Refuge Egypt serves refugees, migrants and asylum seekers living in Egypt who have fled their original country of nationality due to war or disaster, and who have well founded fears of return due to persecution or loss of rights. As part of the fellowship, he is documenting inclusion of refugees in the technology-based responses to the Covid-19 pandemic in Egypt; and the role of the judiciary in the internet freedom landscape in North Africa. UNHCR leads the InterAgency Working Group (IAWG), the main refugee coordination mechanism which gathers representatives from UN agencies as well as international and national NGOs. RW COVID-19 page: Find latest updates on global humanitarian responses. ReliefWeb Labs projects explore new and emerging opportunities to improve information delivery to humanitarians. Save this story for later. It was a miracle that Ahmed and his mother survived the bombing. Syrian refugee Ahmad al-Khatib … By the end of September 2019, 30,000 refugees and migrants underwent the screening of Hepatitis C all over Egypt. Those reaching Egypt included businessmen who pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into the economy. Welcome parades, in which new prisoners are physically and psychologically abused while crawling between two lines of policemen, is a torture technique used in Egyptian prisons. This article, which profiles the trends and policies that have shaped Egypt's migration history, focuses on its long-standing use of migration as a soft-power tool to achieve … Currently, 247,724 refugees and asylum-seekers are registered with UNHCR Egypt. Prevention and Response to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), and Durable Solutions. Egypt … Outside working hours, emergency contact lines are established with all UNHCR partners. CAIRO – 13 November 2019: Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Omar Marwan said Wednesday Egypt has ensured decent lives for refugees and asylum seekers, adding that the number of refugees and asylum seekers currently registered at the UNHCR Regional Representation in Egypt hit 250,000 from 55 nationalities. Refugees and asylum-seekers arrested for administrative and residency related charges are provided with legal and humanitarian assistance. UNHCR conducts Best Interest Assessments and prioritizes protection and assistance to UASC and other children at risk across all programmes through prevention and response activities and specialized services, including quality case management, strengthening of national child protection systems and (internal/external) capacity building. Country of asylum is the country where an asylum claim was filed and granted. List of organizations that are actively providing ReliefWeb with content. OCHA coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. However, the process to obtain and renew residence permits remains lengthy. We seek to provide humanitarian assistance, spiritual guidance and encouragement to help build self-sufficiency and self-respect in preparation for … By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed. Refugee Rights. {"longitude":30,"latitude":27,"zoom_level":0,"iso_codes":"'EGY'"}, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. There are tens of thousands of Sudanese refugees in Egypt, most of them seeking refuge from ongoing military conflicts in their home country of Sudan. The police also rounded up 90 of the demonstrators and took them to a prison outside of Cairo. Which were around 91% answered positively. Harmonizing assistance to refugees of different nationalities through a “one refugee approach”. Working closely with Egyptian authorities to preserve the existing protection space, enhance access to asylum and prevent refoulement. UNHCR works closely with the Government of Egypt, United Nations agencies, international and national NGOs to provide protection and assistance to asylum-seekers and refugees. UNHCR registers and Picture taken October 16, 2019. 31,328 people newly registered with UNHCR Egypt in 2019. Open training opportunities in the humanitarian field. UNICEF/Egypt 2019/Dalia Younis Back home, in Syria, Ahmed and his family were educators. ■ On a daily basis, refugees have five access avenues to UNHCR: reception areas in the four UNHCR offices; two UNHCR info-lines; social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook); community interactions; and via partners directly working with UNHCR. UNHCR also intervenes on their behalf with local authorities for release and to ensure that their claims for international protection are assessed. One local NGO documented 336 enforced disappearances between August 2018 and August 2019 and nearly 500 since August 2019. Embracing the SDGs principle of “leaving no one behind”, the campaign has started providing free tests and treatment to all legally residing foreign nationals in Egypt including refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants as of March 2019. [73] Just 4,000 refugees were resettled from Egypt in 2019 — mostly Syrian and Sudanese. On November 22, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Omar Marwan said there was no evidence of enforced disappearances. The majority of them live in urban areas alongside the host communities. The Refugee and the Thief. More than half of them (53 per cent) are from Syria. ■ In addition to close coordination with partners, daily refugee counselling and case management are integral components of the office engagement with refugees and asylum-seekers. ARTICLE: From being a source of labor emigration to the Gulf region to a destination for refugees from Syria, sub-Saharan Africa, and elsewhere, Egypt has long experienced different forms of mobility. 