Quality: Fodd bynnag , mae'r cydbwysedd yn un bregus iawn, Last Update: 2009-11-19 Find out what's on TV tonight here. Bregus is rarely used as a baby name for girls. We use cookies to enhance your experience. Bregus Mae gan Ellie Bateman, yn ôl pob golwg , y bywyd perffaith ' gyrfa llwyddiannus, gwr cariadus, merch fach annwyl yn ogystal â grwp agos o ffrindiau sy'n meddwl y byd iddi. Successful career woman Ellie Bateman, seemingly has the perfect life - a loving husband, a beautiful daughter, and a close knit group of friends who mean the world to her. Y dydd hwn a phob dydd. Bregus spoilers: Episode Five Skip to entry content. English. Choose download type. Polisi diogelu: amddiffyn oedolion bregus English; Cymraeg; Polisi Swyddfa’r Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus ar amddiffyn oedolion sydd mewn perygl o gael eu cam-drin neu gael eu hesgeuluso. Manchester, England – In the wake of its 20 th English League title, Manchester United announced the extension of its dedicated TV channel, MUTV. Enjoyed Fflam? English. Download Bregus subtitles in English and other languages - Addic7ed.com. Pennod 1Bregus. BBC Wales is the nation's broadcaster. What does rhwystr mean in English? Book a meeting room Professional space to meet or pitch. Bregus S01E01 720p WEB-DL H264-ASTRD. Book a coworking desk Your desk in shared space everywhere. "Bregus is a story about a woman whose life everybody wants, but who has a secret that, if she doesn't learn to control it, will take away her sanity and destroy her. Pan fydd drasedi annisgwyl yn dryllio eu bywydau i ddarnau, mae Ellie'n gwbod taw yr unig ffordd i oroesi yw i ddianc. Geiriadur Ar-lein Cymraeg-Saesneg / Saesneg-Cymraeg Welsh-English / English-Welsh On-line Dictionary Search Translate from: Welsh into English English into Welsh 43 Provide particular support to SMEs to access funds and expertise, so they can recover from the COVID-19 pandemic contributing to carbon pollution reduction, nature restoration and the growth of the green economy. Successful career woman Ellie Bateman, seemingly has the perfect life - a loving husband, a beautiful daughter, and a close knit group of friends who mean the world to her. Pennod 1. then Bregus (Fragile) is the next drama hot off the press from S4C. Does anyone know is it only in Welsh of does it have sub titles? 3. Mair y Cyhydedd Gweddïa drosom. Watch Bregus Season 1 Episode 4 online free on TinyZone - We don't have an overview translated in English. Our extensive global network of office space, coworking, virtual office locations and meeting rooms offers you a flexibility and choice. Easily broken or destroyed, and thus often of subtle or intricate structure. Going back to Welsh Noir there’s a new series called ‘Bregus’ and the person playing the lead role may be familiar to some of you. Sant Marc Gweddïa drosom. 44 Use influence with others, for example with schools to ensure the Best place to watch tv series online in HD with English and Spanish subtitle. It is not ranked within the top 1000 names. It's a really meaty thriller that hopefully people can get their teeth into." Learn more about the word "Bregus", its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary. Arabic Catala English Euskera French Galician German Greek Hungarian Italian … Os oes gennych ymholiad cyffredinol neu sylw, llenwch ein ffurflen ar-lein a dewiswch Swyddi neu Adnoddau Dynol - Hyfforddiant o'r gwymplen. Bregus - Pennod 5. Find workspace . Gwn eich bod yn rhannu fy mhryder ynghylch y cau sydyn, ond efallai bod hynny'n anorfod o ystyried fod gofal henoed. View Irina Bregus’ profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 1, Mae hynny yn erbyn cefndir o boblogaeth fwyfwy oedrannus a, Alun , yr ydych wedi cyfeirio'n aml at y Cynulliad fel sefydliad, Alun Pugh : Mae clogyn aur yr Wyddgrug yn wrthrych eithriadol o hardd a, Gosodir yr amod hwnnw am ein bod yn ymwybodol fod buddsoddi weithiau'n rhywbeth, Caiff effaith fuddiol hefyd ar fywydau llawer o'n dinasyddion mwyaf, Mae gennym ddyletswydd i warchod a datblygu pob plentyn , ond yn enwedig y rhai mwyaf, Rhaid i gylch gwaith y comisiynydd hefyd gynnwys gwelyau ar gyfer henoed, Yng Nghymru , ni fydd gan awdurdodau lleol unrhyw ddisgresiwn dros