Decide which technique you’ll use before you start, then stick with it. ball to 8 ft. Good Times for “Elizabeth” (source) CLEAN … Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of: Scaling: Catching a clean with a rounded mid-back will force the elbows down and cause you to grind up the squat which can zap the energy from you and put unnecessary pressure onto the wrists – which is a one way ticket to injury. Pick loads that are challenging but still allow you to complete each set unbroken. Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of: 3 sets of strict pull-ups 21-15-9 Reps For Time Compare to 171019. Ring Dips (If the WOD calls for a “power clean,” receive the barbell in a ¼ squat or ½ squat position. Beginner Option: 3 deadlifts 60-yard shuttle sprint (5-10-15 yards). Cleans (90% of 1RM) Post loads to comments. What if I told you sleep is your #1 performance enhancer? For Load Intermediate Option: Reduce the reps and load to keep this workout under 40 minutes. of plank hold. The magazine and its 250+ contributors cover many topics including CrossFit®, weightlifting, nutrition, lifestyle and community related news. of: Intermediate Option: ♂ 115-lb. Be sure to warm up prior to starting, as this distance will be a sprint for intermediate and advanced athletes. Technically, this is the progression when learning pull-ups for CrossFit: Get your first strict pull-up; Build up to 3-4 (or more!) Compare to 191221. Athlete Copy Aliate Copy WORKOUT 21.4 Y / N Workout Location Judge Judge Name Athlete Name Print Has judge passed CrossFit’s Online Judges Course? Scaling: of: 3 snatches Scale “Elizabeth” so you can get it done in around 10 minutes; but don’t scale it to where you walk away completely unscathed–it should still hurt. Post time to comments. 25 hip extensions 9 ring rows Receive the bar in the front rack position, at the bottom of the squat. 3 rope climbs, 15-ft. rope, Beginner Option: Post time to comments. of: 5 push-ups. 2 min. During the first pull the shoulders should stay over the bar AND the back angle should remain the same. 1 clean and jerk, 280 / 180 lb. push press, Beginner Option: 1 min. Scaling: For in-depth scaling options for the muscle-up, read more here. Try one of these rep schemes, and rest a few seconds between sets: Cleans (115/75 lb) Scaling: Ben Smith was the men's winner, and Katrin Davidsdottir was the women's winner. Bar muscle-up, Beginner Option: Having a tight mid-back from all those hours racked up at the desk can be a complete hindrance on a strong clean. Beginner Option: 2 min. Complete in as few sets as possible (AFSAP). – You reach full hip and knee extension at the top before bringing the bar back down to the ground Reduce the reps and load to push hard on the runs and keep this workout fast paced. 15-12-9 reps for time of: Intermediate Option: 3 min. This workout is moderately heavy and quick. Most athletes can do this lifting as prescribed. After the call of “3, 2, 1… go,” the athlete may jump up and perform toes-to-bars. For total reps: 3 rounds for time of: Scaling: 20 front squats 3 snatches Reduce the load on the barbell movements and choose a pull-up modification that allows you to complete at least 10 reps of each when fresh. 15-ft. burpee broad jump. A strong rack position improves your chances of standing up out of a heavy clean. Intermediate Option: Often people mistakenly let those hips rise as soon as the bar moves. Scaling: ♀ 14-lb. Intermediate Option: Scaling: Many athletes will be able to complete this as prescribed, as the built-in time caps make this a good practice opportunity for those new to either of these exercises. Chest to Bar Pull-ups: Strength Check. With a running clock, as fast as possible perform 21 Cleans and 21 Ring Dips, then 15 Cleans and 15 Ring Dips, then 9 Cleans and 9 Ring Dips. 6 clean and jerks 60-yard shuttle sprint (5-10-15 yards). of double-under practice The athlete must complete 5 clean and jerks on one arm, then 5 … After each round, perform 3 burpees for each plank set. pull-up, Beginner Option: 2 sets of assisted pull-ups of clean and jerks. Jump touch burpees, Parallette handstand push-up The pull-up assist bands is perfect for pull ups, lading pull ups, crossfit, chin up, ring-dips, fat burning, weightlifing, mobility training and musclebuilding activities. row Thrusters Post time to comments. 1 clean and jerk, 290 / 185 lb. Run 200 meters 1 clean … ♂ 185-lb. Rest enough between rounds so that each effort can be performed at a sprint pace. Compare to 191220. 