5. Water can fall in three ways from the sky: Droughts occur mainly in areas where the normal levels of rainfall are already low. 14. 3. 8. And they've come together for a special forum run by UNICEF for young people in drought-affected parts of the state. A drought is a period of time when an area or region experiences below-normal precipitation. It is estimated that 44 percent of the areas in the state are in the worst level of drought. Agricultural drought – that is caused by lack of moisture in the soil. Droughts are of different types. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It returns again and again. There is no climatic region which doesn’t experience drought. 39. Recurring droughts in East Africa have caused desert areas to grow. Drought is also known for reducing the livestock capacity. When a drought happens, it means that there has been no snow or rain for a long period of time. The increased migration of snakes also leads to increased snakebites to humans. People might not have the water they need for drinking, washing, bathing, and cooking. Some of the suggestions to fight global warming, however, involve the use of a space sunshade, which may also increase the chances of drought. In the tropics (the areas of the earth that are closest to the equator), there are distinct wet and dry seasons. Think you know what a Drought is? Drought is studied by both physical scientists and social scientists. Habitat damage is another outcome of droughts. The dry season greatly increases drought occurrence, and is characterized by its low humidity, with watering holes an… Agencies have been formed to focus on soil preservation. This means that many grazing animals like zebras, elephants, and wildebeest are faced with a choice: move (migrate) to where there is water or die. The deaths were caused by starvation because, drought during the said period dramatically decreased the food supply. If it rains a little less than normal over time, a drought will happen. Droughts are even responsible for wars and even random armed conflicts. The name has since been changed to the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Interestingly, a tropical storm can lead to so much of rainfall that the precipitation exceeds the soil’s capacity to absorb water. Deserts receive very little rain all year. Drought is a continuous period of dry weather when an area gets less than its normal amount of rain. 45 Magical Lake Baikal Facts Everyone Must Know. Around 97 percent of … Several years can pass before people can understand that a drought has hit them. California experienced drought from 1928 to 1937. Water that is already frozen and falls as ice. In fact, there are four different types of droughts that have been classified. During drought plants don't grow properly. We use cookies to improve user experience and serve interest-based ads through our advertisement partner. When a thunderstorm happens upstream of a reservoir, the runoff is prevented and captured by the reservoir. Loess is a type of soil that is affected by wind erosion. Drought is a time when the land is too dry. There are many ways that people can help prevent drought and help areas that are naturally prone to drought. Droughts can cause dust bowls in certain areas which means that the top layer of soil gets completely blown away, leaving behind nutrient-deficient soil to sustain crop growth. Thunderstorms are known for producing large amounts of precipitation within a very short period of time. What is drought? 30. Which countries will be most affected by droughts in the future? In 2012, a severe drought struck the western. If hydroelectric dams are present in the area stricken by droughts, electricity production is negatively impacted. 31. This leads to a situation of water shortage. The fruit and vegetable-bearing plants that are left ripen faster because evaporation and transpiration from the plants are increased. Drought can be triggered by people as well. 40 Drought Facts for Kids and School Project – Read Now! Wind can also be one of the factors in a drought when there is already a lack of rain. When it comes to the world’s costliest weather phenomena, hurricanes take the first spot, and droughts take the second spot. Overall, they state that global warming will result in more rain falling all over the world, but areas that are prone to drought will increase as well. 18. This page was last modified on 8 April 2021, at 17:09. If a dry wind blows (like a wind from over the land) rather than a more humid wind (like a wind from over the ocean), it can dry the land faster. The result is that the soil left behind is poor-nutrient content that cannot sustain crops. Droughts can result in wildfires as the … Droughts can last months or even years. Drought Notes: – a drought is a long period without or with very little rain – droughts are caused by lack of rain – if rain doesn’t occur then the ground doesn’t have water to absorb – living things would die from thirst and some what starvation – droughts mostly happen in the summer Droughts are of different types. It is written about in the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Biblical story of Joseph. Lakes, streams and rivers dry up and plants and animals die. Most Australians will be familiar with the concept, some very familiar of late.. The water will not be soaked into the ground. Read on! The US experienced its worst droughts in the 1930s. So, without further ado, let us start our journey…. Kids grow up repeating lots of songs and fun sayings—rhymes that, for better or worse, stick. To … In northwest China, 3 million people died because of drought-induced famines between 1928 and 1930. Slowly the soil lost the organic material that made it rich and fertile. This changes the atmospheric pressure between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Because farm crops and animals die due to lack of water, there is less food for people to eat, and what food there is costs more. They are very devastating and can burn down homes, businesses, forests, and vegetation. 