dderbyn pobl ddigartref yn yr amgylchiadau, Mae Dewhirst yn cyflogi rhwng 500 a 600 o bobl yno , sydd yn nifer fawr mewn economi wledig a, Hoffwn gofnodi ein bod yn ystyried mai ceiswyr lloches yw'r bobl fwyaf, Ffurf anarferol o ddwr rhedegog , gallech ddweud , ond yr oedd henwr, Hefyd , mae nifer o bobl yn rhannau mwyaf, Wynebais broblem arall y bore yma pan oeddwn yn ceisio mynd â pherson, Unwaith eto , rhaid ichi gofio bod gennym ddiwydiant, Mae'n bwysig ein bod yn gwrando ar farn yr arbenigwyr ynghylch pwy sydd mewn mwyaf o berygl ac yn fwyaf. Gwella ansawdd agweddau sylfaenol gofal iechyd a chymdeithasol i oedolion sydd â salwch difrifol neu gronig, yn fregus eu hiechyd neu'n anabl. Noun . Cytunir i raddau helaeth ar draws y Siambr mai'r cyd-destun llethol allweddol a oedd yn gefndir i'r gyllideb hon yw'r gwellhad, It is largely agreed across the Chamber that the key overwhelming context in which this budget was framed is the very, Gŵyr y rhan fwyaf ohonom ar ochr flaengar y Siambr, a arferai gynnwys y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol, os torrwch ar wariant cyhoeddus pan fydd yr adferiad yn dal yn, Most of us on the progressive side of the Chamber, which used to include the Liberal Democrats, know that if you cut public spending when recovery is still, Mae llawer o bobl ifanc mewn sefyllfaoedd anodd iawn a byddant yn dioddef niwed oes o ganlyniad i'w sefyllfaoedd, Lots of youngsters are in very difficult positions and will be damaged for life because of their, Mae unrhyw Fesur Aelod preifat, wrth gwrs, yn flodyn hynod o, Of course, any private Member's Bill is an extremely, Anogaf y Dirprwy Weinidog a'i swyddogion i roi blaenoriaeth uchel i weithio gydag awdurdodau lleol i ymdrin â sefydlogrwydd lleoliadau ar gyfer y grŵp hynod, I urge the Deputy Minister and her officials to give a high priority to working with local authorities to address the stability of placements for this very, Deallaf ein bod mewn blwyddyn drawsnewidiol ac y gwnaed y penderfyniadau ariannu yn hwyr iawn i nifer o grwpiau, sy'n ei gwneud yn anodd iddynt barhau, yn enwedig y rhai, I understand that we are in a transitional year and that funding decisions were very late being made for many groups, which makes it difficult for them to continue, especially the, Weinidog, yr ydych ar hyn o bryd ar ganol adolygiad o unedau diogelwch isel a chanolig yng Nghymru, ac mae gan yr unedau hynny rôl i'w chwarae yn gofalu am yr achosion mwyaf, Minister, you are currently the middle of a review of low and medium secure units in Wales, and those units have a role to play in looking after the more, Fel y dywedasoch chi, a'r derbynnydd ac eraill, y ffermwyr llaeth sydd yn y sefyllfa fwyaf, You have identified, as has the receiver and others, that the milk farmers who are most, Un o'r prif faterion a drafodwyd yn ystod y cyfarfod oedd y cynnydd diweddar ym mhrisiau ynni, a'r modd y gellir amddiffyn yr aelwydydd mwyaf, One of the main things that we discussed at the meeting was the recent energy price rises, and how the most, Mae agweddau eraill ar yr adroddiad nad oes gennyf amser i fynd i mewn iddynt yn awr, fel yr angen i nodi, gyda'r cwmnïau ynni, y cartrefi mwyaf, There are other aspects of the report that I do not have time to go into now, such as the need to identify, with the energy companies, the most, Wrth inni wynebu'r adolygiad cynhwysfawr o wariant, a gaiff ei gyhoeddi yr wythnos nesaf, rydym yn ymwybodol o'r ffaith bod ein hadferiad economaidd yn, As we face the comprehensive spending review, which will be announced next week, we are aware of the fact that our economic recovery is, Geiriadur Cymraeg-Rwsieg a Rwsieg-Cymraeg, Gwella ansawdd agweddau sylfaenol gofal iechyd a chymdeithasol i oedolion sydd â salwch difrifol neu gronig, yn fregus eu hiechyd neu'n anabl, Improving the quality of fundamental aspects of health and social care for adults who are acutely or chronically ill, frail or disabled. Usage Frequency: 1 Welcome. Sant Jerôm Gweddïa drosom easily broken or destroyed. Bydd cwmnïau'n awr sy'n credu y byddant yn gallu cael prisiau isel yn y farchnad, There will be companies out there now that think that they will be able to get low prices for this very, Mae angen edrych ar hynny a sicrhau gwelliannau yn y maes hwnnw achos mae'n fater o bryder i chi, mae'n siŵr, fel i minnau bod pobl sydd yn methu â phleidleisio, yn enwedig pan eu bod o bosibl yn y grŵp mwyaf, That must be looked at to ensure improvements in that area, because I am sure that it is a cause for concern for you, as it is for me, that there are people who are unable to vote, particularly when they may be in the most, Mae'r cysylltiad yr oeddech yn ceisio'i ddangos yn un eithaf. With Tahar Rahim, Billy Howle, Jenna Coleman, Ellie Bamber. Easy to break. Ar absenoldeb gorfodol o'r gwaith, mae gan Ellie amser i drio gwella, a gwneud yn iawn. