What is the added value versus all the boilerplate projects out there? I'm just checking to make sure if this is supported, and I'm … webpack-chain attempts to improve this process by providing a chainable or A chaining API to generate and simplify the modification of Webpack configurations. I'm still confused about the neutrino way of configuration :) entities requiring a name into an object which maps the name to the entity. In order to 30. Hard to make changes with a high degree of confidence. Moving to deeper points in the API will change the context of what you are modifying. Neutrino uses webpack to build both web and Node.js projects by providing complete build presets which can be shared across targets and projects. Configure neutrinojs to use the global React instead of importing/requiring it. i'm trying to trim down the bundle size by loading liraries from cdns nd referring to them via externals like this . Note that is truthy, the first function argument will be invoked with an instance of the Push configuration to a library, which you then consume. Create and build modern JavaScript applications with zero initial configuration. Stars. To Examples: hjs-webpack, Neutrino, webpack-blocks. Моя настройка Neutrino . Pkg Stats. oneOf. Chinese docs(中文文档) Introduction. Search Enter? There’s no dedicated config option for this. // A function which is given a single argument of the ChainedSet instance, // invoked when condition is truthy, given a single argument of the ChainedSet instance, // whenFalsy: Optional Function -> ChainedSet, // invoked when condition is falsy, given a single argument of the ChainedSet instance, // A shorthand method for setting a value on a ChainedMap, // Backed at config.entryPoints : ChainedMap, // Backed at neutrino.config.optimization.minimizers, // Minimizer plugins can also be specified by their path, allowing the expensive require()s to be. create webpack config more elegantly. Related Projects. Returns {ChainableWebpackConfig} Usage: Resolve an intermediate chainable webpack config instance, which can be further tweaked before generating the final raw webpack config. See the webpack-chain repository Just a tip, if you are trying to overwrite the base loader in vue.config.js, the uses.clear() function is required to be called. generate usable config, you can customize how functions and plugins are For example, devServer.hot is a shorthand method, so it can be used as: A shorthand method is chainable, so calling it will return the original webpack configurations. If a property is marked as being a Its main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser, yet it is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging just about any resource or asset. I am willing to write tests around this, but wanted to discuss what it would look like first. And since there are many different ways that webpack … Specify that the current oneOf context should operate after another named Setting up tooling for a basic React app is typically very hard to do and requires a lot of configuration. The power of webpack with the simplicity of presets. The Neutrino configuration does let you merge a configuration object, but does not accept a normal webpack configuration NOTE: Do not use new to create the plugin, as this will be done for you. You can use Neutrino base presets to get started building a variety of projects, create your own presets by extending the Neutrino core ones to be shared across your own projects or even by the community. // a ChainedMap that used .before() or .after(). Neutrino utilizes webpack under the hood for building projects by augmenting it with knowledge about build middleware. file to maintain. matches a layout similar to how the configuration schema is laid out. Once the configuration is no longer co-located with the project and needs to be extended or your similar projects. npm package discovery and stats viewer. Created Mar 3, 2017 One of the core API interfaces in Neutrino configuration is a ChainedMap. Open Issues. Neutrino middleware are discrete pieces of webpack configuration that use a custom configuration API. The function can either mutate the config directly or return an object that will be merged into the webpack config. NPM. Examples: create-react-app, kyt, nwb. // Remove a single entry from a Map given its key. Config output: shorthand methods. Specify that the current plugin context should operate after another named Config resolve: shorthand methods. Awesome Open Source. I'm just checking to make sure if this is supported, and I'm guessing it is. Presets give you the necessary functionality for your project, such as language support, linting, testing, etc. Usage : Register a webpack configuration object that will be merged into the config OR a function that will receive the raw webpack config. pkg:[package-name] User packages @[username] Sponsor. been fantastic improvements to the tooling ecosystem, but unfortunately only work on specific Why don't presets use a normal webpack configuration object instead of the chaining API? Moving to deeper points in the configuration API will change the context of what you // Make configuration changes using the chaining API. Neutrino just outputs a Webpack config. And then we have a Node API. The Neutrino configuration does let you merge a configuration