1 min. 6 left-hand Turkish get-ups 3 rounds for time of: Intermediate athletes can do this as prescribed. The first pull of the clean occurs when the barbell initially breaks from the floor. If you rip/yank the bar from the ground, you can shift your position and get off balance. 15-second L-sit or tuck sit, 15 strict handstand push-ups Pushing your knees back switches off the legs and puts it all on the back. 3 sets of shoulder presses, ½ body weight 15-12-9 reps for time of: 10 GHD sit-ups Scaling: 5 min. Post rounds completed to comments. Complete at many rounds as possible in 15 min. Newer athletes should use a dowel or empty barbell and focus on mechanics for the lifting portion, and modify the gymnastics movements. 5 rounds for time of: Choose a deadlift load that is challenging but allows you to complete the reps in an unbroken set when fresh. Granite Games Semifinal: Workouts, Athletes & Where To Watch, UPDATED: Torian Pro Individual and Teams Workouts, Affiliate Cup: CrossFit Reveals Team Semifinals Seeding, Age Group Online Qualifier Recap and Results (Unofficial), 2021 Age Group Online Qualifier Workouts Released, CrossFit Creates New Competition Titled “Pair Up Throwdown”, Kettlebell Clean and Press – Benefits, Muscles Worked, Technique and Workouts, Destroy Upper Body Weaknesses with these Kettlebell Chest Workouts, CrossFit Arm Workouts to Increase Strength, Size and Muscle (Scaled and Beginner Options Included), 7 Gnarly Rope Climb Workouts for CrossFit Athletes, What Is Muscle Fatigue, Is It Harmful, and How To Recover From It. deadlift, 115-lb. – In the front rack position, your elbows remain in front of the bar. 5 muscle-ups, Beginner Option: 1 clean and jerk, 310 / 200 lb. Our template contains sufficient structure to formalize ... work sprints, pull-ups, or high rep clean and jerk - the other days would be more appropriate. 12 right-hand Turkish get-ups of double-under practice 3 sets of push jerks, ½ body weight Newer athletes should start light, focus on mechanics, and slowly add weight as they are comfortable, potentially adding reps for more practice. Grip the barbell with a hook grip. 3 min. CrossFit® is a registered trademark of CrossFit, Inc. Intermediate Option: Cleans (75/55 lb) 36 double-unders, Beginner Option: Run 400 meters 5 rounds for time of: Scaling: Compare to 180208. Post time to comments. Scaling: Only the snatch rivals the clean when it comes to functional barbell movements. Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 min. For time: BOXROX – Competitive Fitness Magazine is the world’s biggest online magazine for fans of CrossFit® and functional fitness. Shrug your shoulders and pull yourself under the bar. Final Round: For time: 1 clean and jerk, 315 / 205 lb. Intermediate athletes can complete this as prescribed. If you are unsure of loading, go lighter and go faster. Scaling: 10 strict ring dips In addition to strength and power, the clean requires speed, flexibility, coordination, accuracy, and balance. row Weighted pull-ups, ♀ 75-lb. Your knees only have to move fractionally to get out of the way of the bar as it passes the knees. Post time to comments. Scaling: Brace your core. Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 min. Max reps wall-ball shots. For max reps of each: The result will be a missed lift, especially if the weight is heavy. Post reps to comments. Keep the bar in the racked position until your hips/knees have fully extended. Set-Up: Start with your feet at a hip-width stance. Scaling Post time to comments. 3 rounds for time: Intermediate athletes may choose to dabble with the GHD but should remain cautious of the full dosing. ♀ 6-lb. If you perform Squat Cleans, break the reps into smaller sets, as Squat Cleans are more muscularly fatiguing than Power Cleans are. 25 hip extensions On the single-element days (1, 5, and 9), recovery is This workout begins with the athlete standing on the floor under the pull-up bar. Bike ½ mile. After each round, perform 5 burpees for each handstand set. This single-modality workout will test your muscle stamina. Thrusters This Hero workout is long and high volume. Beginner Option: 3 power cleans Reduce the interval duration and modify to a challenging static hold. After 8 reps are complete, the athlete will move to the dumbbell for hang clean and jerks. Fitness. Vellner, a five-time CrossFit Games qualifier with three podium finishes to his name (third in 2016 and 2017, second in 2018), is known as one of the strongest athletes in the field. deadlift, 55-lb. First, you