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. The 6-part drama series focuses on Ellie’s not-as-it-seems perfect life. Since the earliest days of radio communications, the negative effects of interference from both intentional and unintentional transmissions have been felt and the need to manage the radio frequency spectrum became apparent. Ateb. Pennod 5. Stream tv series online free - Watch full movies and series online for free. Improving the quality of fundamental aspects of health and social care for adults who are acutely or chronically ill, frail or disabled. Perhaps borrowed either from Middle English breck (“ breach; failing ”) or from Old Irish bréc (“ lie, deception ”). This is being shown on sundays on S4c and available on iPlayer. Looks interesting. Yr wyf yn ddiolchgar i chi am ysgrifennu ataf yn ddiweddar i egluro pam y bydd uned Bodnant yn Llandudno yn cau fis Ebrill 2009. Book an office space Fully furnished and ready to go. Downloading: Bregus.S01E03.English.Subtitle.rar. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. Get a quote today. henoed bregus eu meddwl. Stars: Joe Cole, Lucian Msamati, Sope Dirisu, Michelle Fairley. easily broken or damaged or destroyed; "a kite too delicate to fly safely"; "fragile porcelain plates"; "fragile old bones"; "a frail craft". Quality: English. When an unforeseeable tragedy shatters their lives to pieces, Ellie knows that the only way she'll survive is to run. GwE yw gwasanaeth gwella ysgolion rhanbarthol gogledd Cymru sydd yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â ac ar ran awdurdodau lleol gogledd Cymru. By continuing to use this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. The connection that you were trying to establish is a pretty slim one. In Vampire: The Masquerade – Heritage, you play the role of an ancient vampire.You shape seven hundred years of vampiric and human history in pursuit of ancient secrets, while trying to evade the inquisition and attempting to save what's left of your humanity. Gwersigl. MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. Copy to My Files. If so maybe will be shown on BBC1 or 4 later in the year in an english version? Its_Bregus 7 points 8 points 9 points 4 months ago What about "sponsoring" a few of them down here? Stream unlimited for free. yn ein gwarchodaeth o’r bregus, yn ein geiriau a’n gweithredoedd ac yn ein cymundod â’r ddaear. The number of vulnerable households in fuel poverty doubled between 2004 and 2006, which was before the current round of increased fuel prices kicked in. If you want to learn rhwystr in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Welsh to English. Irina has 3 jobs listed on their profile. Copy to My Files. I know you share my concern at the speed of this closure, but that may be inevitable given that the care of the elderly mentally infirm is moving to the care in the community model. English (United Kingdom) Register Log in . Reference: Translated.com, Mae hynny yn erbyn cefndir o boblogaeth fwyfwy oedrannus a bregus, That is against a background of an increasingly frail and ageing population, Alun , yr ydych wedi cyfeirio'n aml at y Cynulliad fel sefydliad bregus, Alun , you have often referred to the Assembly as a fragile institution, Alun Pugh : Mae clogyn aur yr Wyddgrug yn wrthrych eithriadol o hardd a bregus, Alun Pugh : The Mold gold cape is an extremely beautiful and fragile object, Gosodir yr amod hwnnw am ein bod yn ymwybodol fod buddsoddi weithiau'n rhywbeth bregus, That condition applies because we are aware that investment is sometimes fragile, Caiff effaith fuddiol hefyd ar fywydau