object, but does not accept a normal webpack configuration out of the box. We believe Neutrino javascript (68,977)webpack (1,148)webpack2 (110)fluent (33)webpack … projects? While this is OK for configurations It intends to make the process of initializing and building … You can optionally provide a second function to be Maintain configuration within multiple files for each environment and point webpack to each Typically this would involve transforming your webpack configuration to nest Create and build modern JavaScript applications with zero initial configuration. These types of projects GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Specify that the current plugin context should operate before another named For details on the specific values that are valid for all shorthand and I’ve also updated the docs with information on how to run the new npm tasks for this build system. Neutrino middleware that extracts styles from bundles into separate files using the ExtractTextPlugin. you to chain these methods. environments like React, and do not allow simple extensibility of the build configuration. I don't see a path to mocking the tests. Log in or sign up. For this guide, This is easier explained through the examples following. this is not a webpack configuration object, but you may transform a webpack A chaining API to generate and simplify the modification of Webpack configurations. understanding of the underlying object structure to make those changes. webpack-chain repo activity. rules, uses and plugins: By default the generated string cannot be used directly as real webpack config Neutrino uses webpack to build both web and Node.js projects by providing complete build presets which can be shared across targets and projects. resort to either adding a new instance of the EnvironmentPlugin by requiring webpack yourself, or looping through if it contains functions and plugins that need to be required. Unfortunately many projects And then we have a Node API. It intends to make the process of initializing and building … Some of these projects also make a trade-off In the Neutrino API, the config property is an instance of webpack-chain. The problem is that, while I'm developing, every time there's a problem with ESLint, the build breaks and doesn't compile the code. You cannot use both .before() and .after() on the same resolve webpack's core configuration is based on creating and modifying a also bake in build configuration into this process, causing a lot of duplication. cli vorpal fluent interactive chain easy creation minimal nodejs fliphub. 50. webpack-config-plugins - Best practices for webpack loader configurations - Interview with Jan Nicklas; webpack-plugin-serve - A Development Server in a webpack Plugin - Interview with Andrew Powell "SurviveJS - Webpack" book updated to webpack 4; Webpack in Munich, May 2018 “SurviveJS — Webpack” v2.1 and “SurviveJS — Maintenance” v0.9; Published: 28 Aug 2017. chainable cli creation, minimal, interactive, powerful. chaining and generating configuration. The power of webpack with the simplicity of presets. Note: while webpack-chain is utilized extensively in Neutrino, the package is I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely … Maintain configuration within multiple files for each environment and point webpack to each through the --config parameter, sharing configuration through module imports. plugin. instance. // into the backing Map as keys and values. In this lesson, we will setup a new React project with Neutrino with zero configuration. often duplicating efforts and missing out on opportunities to share best practices with the other project Modifying The major disconnect here is that we are building this in a bit of a blurry world, in terms of what common requirements are expected. You can use Neutrino base presets to get started building a variety of projects, create your own presets by extending the Neutrino core ones to be shared across your own projects or even by the community. 8 days ago. ¶Installation $ yarn add --dev usertech/neutrino-preset-react-storybook#0.0.1 // Every API call tracks a change to the stored configuration. Then you would have to extend the webpack config to include these as externals: // vue.config.js module.exports = { chainWebpack: config => { config.externals({ 'jquery', 'jQuery' }) } } Log in or sign up. Push configuration to a tool. with the same key as the shorthand method name. You can move back to the higher context by either referencing object that corresponds with this "schema". To keep the term "presets" relevant, we typically want to use it when referring to major project types: Maintain all configuration within a single file and branch there and rely on the --mode parameter. webpack webpack-config webpack-chain. Specify that the current plugin context should operate before another named plugin. // Plugins can also be specified by their path, allowing the expensive require()s to be, '@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties', // Merging an object into Neutrino configuration, // should have any properties you set follow this, // Example: Only add minify plugin during production. GitHub Gist: star and fork Lappintade's gists by creating an account on GitHub. You can move back to the higher context by either referencing the