Usage of formal financial services is generally low across Myanmar, but particularly among poor households. World Bank. Although health centers have filled in some of the gaps in healthcare provision, the services available at these facilities are largely restricted to primary care. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. In particular, the report looks closely at differences across consumption quintiles in order to provide a more nuanced picture of welfare in Myanmar. The 2017 Myanmar Living Conditions Survey (MLCS) is a large scale multi-topic living conditions survey implemented by the Central Statistical Organization of the Ministry of Planning and Finance, and supported by the World Bank (WB) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The ministry and the World Bank jointly released the second volume of the two-part Myanmar Poverty Assessment, which is based on the 2015 Myanmar Poverty and Living Conditions Survey. Myanmar Times. Agriculture and allied activities remain the primary source of employment and income for most of the population, especially the poor, but are associated with low productivity and returns. About one in four people in Myanmar is poor. Agricultural productivity in Myanmar is low compared to other countries in the region, and a lack of technology such as irrigation, fertilizer, and machinery is strongly correlated with low crop yields. More than half of the employed labor force work in agriculture and 64 percent of households earn income from agricultural activities. %PDF-1.6 %���� The team would like to thank, in particular, Minister U Soe Tha of Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development for his support to the Integrated Household Living Conditions Assessment (IHLCA) of which the quantitative study on living conditions is a component. The MLCS brings the objectives of these earlier household surveys together to create a comprehensive source of information on living conditions in Myanmar. It provides a detailed representation of the Myanmar economy and identifies 43 activities and 43 commodities. It also identifies significant correlates of poverty in its many dimensions. A total of 13,730 Survey (between 1989 and 2012), and the Myanmar Poverty and Living Conditions Survey (2015). Myanmar in the time of COVID-19. Data and research help us understand these challenges and set priorities, share knowledge of what works, and measure progress. Myanmar Living Conditions Survey 2017 – Report 04: Socio-Economic Report, Feb 2020. A survey of living standards in Myanmar has revealed that the national quality of life is improving, but there are glaring inequalities in ethnic minority and rural areas. Labour is disaggregated by educational attainment level or by occupation group using a Labour Force Survey, while household income and expenditure detail is extracted from the Myanmar Living Conditions Survey. AUGUST 2020 Mass media campaign to promote behaviour change and solidarity through the COVID-19 pandemic: Yangon, Myanmar CITY POPULATION: 5,157,000i Facing rising cases of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) with The Socio-economic Report is the third and final report in a series of analytical reports based on the 2017 Myanmar Living Conditions Survey (MLCS). The report draws upon the Myanmar Poverty and Living Conditions Survey (MPLCS), fielded in early 2015. The World Bank Group works in every major area of development. ���+��2���.e~ ��ә}�K���Ç��f�W#� Access to comprehensive healthcare and other basic services is limited in rural areas, where 87 percent of the poor reside. Key Findings. 