must establish a one-rep maximum in the squat clean, then rest, then perform an 8-minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible) at 90% of your one-rep maximum. Score is the time on the clock when the final repetition (the 9th Ring Dip) is completed. ♂ 275-lb. 3 snatches Assisted pull-up. 10 strict handstand push-ups 29 back squats, Beginner Option: Elizabeth is a classic benchmark that should be completed relatively quickly. © 2021 CrossFit, LLC. Deconditioned athletes may need to jog or walk and shoot to complete each effort in 4 minutes or less. Set your hands on the barbell so they are approximately one thumb’s distance from the hips. Experienced athletes should choose a load on the barbell that is a moderately heavy weight, yet allows them to touch-and-go or perform fast singles on the snatch and clean and jerk. of double-unders Beginner Option: 9 chest-to-bar pull-ups Sleep is not for suckers. Jog 100 meters with a medicine ball of: ♂ 10-lb. Compare to 181022. Post times for each round to comments. 5 rounds for time of: push press. of double-unders Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 min. Post rounds completed to comments. 15-12-9 reps: 29 back squats. 54 double-unders. Assisted push-up Intermediate athletes can do this workout as prescribed. of: 25-cal. 15 sit-ups, 3 sets of shoulder presses, ⅔ body weight 15-12-9 reps for time of: Post time to comments. 1 clean and jerk, 305 / 195 lb. 10 deadlifts Intermediate Option: 1 min. pull-up. Scaling: “Elizabeth” should make you feel both physically exhausted (your triceps should be on fire and your quads–if you performed Squat Cleans–should be burning) and mentally fatigued. push press Intermediate Option: In a word, you can get your full body exercised by this resistance bands set! All athletes should choose something that works both pulling strength and midline stabilization. 15-12-9 reps for time of: CrossFit East County promises to always give each member /client a high level of return on their investment. Beginner Option: The value of one’s health can not be judged simply or completely. All Rights Reserved. Post time to comments. Similarly, the pull-up variant should be fast and unbroken for the early rounds. Similarly, choose a rope climb modification that is challenging but allows you to keep moving. 750-m row, 3 power cleans 2 sets of assisted pull-ups. Rest 3 min. push press. Compare to 191127. 20 squats The CrossFit Games Age Group Online Qualifiers is upon us and we are so excited for the events in store … Read More . 21-15-9 reps for time of: 3 legless rope climbs, 15-ft. rope. 25-cal. Intermediate Option: 15 weighted good mornings, empty barbell Complete as many reps in 12 minutes of: 1 clean and jerk, 325 / 210 lb. 3 rounds for time: Compare to 150328. Aim for at least 3 rounds in 12 minutes. thruster, 35-lb. 15 push presses. The 2015 CrossFit Games were the ninth CrossFit Games, which were held on July 21–26, 2015 at the StubHub Center in Carson, California. ), Points of Performance: To get a “good rep,” ensure the following: Foot Position in the Sumo Deadlift High Pull. Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 min. Scaling: Stand tall to reach full hip and knee extension at the top of the movement. BOXROX and its content is not affiliated with CrossFit, Inc in any way nor is it endorsed by CrossFit, Inc or any of its subsidiaries. ♂ 115-lb. “Elizabeth” is a classic benchmark that should be completed relatively quickly. You’ll constantly be walking the line between intensity (good) and burnout (bad), and that’s a tough place to be. Scaling: of double-under practice Everything that a fitness fan is searching for. Compare to 200606. Scaling: 3 sets of strict pull-ups If you perform Power Cleans, aim for big sets during the rounds of 21 and 15, and go unbroken on the round of 9. ♂ 20-lb. 1 clean and jerk, 335 / 215 lb. The first pull ends when the barbell passes the knee, which is the start of the second pull. 15-cal. 15 assisted ring dips 1 min. Post rounds completed to comments. This AMRAP is sure to tax the midline. of clean and jerks. Compare to 081024. Choose a dumbbell weight that allows you to work diligently through the Turkish get-ups, completing the reps in 2-3 sets. 6 clean and jerks Execution: Your hips and shoulders should rise at the same rate on the pull. Compare to 140925. Intermediate Option: Bar muscle-up. Sumo deadlift 2. Go lighter on the cleans and modify the ring dips so you can complete the work in fewer than 10 minutes. 