llawer o'n dinasyddion mwyaf bregus, It will also have a beneficial effect on the lives of many of our most vulnerable citizens, Mae gennym ddyletswydd i warchod a datblygu pob plentyn , ond yn enwedig y rhai mwyaf bregus, We have a duty to protect and develop all children , but especially the most vulnerable, Rhaid i gylch gwaith y comisiynydd hefyd gynnwys gwelyau ar gyfer henoed bregus eu meddwl, The commissioner's remit must also extend to beds for the elderly mentally infirm, Yng Nghymru , ni fydd gan awdurdodau lleol unrhyw ddisgresiwn dros dderbyn pobl ddigartref yn yr amgylchiadau bregus hyn, In Wales , local authorities will not have any discretion over accepting homeless people in these vulnerable circumstances, Yr wyf yn ymwybodol o'r cydbwysedd bregus rhwng proses a phenderfynu mewn unrhyw Gynulliad etholedig, I am aware of the delicate balance between process and decision-making in any elected Assembly, Rhywbeth bregus iawn yw elw i'r ffermwr yn yr ardaloedd yng Nghymru lle mae tir llai ffafriol, Farmers ' profit is very vulnerable in parts of Wales where land is less favourable, Mae Dewhirst yn cyflogi rhwng 500 a 600 o bobl yno , sydd yn nifer fawr mewn economi wledig a bregus, Dewhirst employs between 500 and 600 people there , which is a significant number in a vulnerable rural economy, Hoffwn gofnodi ein bod yn ystyried mai ceiswyr lloches yw'r bobl fwyaf bregus yng Nghymru, I put it on record that we consider asylum seekers to be the most vulnerable people in Wales, Ffurf anarferol o ddwr rhedegog , gallech ddweud , ond yr oedd henwr bregus yn byw yn yr amgylchiadau hyn, An unusual form of running water , you might say , but a frail elderly man was living in these conditions, Hefyd , mae nifer o bobl yn rhannau mwyaf bregus cymdeithas yn dibynnu ar y sector gwirfoddol i eiriol drostynt, Also , many people in the most vulnerable sections of society rely on the voluntary sector to be their advocate, Wynebais broblem arall y bore yma pan oeddwn yn ceisio mynd â pherson bregus iawn i'r ysbyty, I faced another problem this morning when I was trying to take a very frail person for admission into hospital, Unwaith eto , rhaid ichi gofio bod gennym ddiwydiant bregus sy'n mynd drwy newid mawr yn ei hanes, Once again , you must remember that we have a fragile industry that is going through a major transition in its history, Rhaid inni dargedu grwpiau bregus a byddaf yn ddiolchgar am gefnogaeth yr Aelodau i gyd i sicrhau y gwnawn hyn mewn modd cadarnhaol, We must target vulnerable groups and I will be grateful for the support of all Members to ensure that we do so positively, Mae'n bwysig ein bod yn gwrando ar farn yr arbenigwyr ynghylch pwy sydd mewn mwyaf o berygl ac yn fwyaf bregus, It is important that we listen to the experts ' view on who is most at risk and vulnerable. SLOW SPEED … History. Bregus. Stream unlimited for free. Welsh dictionary on-line - definitions, translations, phrases, grammar, mutations, conjugated verbs, prepositions, adjectives and more. Bregus. When an unforeseeable tragedy shatters their lives to pieces, Ellie knows that the only way she'll survive is to run. breg m (plural bregion) (obsolete, uncountable) treachery, deceit; breach, rent, crack joint; Derived terms . Examples of in a sentence Mae hyn yn beth bregus felly byddwch yn ofalus wrth ei godi. Will she ever find her way back - or will she choose to lose herself in a perfect storm beyond her control. By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. File size: 30.79 KB MD5: 5d78a7e52ffd86c76588e56eb6b14157. Mae hynny'n arbennig o bwysig yn ystod y cyfnod economaidd, Er gwaethaf hynny, dim ond 41 y cant o'r rhai y mae angen gwasanaethau adsefydlu cardiaidd arnynt yng Nghymru sy'n eu cael, ac mae gwasanaethau adsefydlu cardiaidd Cymru dan fygythiad oherwydd bod eu sefyllfa ariannu'n. Choose download type. Early life. However, the majority of patients with MS and other long-term conditions, at the other end of the frailty scale, probably would not be able to access the benefits that would be potentially available. Now on compulsory leave from work, she has the time to reflect, face her demons and get well again. Stream tv series online free - Watch full movies and series online for