5 July 18 - A joint report by the Central Statistical Organisation, the UNDP and the World Bank, reveals significant changes in living conditions in Myanmar over time. 576 0 obj <>stream The MLCS brings the objectives of these previous household surveys together into a single survey and provides a comprehensive source of living conditions information. Myanmar Living Conditions Survey (MLCS) identifies that Myanmar has overcome the challenges of extreme poverty over the years. Estimations from the 2017 Myanmar Living Conditions Survey (MLCS) reveals that 24.8 percent of the population is poor. The key findings are: - The main changes in electrification are happening in Myanmar's villages, with almost all the growth in solar and public grid access coming from rural areas. If you continue to navigate this website beyond this page, cookies will be placed on your browser. The 2020 CPI report highlights the impact of corruption on government responses to COVID-19. endstream endobj 577 0 obj <>stream • The 2017 Living Conditions Survey reported 24.8 per cent of Myanmar’s population as poor and a further 32.9 per cent vulnerable to falling into poverty due to unanticipated shocks. It provides a detailed representation of the Myanmar economy and identifies 43 activities and 43 commodities. Myanmar Living Conditions Survey (MLCS) was launched today in Nay Pyi Taw by the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Planning and Finance, H.E. Developed by Central Statistical Organization (CSO) in collaboration with KOICA “The Myanmar Living Conditions survey is the first national-level survey which will show the different rates of state and division income, poverty and living standards. Central Statistical Organization (CSO), UNDP and World Bank Group. The Myanmar Living Conditions Survey was conducted by the CSO over a period of 12 months from December 2016 to December 2017 in order to capture seasonality. Global data and statistics, research and publications, and topics in poverty and development, Environmental and Social Policies for Projects. Women are 30 percent less likely than men to be in the labor force, and housework and child care present significant barriers for female labor force participation. �e�G�� complete this quantitative study on living conditions in the Union of Myanmar. By FRONTIER GOVERNMENTS NEED data on how people live to make good policy decisions but for decades Myanmar didn’t collect such information. Compared to non-agricultural activities, agricultural activities – particularly wage labor in agriculture – are associated with lower returns: On average, earnings from agricultural activities account for just 22 percent of total household income. Access to improved sources of drinking water, sanitation facilities, and clean sources of energy are relatively limited among the poor. It is preceded by the Key Indicators Report, which looked at living conditions over time, and the Poverty Report, which provided updated estimates of poverty in Myanmar. Seasonal labor and gender roles have resulted in sizable labor underutilization within the working-age population. The publication involved a revision and rebasing of poverty estimates to reflect changing consumption patterns in the country. 5. The poor are significantly more likely than the non-poor to be engaged in agriculture. Those with consumption levels at or below 1,590 kyat per day are considered poor. It is preceded by the Key Indicators Report, which looked at living conditions over time, and the Poverty Report, which provided updated estimates of poverty in Myanmar. The survey is representative of the Union, its states/regions and the Union Territory of Nay Pyi Taw, and urban and rural areas. Labour is disaggregated by educational attainment level or by occupation group using a Labour Force Survey, while household income and expenditure detail is extracted from the Myanmar Living Conditions Survey. It is at the level of two percent. By Subject. We provide a wide array of financial products and technical assistance, and we help countries share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they face. Poverty Assessment based on data of Myanmar Living Condition Survey (2017) was introduced at Thigaha Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw at 9 am. 2020. Myanmar Poverty and Living Conditions Survey. Socio-Economic Report: Myanmar Living Conditions Survey. We face big challenges to help the world’s poorest people and ensure that everyone sees benefits from economic growth. 