top-level config again, or General search [free text search, go nuts!] Will return `undefined` if the backing, // This will order properties by their name if the value is. // Returns an array of values contained in the backing Set. configuration object before providing it to Neutrino configuration to match its layout. But it seems to be the bundle size is drop by only 2MB. You probably mean Neutrino 9.4.0 and not 4.9.0. In order to import a CSS file from within a JavaScript module, you need to Neutrino is a configuration management tool for the webpack ecosystem that supports building, testing, linting, and developing JavaScript projects based on shared configuration presets and middleware. @andreasvirkus Thank you! ChainedMap, it will have an API and methods as described below: Unless stated otherwise, these methods will return the ChainedMap, allowing make subsequent modifications gets messy, as you need to have a deep Lappintade / neutrino.js. I love Neutrino because it requires minimal configuration to get up and running but custom configuration is easy when you need to. [00:00:44] And especially now with Webpack 4, the mode property, and not even needing a config out of the box, it's considerably easier. Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. @neutrinojs/web is a Neutrino preset that supports building generic applications for the web.. Config entryPoints. A new update: At Eli’s suggestion, I’ve parted the neutrino configs into more modular chunks, which are now stored in neutrino-presets/. represents a good balance between ease of set up and future extensibility. neutrino neutrino-preset atomspace eslint. Also note that the custom linting rule are applied to both the manual lint command as well as during webpack's live reload and linting routine! Моя настройка Neutrino . Created Mar 3, 2017 Then you would have to extend the webpack config to include these as externals: // vue.config.js module.exports = { chainWebpack: config => { config.externals({ 'jquery', 'jQuery' }) } } The eval() errror is not coming from webpack-dev-server.. It turns out that the the default source map mode used by @neutrinojs/web which @neutrinojs/web inherits from is cheap-module-eval-source-map and needs to be set to cheap-module-source-map.. the top-level neutrino.config again, or by calling .end() to move up one level. // backing Set contains the specified value. current chained instance. Webpack Chain. Config resolve modules . plugin. A From a practical point of view, importing an existing Neutrino config would be hard, since the webpack config doesn't have the concept of named plugins/rules/... so Neutrino would have to auto-generate names. The power of webpack with the simplicity of presets. Could anyone please advise? WebPack doesn't seem to like this: config.module .rule('some-rule') .test(/\.m?js/) .resolve.fullySpecified(false) I also tried with: config.module .rule('some-rule') .test(/\.m?js/) .resolve({ fullySpecified: false }) I must be doing something obviously (and simply) stupid/wrong. Neutrino preset for adding ESLint config, following the Atom Space code style. If it does then it is an issue in the configuration logic, not the Neutrino. low-level methods, please refer to their corresponding name in the Specify that the current plugin context should operate after another named Examples: create-react-app, kyt, nwb. By encapsulating the common use cases of Webpack configuration into shareable presets, it is possible to create an application without ever needing to touch a configuration file. ChainedMap operates similar to a JavaScript Map, with some conveniences for // Add a value to the beginning of a Set. Push configuration to a tool. // Concatenates the given array to the end of the backing Set. But what if you wanted to make a configuration change across all your License. Features. As such it's hard to justify spend time maintaining them. You yould simply include script tags for these CDN dependencies in /public/index.html. When working with instances of ChainedMap and ChainedSet, you can perform The API for neutrino.config.resolveLoader is identical to neutrino.config.resolve with I ended up having to dig into the internals of Neutrino, nwb, Webpack and a tricksy little library called webpack-node-externals. You can console.log(module.exports) in webpack.config.js to check if it matches your expectations. If the expression neutrino neutrino-middleware extract extract-text extract-styles. manipulate parts of the configuration without resorting to object and array manipulation hacks, something not currently answer this, new and similar projects are cropping up to build different types of projects, What is the difference between middleware and presets. Open Issues. Presets can even be … Create and build modern JavaScript applications with zero initial configuration. // for property names to omit from being merged. would be difficult or tedious to generate for every project. started I'm not actively working on any project that uses webpack, so haven't used Neutrino or webpack-chain for some time. Most Recent Commit. You yould simply include script tags for these CDN dependencies in /public/index.html. I set emitWarning: true, but not working. Outputs ./build/stats.html. ChainedSet operates similar to a JavaScript Set, with some conveniences for This includes JavaScript files, CSS stylesheets, images, and any other assets that would be available to your compiled project. Use a chaining API to generate and simplify the modification of the following additions: NOTE: Do not use new to create the minimizer plugin, as this will be done for you. this is my neutrino… On webpack, this is working by resolve alias like this. Another of the core API interfaces in Neutrino configuration is a ChainedSet. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. mpl-2.0. @neutrinojs/web follows the standard project layout specified by Neutrino. This is so you may chain API calls continuously if desired. The power of webpack … You cannot use both .before() and .after() on the same oneOf. 49. Usage: Resolve the final raw webpack config, that will be passed to webpack. Neutrino is a configuration management tool for the webpack ecosystem that supports building, testing, linting, and developing JavaScript projects based on shared configuration presets and middleware. So have you ever wanted to make your own Webpack wrapper? 6.3.0 • Published 3 months ago neutrino-middleware-extractstyles. You cannot use both .before() and .after() on the same plugin. Zero upfront configuration necessary to start developing and building a web app; Modern Babel compilation supporting ES modules, last 2 major browser versions, async functions, and dynamic imports You can use Neutrino within your project alongside webpack, ESLint, Jest, Karma, and more of your favorite CLI tools. Config resolve extensions. Neutrino uses Webpack and Babel behind the scenes, so you still get great build technology, but without all the heavy lifting of needing to configure it. This documentation corresponds to v6 of webpack-chain, which Neutrino utilizes. This forces a much higher maintenance burden on your project, and this is only a very simple example. Then users would have to guess as to what those names were, when using Neutrino's APIs to apply customisation on top. License. // Provide an object which maps its properties and values. plugin. Awesome Open Source. // Returns `true` or `false` based on whether or not the. Tools like Create React App have neutrino-preset-visualizer Webpack visualizer as a Neutrino preset to view where space is allocated. Build tool specific config files, like webpack.config.js, only consume the configuration generated by Neutrino. It intends to make the process of initializing and building … automatically: You can also call toString as a static method on Config in order to You can use Neutrino within your project alongside webpack, ESLint, Jest, Karma, and more of your favorite CLI tools. Typically webpack is run via one or more npm scripts which will look for a webpack installation in your local node_modules directory: Stars. For more advanced customisation, you can take advantage of Neutrino’s chaining API (webpack-chain) directly. webpack-chain supports merging in an object to the configuration instance which matches a layout similar to how the webpack-chain schema is laid out. invoked when the condition is falsy, which is also given the current chained npm install --save-dev webpack-cli Installing locally is what we recommend for most projects. # resolveChainableWebpackConfig. You must specify an expression to Presets give you the necessary functionality for your project, such as language support, linting, testing, etc. webpack docs hierarchy. Most Recent Commit. You cannot use both .before() and .after() on the same oneOf. I did this config in my .neutrinorc.js an it seems to work fine. fluent API for creating and modifying webpack configurations. standardize how to modify a configuration across projects. are great and do serve a purpose. Config resolve descriptionFields. If a property is marked as being a Config resolve aliasFields. In short, you must transform your webpack configuration in order to merge it into the Neutrino configuration cleanly. If you are familiar with jQuery, .end() works similarly. A number of shorthand methods exist for setting a value on a ChainedMap Neutrino Web Preset. May actually have to compile? For example, adding a custom plugin to your config would look like this: ChainedSet, it will have an API and methods as described below: Unless stated otherwise, these methods will return the ChainedSet, allowing on individual projects, trying to share these objects across projects and A chaining API to generate and simplify the modification of Webpack configurations. For this guide, our example base configuration will be.neutrinorc.js in the root of our project directory. Can I just re-use my existing webpack configuration? for standalone documentation. // Execute a function against the current configuration context, // A function which is given a single argument of the ChainedMap instance, // Conditionally execute a function to continue configuration, // invoked when condition is truthy, given a single argument of the ChainedMap instance, // whenFalsy: Optional Function -> ChainedMap, // invoked when condition is falsy, given a single argument of the ChainedMap instance. // Returns an object of all the entries in the backing Map, // where the key is the object property, and the value, // corresponding to the key. // Returns `true` or `false` based on whether a Map as has a value set at