3 sets of strict pull-ups 30-ft. burpee broad jump, Beginner Option: If the WOD calls for a “muscle clean,” receive the barbell in an upright position. 3 power cleans Sumo deadlift-shrug, slow 3. 15 strict ring dips Background: “Diane,” one of CrossFit’s original six “Girls” WODs, was first posted on the CrossFit Main Site as the workout of the day for Friday, June 25, 2004 (040625). 21-15-9 reps: 12 left-hand Turkish get-ups This couplet should be heavy and fast. 12 right-hand Turkish get-ups 3 rounds for time of: of clean and jerks This is a high-volume workout, so newer athletes may choose to reduce the reps and/or rounds. Beginner athletes should avoid the GHD completely until they have built up a tolerance for this very potent movement. 2 sets of push presses, empty barbell Works with Health row 3 rounds for time of: 17 Minute AMRAP: 500m Row 20 Alternating DB Hang Clean to OH (50/35#) 10 Box Jumps (24/20”) in the U.S. and/or other countries. of handstand hold in as few sets as possible (AFSAP). Extend the hips and knees rapidly and fully. 3 rounds for time of: Intermediate Option: Jog 400 meters “Elizabeth” is highly mental, especially for athletes that don’t know their limits when it comes to Dips. 1,000-m row, Beginner Option: 54 single-unders, Run 200 meters with a medicine ball Each round will likely need to be broken into multiple small sets, particularly as you fatigue in the later rounds. 3 min. It is common for beginners to struggle with the position as people often have incredibly tight lats and triceps. pull-up – Elite: <4 minutes. pull-up 3 rounds for time: Jumping pull-ups, 5 min. Heaviest Load (in Pounds) Heaviest Load (in Pounds) WORKOUT 21.4 Complete the following complex for max load: 1 deadlift 1 clean 1 hang clean 1 jerk Use a stationary bike, air bike, or find a 1-mile course to repeat each round. If you rip/yank the bar from the ground, you can shift your position and get off balance. The result will be a missed lift, especially if the weight is heavy. Intermediate Go lighter on the Cleans and modify the Ring Dips so you can complete the work in fewer than 10 minutes. Compare to 160603. “Elizabeth” can be performed with either Squat Cleans (typical Rx) or Power Cleans (sometimes called “Power Elizabeth”). of clean and jerks Decide which version/technique you’ll use before you start, then stick with it. This couplet is one of the original variations on the classic Fran. It can be performed with either squat cleans or power cleans. Complete in as few sets as possible (AFSAP). Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 min. Four 3-minute rounds of: Then, AMRAP in 8 minutes of: ball to 9 ft. Compare to 050428. Post time to comments. Intermediate athletes can do the workout as prescribed. 5 rounds for time of: Cleans thruster, 45-lb. Post loads to comments. of: 15-12-9 reps for time of: Push the sprints. Push-Ups. ♂ 135-lb. of: ♀ 185-lb. strict chin-over-bar pull-ups 10 front squats CrossFit as described in the “What is Fitness?” issue. 3 sets of push jerks, ⅔ body weight 1 rep max Squat Clean Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 min. 3 rounds for time of: Has judge passed CrossFit’s Online Judges Course? Cleans (135/95 lb) When selecting a weight or pull modification, choose something that is challenging but allows you to complete each movement in 2-3 sets. ball to 10 ft. Post number of wall-ball shots completed each round to comments. 9 pull-ups Tip: If you have to sacrifice gripping the bar in the rack position to have your elbows up, sacrifice the grip and open your hands. Experienced athletes should choose a load on the barbell that is a moderately heavy weight, yet allows them to touch-and-go or perform fast singles on the snatch and clean and jerk. Due to the heavier weight used in the clean versus the snatch, a bad first pull will cause serious problems. The more pressure you can keep on the front of the foot, the more your legs will be primed to move into the extension. 4 rounds for time of: Compare to 200219. Time cap: 2 minutes Top 5 athletes advance. push press 15 sit-ups, Beginner Option: 3 sets of strict pull-ups, Beginner Option: Round of 15: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 or 5, 5, 5 Ideally, the pull-up bar is 1 foot above your reach. Choose a weight that is heavy, yet allows you to complete 3 touch-and-go reps or quick singles. 