16. 38. Drought. 28. This happens when drought-stricken people start migrating to other places in search of water and food, thereby increasing the overall pressure on the food and water supply chain of the place where they relocate. Though tropical rains can cause damage, they have the ability of producing more precipitation than a single instance of regular soaking rainfall. Windbreaks (like large trees and bushes) are planted on and near loess to help block as much wind as possible. This can lead to dry soil and dry rivers and dams. To produce one gallon of milk, it requires 700 gallons of water. 13. Fish, birds, animals – everyone loses habitat. This adds to the overall water supply that can be used as a relief from drought. Sometimes this can last for a season or for a short period of time. 40. During the dry seasons, the Intertropical Convergence Zone (Monsoon trough) moves dry air through the tropics. Drought results from changes in Earth’s atmosphere. The movement of dry air eventually causes watering holes and rivers to dry up. The onset of drought is difficult to determine. How Stuff Works, the online site owned by Discovery Company, has a three and a … This happens because the plants become dry and easily catch fire. Most of them had no understanding of the need to rest or restore the soil by adding compost, planting trees, or rotating crops. Drought can … The lack of adequate precipitation, either rain or snow, can cause reduced soil moisture or groundwater, diminished stream flow, crop damage, and a general water shortage. In case of soaking rain, the water enters the soil and increases the ground water level. This leads to increased concentration of toxic chemicals in those water bodies. However, drought is a temporary thing while aridity is a permanent thing. Drought is a continuous period of dry weather, when an area gets less than its normal amount of rain, over months or even years. Did you know there are different kinds? Drought Monitoring: If we can closely watch and measure rainfall levels and compare them with current water usage, it could help prevent man-made drought. © 2021 | Facts Legend | A Unit of Akṣa Ventures. A drought is a natural event that is caused by other weather events like El Niño, high pressure systems, and global warming. Unfortunately, most of the water will run off into streams and drainage channels. If it's brown, flush it down." This in turn, results in decreased crop production, thereby affecting the food supply and the food chain, which eventually leads to famine. Droughts can become dangerous to people and other land … 21. When droughts occur in regions that are powered by hydroelectric dams, the electricity production can be negatively affected. The risk of drought occurring has actually doubled today. Because of the lack of water, famine occurs and sometimes deserts are created. The climate change is the main cause of California drought. Wildfires are unplanned and burn in forests, prairies, and grasslands. Farmers can lessen the effects of (mitigate) drought by properly watering and rotating their crops. Some droughts are caused by shifts in the winds that … Fun Facts So essentially, it may take years for the drought to come to an end. Other places can experience drought at any time. They are sometimes said to be in a permanent drought. Between 1921 and 1922, Russia registered a death toll of a whopping 5 million people. Dust storm during the drought of the 1930s, Texas One of the worst droughts to hit the United States occurred during the 1930s. in the event of prolonged droughts. They are: 3. War in Darfur, Sudan, was partially caused by years of environmental and climate change. Ground water in wells can go away too if we use it up. Facts about California Drought explain the driest condition experienced by the people who live in California. Crops shrivel and dry. Drought is not a purely physical phenomenon, but instead is an interplay between natural water availability and human demands for water supply. It is natural to think that rainfall will end a drought. Drought A drought happens in areas where there is a lack of precipitation for a long period of time. For example, the US state of Missouri experienced a period of drought that lasted from 1930 to 1941. Deforestation (people cutting down trees in forests and not replanting more trees), diverting (redirecting) rivers, and emptying lakes are ways that man interferes with nature and can cause drought. Drought can have serious consequences: It can be bad for the environment and living things in certain areas, it can cause changes in the economy of an area or country, and it can affect the health of people. During the wet seasons, the area becomes a Monsoon trough because monsoons are pulled into the movement of air. Such droughts usually do not affect a very large area and generally occur in regions that are scientifically classified as humid or subhumid. However, the characteristics of drought can vary from region to region. Drought is a natural disaster but unfortunately, it is often triggered by a host of human activities like excessive irrigation, deforestation, farming, global warming caused by increased emission of CO2, etc. 24. 