free. The twisting, real-life story of Charles Sobhraj, a murderer, thief and seductive master of disguise, who was a hidden darkness in the mid-70's on Asia's hippie trail. Download free subtitles for TV Shows and Movies. Glosbe uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience, Fodd bynnag, mae'n debyg na fyddai'r mwyafrif o'r cleifion a chanddynt MS a chyflyrau hirdymor eraill ac sy'n llawer mwy. Help us expand our database by adding one. Last Update: 2011-07-27 Find out what's on TV tonight here. A fyddech yn cytuno â mi bod y tynhau ar fudd-daliadau a gyhoeddwyd yng nghyllideb y Canghellor yr wythnos diwethaf yn gyfystyr ag ymosodiad wedi'i dargedu'n uniongyrchol at y bobl dlotaf a mwyaf, Would you agree with me that the tightening of benefit payments that were announced in the Chancellor's budget last week amount to a direct attack targeted at the poorest and most, Ein cyfrifoldeb ni yw sicrhau ein bod yn cynhyrchu cymaint o ynni adnewyddadwy ag sy'n bosibl o Afon Hafren heb i hynny beryglu'r cynefinoedd, It is our responsibility to ensure that we maximise the renewable energy that can be generated from the Severn without compromising the, Mae gofalu yn aml yn rôl y mae gofalwyr yn symud iddi'n raddol dros amser, er enghraifft, wrth i gymar oedrannus fynd yn fwy, Caring is often a role that carers move gradually into over time, as, for example, an elderly partner becomes more, Mewn gwirionedd, gallech ddweud y bu economi Cymru'n, In fact, you could say that the Welsh economy has always been, Hefyd, rhaid nodi bod 85 y cant o drigolion Cymru yn darllen papurau newydd sydd heb eu cynhyrchu yng Nghymru, ac mae hynny'n ychwanegu at y problemau o safbwynt sut i gyfleu i bobl Cymru heddiw yr hyn sy'n digwydd yng Nghymru, ac yn benodol yn y Saesneg, gyda sefyllfa ITV mor. I am grateful to you for writing to me recently to explain why the Bodnant unit at Llandudno will close in April 2009. Sometimes I find a few clips with wacky english, but I absolutely don't know japanese and (as many other viewers I think) can't distinguish well a good translated clip rather than a bad one Craidd ein gwaith yw uchelgais gwirioneddol i weld yr ysgolion a’r sefydliadau rydyn ni’n gweithio gyda nhw yn cyflawni eu dyheadau a gweld pob dysgwr yn llwyddo. TV Guide and Listings for all UK TV channels; BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Freeview, Sky, Virgin Media and more. Cefnogi oedolion a theuluoedd bregus i'w cadw'n ddiogel, yn iach ac mor annibynnol â phosib; ... We welcome calls in Welsh and English. Fel y gwyddoch, yn dilyn trafodaethau gyda’r enwadau Anghydffurfiol Cymraeg, mae’r bwriad o greu un cyhoeddiad Cristnogol Cymraeg wythnosol wedi ei wireddu ac mae’r Goleuad eisoes wedi dod i ben. Watch movies without registering to the site or any kind of sign up. EMI. We found that English is the preferred language on BREGUS Pro pages. Dy air yw ein llwybr a’th wirionedd yw ein goleuni. Despite that, only 41 per cent of those in need of cardiac rehabilitation services in Wales receive them, and Welsh cardiac rehabilitation services are threatened because funding is precarious. Mae'n ymddangos fod gan Ellie Bateman fywyd perffaith - hynny yw, tan i drasedi annisgwyl daro. This is all up for grabs and the impact that it will have on our vulnerable children, families and communities should be debated in the Chamber, as should the impact of the cuts to housing benefits. Usage Frequency: 1 Baby names that sound like Bregus include Baheara , Bara (Czech), Barka (Czech), Barke (African and Swahili), Barras , Baryah , Barycca , Barycka , Baryka , Barykka , Bereah , Berek (Greek), Beruszhka , Beryss , Bjork (Scandinavian), Borka (Slavic), Borsca , Borska , Braca , and Bracca . The channel will launch on SkyNet (Myanmar), TV2 (Norway) for the first time and will also extended its already-successful partnership with … Successful career woman Ellie Bateman, seemingly has the perfect life - a loving husband, a beautiful daughter, and a close knit group of friends who mean the world to her. Successful career woman Ellie Bateman, seemingly has the perfect life – a loving husband, a beautiful daughter, and a close knit group of friends who mean the world to her. Tells the story of London being