9 percent of asylum applications have been rejected in the first instance. The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Mon 11 Feb 2019 01.00 EST. Latest humanitarian reports, maps and infographics and full document archive. It also hosts an unspecified large number of unregistered asylum-seekers and refugees. Egypt October - December 2019 As of 31 December 2019, 254,726 refugees and asylum-seekers from 58 countries of origin were registered with UNHCR Egypt. Refugees in Egypt often live in miserable conditions in the poorer districts of larger cities such as Cairo and Alexandria. More than half of the registered refugees and asylum-seekers are from Syria. A female refugee speaks about violent sexual assault in Cairo, Egypt, October 16, 2019. In May, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry estimated the number of Syrian refugees in Egypt at 550,000. Engaging in mixed population movement discussions at all levels; documenting and analyzing onward movements and responding accordingly. ■ Refugees and asylum-seekers have access to legal remedies and representation through lawyers of NGO partners. We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all. Most refugees and asylum-seekers in Egypt live in the Another local NGO documented 492 disappearances January to June. One day of 2010, a bomb flattened the school at which he and his mother worked. They created successful business models and opened thousands of jobs for Syrians and Egyptians alike. At the peak of the European migrant crisis in 2015, 1.3 million Syrians requested asylum in Europe. The majority of them live in urban areas alongside the host … # Story_of_a_Volunteer" About a month ago, this great chapter of my life began, helping refugee children in Egypt; I tell you the truth, it has not been anything simple since it is a culture totally different from ours, they do not live in optimal conditions, but that is the least! Access your account or create a new one for additional features or to post job or training opportunities. Egypt is a destination country for refugees and asylum seekers of 58 different nationalities. There are currently around 130,000 registered Syrian refugees in Egypt, according to the UN refugee agency, ... June 11, 2019. Providing quality and timely registration and documentation, particularly since related activities were reduced in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 2019 year-end results: 119,300 : vulnerable refugees and asylum-seekers were provided with winter assistance, in addition to 2,900 UASC: 66,100 : individuals were supported with monthly multipurpose cash grants to meet basic needs, in addition to 3,300 UASC who received financial assistance: 59,300 CAIRO – 30 October 2019: As Egypt has embraced around five million refugees, according to President Abdel Fattah al-sisi, the word “lage’ (refugee)” is normally abandoned in the Egyptian culture when referring to non-Egyptians living in Egypt. List of alerts, ongoing and past disasters covered by ReliefWeb. UNHCR continues to advocate with the Government to extend the validity of the residence permit to one year. A total of 17,903 decisions have been made on initial applications. Since then Cairo International airport has re-opened as of July 1 st. Egypt is a country of 100 million people with around 259,900 refugees and asylum-seekers officially registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). ■ UNHCR and partners provide targeted support to persons with specific needs through individual case management processes and community-based psychosocial support and emergency response. Supporting the engagement of the Government in asylum management, including through joint activities in the areas of registration and documentation. ■ UNHCR has in place internal integrity mechanisms, such as anti-fraud and complaints receipt systems, in order to ensure full adherence to the organisation’s principles, values, and guidelines. UNHCR registers and documents refugees and asylum seekers, and facilitates their access to protection and basic services, such as health and education. Personnes relevant de la compétence du HCR, [["Refugees",258401],["Asylum-seekers",66335],["Stateless",4]], {"categories":[2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021],"budget":[82.27679034,79.08958703,74.46865337,104.15671601999999,118.31243389,126.79880519],"expenditure":[45.61564518,42.6004643,42.82142057,46.118503350000005,null,null]}, {"categories":[2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021],"p1":[82.27679034,79.08958703,74.46865337,104.15671601999999,118.31243389,126.79880519],"p2":[null,null,null,null,null,null],"p3":[null,null,null,null,null,null],"p4":[null,null,null,null,null,null]}, {"categories":[2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021],"p1":[45.61564518,42.6004643,42.82142057,46.118503350000005,null,null],"p2":[null,null,null,null,null,null],"p3":[null,null,null,null,null,null],"p4":[null,null,null,null,null,null]}, United States of America Multi-Country Office, Northern, Western, Central and Southern Europe, MENA 2020-2021 Regional Winterization Programme – Final Report, refugee and asylum-seeker households will receive multipurpose cash assistance, students or 20,328 refugee and asylum-seeker households with primary and secondary school-aged children will be provided with education grants, substantive status determination decisions will be taken, refugees and asylum-seekers will be referred to secondary and tertiary medical care, vulnerable refugees and asylum-seekers were provided with winter assistance, in addition to 2,900 UASC, individuals were supported with monthly multipurpose cash grants to meet basic needs, in addition to 3,300 UASC who received financial assistance, primary health care consultations were provided, as well as 13,000 referrals to secondary and tertiary health services, children benefitted from UNHCR education grants, first instance refugee status determination (RSD) interviews were conducted. Their official status as refugees is highly disputed, and they have been subject to racial discrimination and police violence. ■ After registration, asylum-seekers and refugees are encouraged to approach the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Immigration of the Ministry of Interior in order to apply for a residence permit which will legalize their stay in Egypt. The residence permit is valid for six months and is renewable. Despite Egypt’s slow, recovering economy, Syrians in particular have a reputation for being industrious and work-driven. Most of them came from Sudan, South Sudan and from Eritrea. ... whose population is less than a tenth of the size of Egypt’s – sent desperate refugees across the Mediterranean in almost unprecedented numbers. ■ UNHCR and partners provide special assistance and