1. If you live in a place where most of the water you use comes from a river, a drought in your area can be caused by places upstream from you not receiving enough moisture. Land use: Carefully planned crop rotation can help to minimize erosion and allow farmers to plant less water-dependent crops in drier years. 10. 9. 37. Because water is such an important part of our communities and the environment, water scarcity during a drought touches many parts of our lives. It is quite easy to get confused between the two because even aridity means dryness and low rainfall. However, that is not true. Cities never stop seeking solutions. If we go by the Guinness Book of World Records, 9 million to 13 million people in China died because there was no rainfall in Northern China from 1876 to 1879. When areas do not get enough rain, drought happens. Educational article for students, schools, and teachers. Drought facts for kids A drought occurs when there is very little rainfall or snowfall over an extended period of time. 2. Learn how your comment data is processed. A drought happens when there no rain for a long period of time. A soaking rain on the other hand is the one that is particularly helpful in putting an end to a drought. Dust bowls are often caused by droughts. 32. These toxic chemicals then start entering food chain and food supply in greater concentration. In short, it can take weeks, months, or even years to understand that a drought has occurred. And it is all … The precise definition of drought is made complex due to political considerations, but there are generally three types of conditions that are referred to as drought. Lightning striking an area with dry fuel such as leaves can cause a spark. 20. 7. 2. Droughts often result in wildfires as the vegetation becomes dry and more prone to catching fire. This happens because droughts lead to water scarcity and crop irrigation takes a hit. Drought is a period of time during which the rainfall or the precipitation in any given area is less than the usual average rainfall or precipitation that the region receives. By using our website, you agree to the cookie and privacy policy of Facts Legend. Wind erosion usually happens in areas where there is not enough rainfall to grow many plants. It looks like little cliffs of sand and is common in the middle of the United States and other areas of the world like China, Hungary, and Belgium. Within the tropics, distinct, wet and dry seasons emerge due to the movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone or Monsoon trough. 25. Less available water affects how well plants grow and how much animals have to eat, which means farmers have difficulty making money. It eventually led to famine that killed 750,000 people. With a gradual warming of climate, droughts are becoming more common and more severe. What is a drought? In 1988, the United States of America was hit by a drought. This can in turn, lead to food scarcity. A region which is arid will always have low rainfall. This began in 1935 after President Roosevelt signed documents creating the Soil Conservation Service. 12. When this happens, rivers and lakes sometimes dry up. Sometimes conflicts can occur because of drought. Drought can last from anywhere between weeks to years. You Are Here: Home » Random » 40 Drought Facts for Kids and School Project – Read Now! 2. Because crops and other plants need water to grow and land animals need water to live, droughts can be dangerous. Millions of people, including many children, are going hungry in Africa because of a severe drought there. Those parts of the world which will … What does each science help us understand about drought? Our desert cities will run out of water when they stop planning … 22. This is when flooding and significant runoffs happen. At it’s simplest, drought is when there is less rain than usual. 6. Droughts are the second-most costly weather events after hurricanes. Why? Today's California kids have added a new one to their repertoire—"If it's yellow, let it mellow. Because of the shortage of water, people are forced to leave their places in large numbers and settle in other places (even in other countries) to restart their life. 26. Historians believe that people migrated out of Chile and Africa thousands of years ago because of drought. Places that have a rainy season and a dry season have seasonal drought during the dry season. Drought also leads to migration of snakes from drought-stricken areas to places where there is enough water. 1. If you are looking for the answers to these questions, we have your back. Drought can result in severe malnutrition, disease, and dehydration to those who rely on local water. What are some interesting drought facts? Droughts can lead to severe decrease in the total yield of crops. A drought can last for over 10 years! This is the reason why consistent soaking rainfall over a period of several months is necessary to putting an end to a drought. Droughts are often responsible for famine. 4. A single episode of a light or a moderate rainfall will only provide a temporary relief. One example of an unpredictable drought was the Dust Bowl of the early 1930s, the worst drought in American history. How Does Drought Affect Our Lives? In fact, there are four different types of droughts that have been classified. 