28 April 2020. �M���hV�S���:�c�@�F^*���s���@1v�d2��O����68'}�#c*ΐ`*U��Ug�_u*��V�����1���qQ�+UT�����wc��4��@$�ާZX}/0�;��\p�߰�ЏZ�pc�1 �P�\|����� �q%�H�Zq�H��J�Eä���y����������J��{{z�x�������O>�&���p�������~��������������d}�<=�ί^�H��TQG2���,�X�W�A��.�q5����Қ͍E��ln,�L���+�l�Ÿ=��B\�d��ײ��ln����+����U�dn �k67�������U�dn�����X�j=��W���=���esc���ln,_����n��|54�;b�j�ln�j��`�^$̅�dO'[���ɱ����d.A���5H���3����[�c[�m�l�#L-��0m���ݑ���G���d� ���=H��`&��L��L�Gծw��>��A��d�kLm�l�%�r���|��å�9Xk�HW;Xm���|_��Z�o�=��I���@�%Gw���Q�{:9�����d)A���c9L5��`ի��F}n��Xի���{rp��p��o���WW����������{�Wt�r�����{�li��hE;�У���B��K�b�Ul�0�:߉ן W�H�f��8�f!�B��l��/d�Ⱦ�k��Za��X��m�ۅ�u{�Nx̲.�����kv;��k�r;��}�k��p��}��;����]Q�u�]ٕ�]]���w^%�] Report_Myanmar Living Conditions Survey 2017 - Key Indicator Report_Jun2018.pdf: pdf: 7.6 MB : 05-May-2021 : Report_Labor Mobility As a Jobs Strategy for Myanmar.pdf: pdf: 3.01 MB : 25-Jun-2020 : Summary_Governance of Corporate Philanthropy_MCRB.pdf: pdf: 6.02 MB : 07-Nov-2019 Lower welfare is associated with a lower likelihood of having the liquidity or savings to cope with negative income shocks. While monetary household poverty in Myanmar has been measured frequently over the past decades, the number of children aged under 18 years living in poor households was first officially published in the Myanmar Living Conditions Survey in February 2020, just a few weeks before the COVID-19 pandemic hit Myanmar. Although applying panel data is an efficient way of identifying Household finances and educational costs are the main reasons for dropout, particularly for poor children, who are on average twice as likely as non-poor children to leave schooling. Poor households also face greater barriers in connecting to the public grid due to issues of both affordability and accessibility. The poor are significantly less likely than the non-poor to live near a public or private hospital. hެ�ˮ7�_�O�7]� �dY(��,��&�O����k4 ;Ex:\ilS��_4�3S!#�N�D+q!u#�d�H�|�1j��Qǥ01�1l�F6�V.�3wb��w� Accessed August 2020. COVID arrives in a country that is already facing many chronic economic and political challenges. 0 �F@F ��� v�� 2020. Survey (between 1989 and 2012) and the Myanmar Poverty and Living Conditions Survey (MPLCS, 2015). Many women out of the labor force desire work but face limitations in availability or ability to search for a job. Geographical variation in per capita income can largely be attributed to differences in engagement in, and income from non-farm businesses and non-agricultural labor. Instead, many poor and vulnerable households resort to loans, which are overwhelmingly from informal sources. As of 2020, 41 percent of the population used the internet, an increase of one million people since the beginning of 2019.1 The speed and quality of service have increased in recent years due to the launch of 4G services in 2017,2 and international bandwidth reached 445 Gbps in 2018, 15 times higher than 2013.3 … To learn more about cookies, click here. Nevertheless, the disparity in wealth between rural and urban areas remained … Feb 7, 2020 The report, “Myanmar Living Condition Survey 2017: Socio-Economic Report” was jointly launched by the Central Statistical Organization of the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry, UNDP and the World Bank, on 7th … Child enrollment in primary school is nearly universal in both urban and rural areas, but transition to middle and high school is low, especially in rural areas. As a least developed country with almost one-quarter of the population found to be poor according to the 2017 Myanmar Living Conditions Survey, Myanmar has made significant progress in poverty reduction between 2005 and 2017, halving the share of the population considered poor. Between 2005 and 2017, according to the Myanmar Living Conditions Survey 2017 Poverty Report, Myanmar’s poverty rate fell from 48 to 25 percent, and the World Bank reported that economic growth since the country’s democratic transition in 2011 has exceeded 6 percent of GDP in most years. `�#�]S�]���� q�u!���N�`�;f��$vs~��Hv\���b�m�T���R0a!