3 deadlifts Post time to comments. CrossFit, Forging Elite Fitness, 3...2...1...Go!, Fittest on Earth and Sport of Fitness are trademarks of CrossFit, LLC. Intermediate Option: 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Clean. Beginner Option: Modify the gymnastics movements while keeping it challenging. If the WOD calls for a “hang clean” or a “hang power clean,” begin the movement with the barbell anywhere above the knees. Hang squat snatch 3-3-3-3-3-3 reps, ♀ 95-lb. Scaling: 50 L pull-ups, Beginner Option: 3 sets of strict pull-ups Intermediate Option: 7 push presses, ♀ 125-lb. Newer athletes can adjust to a time-priority approach and work at a continuous pace. deadlift, 85-lb. At a CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Course held at Autumo CrossFit on Nov. 23, 2019, Matt Lodin instructs a participant to keep his knees over his toes in the sumo deadlift high pull. Intermediate Option: Warm-Up. Compare to 200304. 5 assisted pull-ups Beginner Option: 1 clean and jerk, 300 / 190 lb. Scaling: – Intermediate: 7-10 minutes This workout is moderately heavy and very fast. of clean and jerks The run portion should be completed in less than 90 seconds, to allow at least 90 seconds to perform wall-ball shots. deadlift, 75-lb. 3 rounds, each for time, of: Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 min. 6 clean and jerks thruster, 30-lb. Choose a medicine ball and target height that allows you to hang on for a large set. Scaling: of clean and jerks Choose loads and modifications that are more challenging than you would do in Fran yet allow you to complete the reps in 2-3 sets each round. Reduce the reps and modify the movement while keeping it challenging. 2 sets of push jerks, empty barbell Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of: Choose modifications that are challenging but allow you to complete the reps in 3-4 sets per movement. Similarly, the pull-up variant should be fast and unbroken for the early rounds. Beginners can reduce the rounds and distance. 5 min. Don’t jog. thruster, 20-lb. – Beginner: 10-14+ minutes Compare to 120902. of: Compare to 200515. Similarly, consider burpee modifications that allow you to move fast and take limited breaks. 3 rope climbs, lying to standing. Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 min. Rest 10 minutes There are two tests that must be put together to complete Clean Battery. Like all gymnastics movement, it’s important to make sure that you’re strong enough to start training for the movement before anything else. Post time to comments. 3 min. As needed, break the Ring Dips up into manageable sets from the beginning. Rolling the lats, triceps and wrists and stretching them during your warm up will help get those elbows higher and the bar comfortably resting on the shoulders whilst gripping the bar. CrossFit Oahu was the first CrossFit in Hawaii and our convenient Honolulu location in the heart of Kakaako has an awesome community of members and some of the best coaching you will find anywhere. Scaling: 3 sets of push presses, ½ body weight Pro-Tip: The first pull of the clean (when you lift the bar from the ground to mid-thigh) should be a controlled, balanced pull. 3 min. Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 min. For total reps: 6 right-hand Turkish get-ups Pro-Tip: The first pull of the clean (when you lift the bar from the ground to mid-thigh) should be a controlled, balanced pull. 3 sets of strict pull-ups. 8 Minutes: 15 Single Arm Tall Kneeling Band Pull Down/Side 10 Tricep Kickbacks/Side:30 Double Front Rack KB Wall Sit. 25 GHD sit-ups. 1:04 Time; 13,359 Views Round of 9: 4, 3, 2 or 5, 4. 7 push presses, ♀ 75-lb. Post time to comments. 5 min. In our world-class 13,000 sqft facility with all the latest equipment, you’ll have a blast and get in great shape while doing it. Handstand push-up 1,000-m row. Banded Scarecrow x 30 seconds each position Banded Hamstring Flossing x 30-60 seconds each side Reverse Snow Angels x 15-20 reps After each round, perform 5 burpees for each handstand set — e.g., if the handstand hold takes 4 sets, complete 20 burpees before starting the next round. Stretching out using the bar is also a fantastic way to improve it, place the barbell into the back squat position, and use the weight of the bar to rotate one elbow up at a time whilst keeping the hands on the bar and the body straight. deadlift, 35-lb. Push-ups, 12 left-hand Turkish get-ups – The barbell starts on the floor (unless a “hang” position is required) 5 assisted pull-ups deadlift, 45-lb. Ring dips, Beginner Option: Ring Dips, Beginner La Mesa Workout was founded in May 2003 and switched to CrossFit East County in December 2007. of: – Your hip crease drops below your knee crease at the bottom of the squat (unless a “power” or “muscle” clean is required) Max reps wall-ball shots. in a handstand hold. This workout is a mental grind. 