27. Dust bowls are characterized by intense dust storms that blow away the top soil completely. Outdoor water-use restriction: Regulating the use of sprinklers, hoses, or buckets on outdoor home maintenance can help prevent drought. Droughts occur when there is abnormally low rainfall for an extended period of time. Drought has many causes. Here is a list of ways that we can protect against drought, lessen the effects of drought, and bring relief to those who are affected by drought: Water that falls as a liquid and stays a liquid, Water that falls as a liquid and freezes when it touches the ground. Kids learn about the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression including when and where it took place, the dust storms, drought, Black Sunday, Okies, government aid, and migration to California. Drought can be declared in as little as 15 days! 11. 3 Interesting facts about droughts. While droughts can have different causes depending on the area of the world and other natural factors, the majority of scientists have started to link more intense droughts to Its effects often build up slowly over a long time and may last from months to years, even after rain resumes. 40 Devastating Stress Facts You Must Learn Right Now! In drier climates, it is popular to. This led to the term ‘Dirty Thirties.’. Wildfires are far more widespread during droughts. Drought is a recurrent thing. It led to losses worth $40 billion. Kids can learn disaster facts to learn what to do before, during, and after each type of emergency. Drought and aridity are two different things. During droughts, water level in water bodies drop. A drought is generally defined as a period of below-average precipitation in a given region, resulting in prolonged shortages in water supply. El Niño is a natural event that takes place when seawater temperature rises in the tropical Pacific Ocean. They stand a higher risk today. People reliant on local water end up experiencing dehydration, malnutrition, diseases, etc. Drought can be declared in as little as 15 days! Interesting Drought Facts: 1-10. It can be caused by not receiving rain or snow over a period of time. Bushfires are common during the dry season as well because of the lack of water in the remaining plants. 35. Drought can be caused by nature or by man. They are: Meteorological drought – that is caused by shortage of precipitation or rainfall. Tropical storm rains are typically soaking rains. A 12-year drought that was devastating southwest. The facts that you read here will help you with your school projects or, you may just read them to gain some knowledge. People define droughts in three main ways: The consequences of droughts and water shortages can be divided into three groups: Drought is a normal part of the cycle of the climate in most parts of the world. Beef: It’s Not What’s For Dinner. The region may experience a time period during with the rainfall decreases significantly. Weather patterns can bring about drought. Crops and other plants need water to grow, and animals need it to live. Scientists expect that because of global climate change, droughts will be triggered. Thunderstorms, which are also a type of natural disaster and can cause loss of life and cause large scale damages, also offers the same benefits as a light or medium rainfall provided it happens upstream of a reservoir. For example, the War in Darfur, Sudan, was partially caused by years of environmental and climate change and drought was one of the major reasons. Erosion is a process in which natural forces like wind, air, water, and gravity cause the earth to move or wear away. 29. 17. 33. 41 Amazing Body Language Facts You Must Know! As drought continues, the conditions surrounding it gradually worsen and those living in drought areas are more affected. Many people die every year in famines that are due to drought in subsistence farming areas. These kids are from country New South Wales where the drought is having a huge impact on many families like theirs. 1. 19. Droughts are usually caused by several things, such as weather conditions and high pressure. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Drought may occur almost anywhere in the world. It is often difficult to determine a specific time when a drought started because a drought is a disaster that usually takes place slowly. 23. Since atmospheric pressure determines weather, during El Niño we see drought in some areas of the world and heavy rainfall in other areas. Because the soil is already dry, wind can lift small particles and move them to another region. A drought also comes to an end gradually just like its onset. Particles that are suspended in the wind may rub against solid objects and cause erosion by abrasion. A region experiencing drought may not be a place with naturally low rainfall. One of the many reasons for mass migration is drought. During a drought, farmers can’t keep plants irrigated. The Horn of Africa was hit by a drought in 1984-1985. 36. Then, from 1933 to 1936, a huge drought came, turning the lifeless soil to dust. 34. 3.25 million people in India died because of a drought in 1990. In dry, or arid, climates, the main source of erosion is the wind. Wildfires are hard to put out and can cause habitats … Continue reading "Wildfire Facts" Tropics ( the areas of the water enters the soil ’ s atmosphere usually caused by several,! Dry fuel such as weather conditions and high pressure systems, and dehydration to those who rely on water! Bushfires are common during the said period dramatically decreased the food supply greater! Affects how well plants grow and how much animals have to eat, means... Right Now months to years, and grasslands Random armed conflicts suspended in the 1930s away too we... ( mitigate ) drought by properly watering and rotating their crops years for the drought to come an! Abnormally low rainfall for an extended period of time soaked into the ground devastating Stress Facts you Must learn Now... 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