Listen for `childToParent`: the first parameter of the `$emit` method 1. We use events when data passing from a child component to a parent. Visual Studio Code editor or a similar code editor. Like in our above example my massage prop accepts only Strings value. Pass Data from Child to Parent You can send data from a child to a parent component by means of Vue’s built-in $emit () method. We have successfully pass data from parent to child. and you need to import the Vue library and export an instance of it. And call the same methods which you would use if you were passing messages between parent and child components. When we use a data function at that time each instance maintains a separate copy of the return data object. Hi, I am new to vue, just started this awesome library. EventBus allows us to emit an event in one component and listen for that event in another. The v-on:click directive lets you attach a click event handler to an element. `increment` event - in this case, we increment a counter inline. Note that prepending a colon to the prop attribute indicates that a variable is passed, not a string. However, whereas props pass data values to the component, slots can just pass direct template code. The first thing you create the event bus and export it where you want to use it. This article outlines how to pass data between components in the context of single file components. . Slots are also helpful at creating reusable code. 2. Let's define some props: Add time, title, location and description props to the