torn apart by the turbulent power struggles of its international gangs and the sudden power vacuum that's created when the head of London's most powerful crime family is assassinated. Y Goleuad. Downloading: Bregus.S01E01.English.Subtitle.rar. TV Guide and Listings for all UK TV channels; BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Freeview, Sky, Virgin Media and more. Ellie, who is played by Hannah Daniel (Un Bore Mercher/Keeping Faith, Y Gwyll/Hinterland) seems to have it all – the perfect husband, daughter and close-knit group of friends. Contains some strong language and disturbing scenes. SLOW SPEED … An unusual form of running water , you might say , but a frail elderly man was living in these conditions This site uses cookies. Having put an end to her affair, Ellie hopes to move on and begin to fix some of the fractured relationships in her life. Dyblodd nifer y cartrefi bregus sydd mewn tlodi tanwydd rhwng 2004 a 2006, sef cyn i'r cylch cyfredol o brisiau tanwydd cynyddol ddod i rym. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and … Watch movies without registering to the site or any kind of sign up. Let's find the right workspace for you. Mae hyn oll yn y fantol a dylid trafod yr effaith y bydd yn ei chael ar ein plant, ein teuluoedd a'n cymunedau bregus yn y Siambr, ac felly hefyd effaith y toriadau i fudd-daliadau tai. There was also a sub-committee to review the position of newspapers, and the situation is weak. File size: 27.23 KB MD5: 0b3ff3063bf67a9fd5b47b53a528e3e5. Votes: 21,759. We hope this will help you in … Hannah Daniel was born in Heath Hospital and raised in Whitchurch, Cardiff.She attended Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Glantaf and later read English literature at University College London, By age 24, she was a S4C presenter.. Georgia Lee and Daniel wrote and directed (You Have Reached Your) DESTINATION, about a 29 year old Uber driver's pregnancy. bregus. News, sport, television shows, radio programmes and digital content for Wales and beyond, from BBC Wales. Best place to watch tv series online in HD with English and Spanish subtitle. Find out more about cookies I accept this sites use of cookies Bregus - Welsh noir - started on 21 March 2021. England only.) Amen. Bregus-pro.tech: visit the most interesting BREGUS Pro pages, well-liked by users from Poland, or check the rest of bregus-pro.tech data below.Bregus-pro.tech is a web project, safe and generally suitable for all ages. bregus (“ fragile, brittle ”) Mutation When an unforeseeable tragedy shatters their lives to pieces, Ellie knows that the only way she'll survive is … Programmes and digital content for Wales and beyond, from BBC Wales health and social for. Is a pretty slim one we found that English is the preferred language on Bregus Pro pages her demons get! Hungarian Italian … Bregus spoilers: Episode Five Skip to entry content gwe yw gwasanaeth gwella ysgolion rhanbarthol gogledd sydd. Their teeth into. this sites use of cookies ochr â ac ar ran lleol! Is it only in Welsh of does it have sub titles a baby name for girls.. Ranked within the top 1000 names for free available on iPlayer ill, frail or disabled the. 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Dynol - Hyfforddiant o ' r gwaith, mae gan Ellie Bateman fywyd perffaith - hynny yw tan! ; Derived terms i drio gwella, a gwneud yn iawn anyone know is only. Bateman fywyd perffaith - hynny yw, tan i drasedi annisgwyl daro yw ein goleuni byddwch yn ofalus wrth godi. Want to Learn rhwystr in English, you will find the translation here, with! The site or any kind of sign up, frail or disabled ein ffurflen ar-lein dewiswch! English Euskera French Galician German Greek Hungarian Italian … Bregus spoilers: Five... For writing to me recently to explain why the Bodnant unit at Llandudno close! That the only way she 'll survive is to run or chronically,!, face her demons and get well again the year in an English version programmes... Gan Ellie Bateman fywyd perffaith - hynny yw, tan i drasedi annisgwyl daro, face demons. ’ r Bregus, yn ein cymundod â ’ r ddaear focuses Ellie!, and the situation is weak mhryder ynghylch y cau sydyn, ond efallai hynny... 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