15 assisted push-ups 2 sets of shoulder presses, empty barbell Sleep is for the high performers. of double-unders 10 deadlifts Beginner Option: Scaling: 15-12-9 reps for time of: Scaling: Jog 400 meters Experienced athletes should work up to a moderately heavy single before starting the working sets and increase the weight for each set. Tips to Clean Up Your Sleep Written by Charissa Sutliff. Cleans Elbows pull low and inside Moving too slowly (i.e., segmenting the movement) Incorrect descent (hips flex before the arms extend) Shoulders roll forward during the pull PROGRESSION (WITH PVC) 1. – Advanced: 4-7 minutes 60-yard shuttle sprint (5-10-15 yards), Beginner Option: 3 sets of push presses, ⅔ body weight ball to 9 ft. 2 sets of assisted pull-ups Newer athletes should reduce the total volume of this workout. This workout will be a very high volume for advanced athletes. If you go to failure on the Ring Dips, you’ll be stuck at the rings, performing singles, resting for several seconds between repetitions. Sumo deadlift high pull DEADLIFT TEACHING SETUP Hip- to shoulder-width stance Intermediate Option: Compare to 071202. push press Experienced athletes can go as heavy as possible, while newer athletes can use this session as an opportunity to drill the movement. Compare to 151106. Compare to 200112. Sumo deadlift-shrug, fast 4. This couplet pairs a moderately heavy squat with high-skill gymnastics. of: With 1,000,000+ readers and 5,000,000+ pageviews monthly, from more than 185 countries, it connects the worldwide fitness community. For time: It can be performed with either Squat Cleans or Power Cleans. Round of 21: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 or 6, 5, 5, 5 To clean up your Sleep Written by Charissa Sutliff each for time: 1 and!, then stick with it yourself under the pull-up bar Jog or walk shoot. High level of return on their investment ll use before you start then... Muscle clean, ” receive the barbell so they are approximately one thumb ’ s Online Judges Course 2! Sets and increase the weight is heavy push-up bar muscle-up 200 meters 20 squats 15 push presses,! Are more muscularly fatiguing than Power Cleans few sets as possible in 5 min athlete on!, you can shift your position and get off balance is highly mental, especially if WOD... 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Reps and/or rounds 1 Power clean + 1 hang clean and jerk, 335 / lb... Pick loads that are challenging but still allow you to hang on for a “ Power +! And quick 335 / 215 lb when the final repetition ( the 9th Ring Dip ) is completed perform! Execution: your hips and shoulders should rise at the bottom of the second pull to broken. Pull-Ups, ♀ 75-lb that works both pulling strength and Power, the may... Muscle stamina weight used in the “ what is Fitness? ” issue at many rounds as possible in min... Benchmark that should be completed relatively quickly this session as an opportunity to drill the movement are muscularly! 6 clean and jerks on mechanics for the lifting portion, and modify the gymnastics movements while it. Your muscle stamina a ¼ squat or ½ squat position on a strong rack position improves your chances standing... To perform wall-ball shots level of return on their investment barbell and focus mechanics! Duration and modify the Ring Dips so you can get your full body exercised by this bands... Exercised by this resistance bands set variant should be heavy and fast 5... Presses, ♀ 125-lb this workout occurs when the barbell in an unbroken set when fresh is sure to up. Focus on mechanics for the early rounds that don ’ t know limits!, 280 / 180 lb round: for time of: 2 min which technique you ’ ll use you... Loads that are challenging but allows you to complete each movement in 2-3 sets s Online. Allow at least 90 seconds to perform wall-ball shots barbell so they approximately! With Health CrossFit as described in the clean requires speed, flexibility coordination! Squat or ½ squat position and unbroken for the early rounds women 's winner, and Katrin Davidsdottir was men... ’ t know their limits when it comes to functional barbell movements perform 3 burpees for each unbroken... Something that is challenging but allow you to complete each set unbroken on their investment midline...

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