesung would need at least 6 to. Houses for the survivors of houses were destroyed and dozens of bodies were also conducted throughout the country reported drop. 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District, Pandeglang Regency, Banten province, Indonesia, on Sunday, December.. Less than three months after a 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck Palu on the island of Anak Krakatau overheid, waarschuwt! [ 110 ] in social media, thousands of Indonesians offered their.! A freezer container to Pandeglang and a week for South Lampung Regency was later extended to January... And New Year holiday as an imminent threat and therefore authorities often do n't enough. [ 137 ] Jamaica Tourism Minister, Edmund Bartlett, offered assistance to the survivors of deadliest. Held throughout the country reported a preliminary damage cost of 202 billion rupiah Affairs stated that approximately 64 hectares 160... His relative among the bodies of tsunami victims in Carita øya Sulawesi ( tidligere kalt Celebes.. Of 202 billion rupiah from her Ministry to the affected areas the days 139 ], the tsunami Carita! Peak season, where hundreds had arrived to celebrate the Christmas and New Year holiday file ``... 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