a. Hi I'm new to neutrino and tried compress the bundle size since it's 19MB. // Example: Only add minify plugin during production, /* neutrino.config.module.rule('compile') */, /* neutrino.config.module.rule('compile').use('babel') */, new (require('/foo/bar/src/node_modules/webpack/lib/EnvironmentPlugin.js'))(, Configuring optimizations: shorthand methods, Config optimization minimizers: modify arguments, Config optimization minimizers: modify instantiation, Config resolve plugins: modify instantiation, Config module rules uses (loaders): creating, Config module rules uses (loaders): modifying options. Neutrino combines the power of Webpack with the simplicity of presets to build web and Node.js projects. I'm having an issue where babel-loader doesn't appear to be able to handle any JSX code. // Set a value on the Map stored at the `key` location. 2,538. A plugin. There’s no dedicated config option for this. need to make a change to your build steps, you are forced to make that change across all WebPack doesn't seem to like this: config.module .rule('some-rule') .test(/\.m?js/) .resolve.fullySpecified(false) I also tried with: config.module .rule('some-rule') .test(/\.m?js/) .resolve({ fullySpecified: false }) I must be doing something obviously (and simply) stupid/wrong. webpack's plugin array, removing the plugin, and re-instantiating it with your own arguments. You can use Neutrino base presets to get started building a variety of projects, create your own presets by extending the Neutrino core ones to be shared across your own projects or even by the community. The approach is explained in detail later in this chapter. https://neutrino.js.org. 162 members. (In reply to Autolander from comment #3) > Created attachment 8836734 > [treeherder] caseywilliams:neutrino > mozilla:master I believe this commit successfully replaces grunt with webpack/neutrino (except for e2e ui tests -- see below -- and a caveat about running vagrant with unminified code). Use a chaining API to generate and simplify the modification of configs. All of Neutrino’s configuration is done in a.neutrinorc.js file in the root of your project. Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. This can utilize either the Object format or Function format to access the Neutrino API: Key portions There's lots of things like Neutrino and joy, and there's a whole bunch that are out there, but they leverage the Webpack node API, basically doing the exact same thing. specified. are modifying. Neutrino middleware for compiling JavaScript using Babel configuration. We add one more function after jest () that will determine if the build is for production and then revise part of the config accordingly. [00:00:44] And especially now with Webpack 4, the mode property, and not even needing a config out of the box, it's considerably easier. So have you ever wanted to make your own Webpack wrapper? You cannot use both .before() and .after() on the same plugin. // Add/append a value to the end of a Set. JavaScript neutrinojs neutrinojs ... Config. If you All API calls of the API can be referenced by user-specified names, which helps to modify the configuration object prior to stringifying. Config shorthand methods. out of the box. 13 days ago. I'd hoped there would be more interest from the rest of the community in helping with maintenance (particularly given the Vue ecosystem uses webpack-chain), but there hasn't been so far. 2,587. Note that this is not a webpack configuration object, but you may transform a webpack configuration object before providing it to webpack-chain to match its layout. Then users would have to guess as to what those names were, when using Neutrino's APIs to apply customisation on top. @andreasvirkus Thank you! React projects, Node.js projects, composite middleware (a conglomeration of many middlewares), etc. potentially unwieldy JavaScript object. Neutrino config supports merging in an object to the configuration instance which The takeaway: most middleware can just be middleware, and use the term preset for major project types or based on creating and modifying apotentially unwieldy JavaScript object. Presets can even be … Basic customisation can be done by providing options to Neutrino and its' React preset: To get started with our first Neutrino-based Node.js project, we are going to be using neutrino-preset-node. Note: while webpack-chain is utilized extensively in Neutrino, this package is completely standalone and can be used by any project. No upfront configuration, and easy overrides if necessary 2. This Config resolve alias. Any thoughts? Installation Grab the preset: $ yarn add -D neutrino-preset-visualizer Add it to yo,neutrino-preset-visualizer Name only to reduce use a normal webpack configuration objects can be more! To build both web and Node.js projects by providing complete build presets which be... Much more unwieldy where Space is allocated referring to them via externals like this change, you modifying. Would have to guess as to what those names were, when using Neutrino 's APIs to apply on... I do n't presets use a normal webpack configuration object instead of importing/requiring it the proliferation boilerplate..Before ( ) much higher maintenance burden on your project alongside webpack ESLint! 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