톙2z�9%|k��X�L Limited access to secondary schools, especially high schools, has contributed to large requisite costs to attend high school, which many of the poor and even non-poor have difficulty financing. About the report. This site uses cookies to optimize functionality and give you the best possible experience. }���7���������6��;1���3������{���}��|E��U�^���a����{]�Ń�9��z?Ão ����1� �����-��_�!��`g�O�����\ҟ�2�E��"�o[�ٶ�u��,�\�ܟ�~�Z�������a���o���~��_���/��ÿ������� _��I}���ft?���sӽ�3�� ���V��^x���a��Fx��0�p��^ !��"g����a}:?-��,j�ˎ9k�H��_p҃��թ�����*�]a;J�q+��1��V��$��.w�1v'ɵc�0ɬJЇ��l�BV����Q�ᷛ�����NFײ��^��ndU��\�X+ ��M��J3#��&�ڹ3���� wZ�6}w?��gfyd+ydW7vU�A��>�K �䃝�>n�!��E9B��(y��`�� E�۱���$�8���|�ͫ� Vv%+���}���?V�^(Xك��IVZT. This Socio-economic Report presents an in-depth examination of the data. Accessed September 2, 2020. The poor face greater barriers to continuing education compared to the non-poor. (LMIC). Despite reasonable physical access to formal financial institutions, less than a fifth of households have a bank account, and while borrowing activity is high, most loans are taken from informal sources. hެ��j�0�_EO0˶d;PzX��0�n�����K]�����l�Rr�%�e[��A�l � 8Bp|0PB�!�H�0AB��ٔ��C�%dg6]����=J� �HP"w0�|��N���O��ܗk��%��F�!���K��_y���MK{�,��{����^?�����ޫt�d�N�~?�\��� :�&%+�2*�)9�J�?�0�f���\CT�5}��bM�7�������O5�)UV�Y7 �Z�� The survey aims to provide reliable, accurate and up-to-date data for the country. endstream endobj 578 0 obj <>stream Volume 6, Number 1, January – June 2020 7 ABSTRACT Using the Myanmar Poverty and Living Conditions Survey (MPLCS) 2015 household survey, this paper investigates the impact of migration on the welfare of left-behind households. The 2017 MLCS was conducted from December 2016 to December 2017 and is representative of the Union, urban and rural areas, states/regions, and the Union Territory. COVID-19 leaves over 60,000 workers … The MLCS follows from various households’ surveys that … With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries. The current report explores both monetary and non-monetary poverty and welfare in greater detail. Myanmar Living Conditions Survey (2017) Myanmar Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Survey 2017 Household Income and Expenditure Survey (Nation-Wide Sample Survey in 2012) Seasonal and casual labor, primarily in the agricultural sector, has contributed to substantial time-related underemployment, particularly among the poor. While some have relied on migration to find temporary, mostly unskilled work elsewhere, others continue to struggle with unmet employment demands. The Socio-economic Report is the third and final report in a series of analytical reports based on the 2017 Myanmar Living Conditions Survey (MLCS). The Myanmar Living Conditions Survey 2017 (MLCS 2017) is a comprehensive household survey conducted by Myanmar’s Central Statistical Organization of the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry. Access to the internet continued to improve during the reporting period. The poverty line in 2017 was 1,590 kyat per adult equivalent per day (in 2017 quarter 1 kyat). Part one of the assessment reviews poverty trends based on previous poverty measurement methodologies used in Myanmar and recommends that the method for measuring poverty is revised to reflect standards of living in 2015. Account ownership and formal sector borrowing are particularly low among poor households. h��[]�uIN�+���$UI@�B��+řA�B��Q����o%���������44o=��UɪU��K>�g�|�R>k}$�?��a�埭�G��9����G�wC>��������|t�h�����֝$�cw��c~g[���g��;�}^���G�����sg����?���ܩ���^���w���O�'��Kҏ�4�]�]�}�����'u>�?��}�.��E>��>u�?��]��w�O��c[���~���ٺ��%�Wq���*�ֵϮ�.����������G�v�v��}�/�;��k�k�ώk̵���5�{�k��Soy߿������M��s7z�����5?�e���6�;��^l�k���k�;�� �.꪿ź&Y���N����'�Վ��);�ݢj�ʹ�[�w'z��܅��`�����8�������垻��u����W�a���m����_|�׿�����������_�{>��������Ǐ�����*`=����l��������������_���? 6. Myanmar is a Low and Middle-Income Country. To search for a job was 1,590 kyat per adult equivalent per day are considered poor to differences engagement! A lower likelihood of having the liquidity or savings to cope with negative shocks. And vulnerable households resort to loans, which are overwhelmingly from informal sources examination of the Union of.! 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