psychosocial support to children at risk, survivors of SGBV, and to those who have experienced or witnessed conflict, violence or trauma. By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed.The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Highly vulnerable persons with disability and older persons also benefit from targeted assistance that includes individual and group counselling, provision of assistive devices, and participation in social and recreational events aimed at breaking their isolation from communal activities. Egypt is a destination country for refugees and asylum seekers of 58 different nationalities. Egypt hosts refugees and asylum-seekers from more than 60 countries, including Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. Enhancing the strategic use of refugee status determination. Find latest updates on global humanitarian responses, Yemen | Conflict-related displacement into/from Marib in 2021 – DG ECHO Daily Map | 12/05/2021, Syrian Arab Republic: Cross-Border Humanitarian Reach and Activities from Turkey (February 2021), UNHCR Sudan Operational Update - March 2021, IOM Yemen | Rapid Displacement Tracking 2020, Annual Report 2020. More than half of them (51 per cent) are from Syria. Continuing collaboration with the League of Arab States, including supporting the conclusion of the Arab Convention on Regulating the Status of Refugees in Arab Countries and supporting the drafting of a convention on protection and assistance to IDPs, among others. The registration entails the use of biometric information, iris scanning and finger printing. Identification and processing of persons with specific vulnerabilities, including unaccompanied children, are prioritized and carried out within 72 hours. Curated pages dedicated to humanitarian themes and specific humanitarian crises. As of 31 October 2019, the refugee population registered with UNHCR comprised 129,159 Syrians, 46,723 Sudanese, 18,373 South Sudanese, 17,786 Eritreans, 16,245 Ethiopians, 9,132 Yemenis, 6,805 Somalis, 6,722 Iraqis and more than 50 other nationalities. A gay Egyptian leaves his homeland. “We now help over 16,500 refugees of different nationalities in over 15 governorates across Egypt, from Sudanese to Yemenis and Iraqis, with partnerships from the international community, from different embassies like the Canadian and British Embassy, and also Egyptian NGOs,” Al Refaai says. The protection sector includes three sub-working groups which consists of Child Protection, After escaping from war, many Syrian refugees struggle to integrate and find their feet in new countries. At the 2019 Munich Security Conference, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi stated that Egypt hosts approximately five million refugees who also receive governmental healthcare and work licenses. In the meantime, the life of a refugee in Egypt has become a struggle, so much so that many go on to Libya and from there, try to reach Europe by boat ... Thu, 03/21/2019 - … ■ UNHCR Egypt registers and documents asylum-seekers and refugees on behalf of the Government of Egypt. By Peter Hessle r. March 25, 2019. But the number of new asylum seekers has declined significantly since then. Date 17.06.2019 Author Kersten Knipp The majority of them live in urban areas alongside the host communities. Continuing to advocate access to, and the release of, detained people of concern, while promoting alternatives to detention and encouraging longer residency permits and regularization. 23,343 asylum applications by refugees were received in 2019 in Egypt - according to UNHCR. Egypt hosts refugees and asylum-seekers from 57 different countries of origin. April 1, 2019 Issue. Currently, 252,096 refugees and asylum-seekers are registered with UNHCR Egypt. Egypt October 2019 2018 2018 Egypt hosts refugees and asylum-seekers from 58 different countries of origin. REUTERS/staff Open job opportunities in the humanitarian field. Mohamed Farahat is a 2020 CIPESA Fellow.He is an Egyptian human rights lawyer, specialising in refugees and migration. Out of the total number of children, 3,264 are unaccompanied and separated children (UASC). Free Eritrean refugees detained in Egypt July 22, 2019 On 21 July 2019, Egyptian police violently dispersed 500 Eritrean refugees who were holding a peaceful demonstration protesting UNHCR handling of Eritrean refugees in Egypt. They live among a much larger population of Sudanese migrants in Egypt, more than two million people … ■ UNHCR Egypt is the largest refugee status determination (RSD) operation globally and conducts RSD on behalf of the Government for all nationalities except for Syrians and Yemenis. The IAWG oversees six sectorial working groups: Protection, Education, Health, Cash assistance, Livelihoods, and Communication with Communities. ■ Around 38 per cent of the overall refugees and asylum-seekers in Egypt are children (94,184). Egypt — 130,577 Syrian refugees are in Egypt. UNHCR will continue to pursue the protection of strategic priorities in the areas of prevention of, and response to, gender-based violence; the mitigation of child protection risks, including for unaccompanied and separated children; strengthening youth programmes; and enhancing community engagement. The majority of them live in urban areas alongside the host communities. Learn more about ReliefWeb, leading online source for reliable and timely humanitarian information on global crises and disasters since 1996. Globally, Syrian, Congolese, Afghan, Somali and Eritrean refugees were among those most commonly put forward for resettlement by UNHCR in 2019, while in Egypt, most refugees put forward for resettlement were Syrian, Sudanese and Eritrean. CAIRO (Reuters) - Syrian refugee Ahmad al-Khatib and his 16-year-old son both work as tuk-tuk drivers in Cairo, but it is not enough to pay the bills. Find help on how to use the site, read terms and conditions, view the FAQs and API documentation. Disasters covered by ReliefWeb and work-driven how to use the site, read terms and conditions, view the and. Including unaccompanied children, 3,264 are unaccompanied and separated children ( 94,184 ) to and... Global crises and disasters since 1996 ’ s slow, recovering economy, in! 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