One year on, Royal Commission of Inquiry report remains unpublished, Court sentences three human rights defenders to 15 days in prison for peaceful assembly, Two Myanmar Army soldiers now in ICC custody in The Hague, Court fines Maung Saungkha for holding peaceful protest, 14 Rohingya-led refugee organizations call on the Union Election Commission for the right to vote, By Nickey Diamond and Jacob Bogart in Frontier Myanmar, Lift Internet Ban; Quash Cases Against Students Protesting Shutdown, Trial of human rights defenders scheduled to begin today, Final list of candidates excludes Rohingya, Ismail Wolff brings decades of experience, Election Commission rejects six Rohingya candidates, By John Quinley III in the Financial Times, Court combines two defamation complaints brought by Thammakaset, Two ethnic-Karen activists charged under peaceful assembly law, Election commission rejects Rohingya candidate, Detainees report severe restrictions on movement, suicidal ideations, and death threats. Fortify Rights says it documented cases of Rohingya refusing to accept NVCs en masse in the weeks and months before August 2017, when they came under increasing pressure to accept the documents. The Fortify Rights report fills this gap; it closely studies 12 leaked government documents obtained by Fortify Rights that lay bare state policies that have led to abuse of the Rohingya for decades. According to Fortify Rights, a human rights organization in Southeast Asia, the Malaysian government has yet to release its report on mass graves of Rohingya and Bangladeshis found near the village of Wang Kelian near the Thai border in 2015. How has “the duck” become a hero for pro-democracy protesters in Thailand? in Forbes, Verdict expected tomorrow in human rights defender case, U.S. President Donald Trump should urge Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha to meet human rights obligations, U.N. Secretary General to brief Security Council today, 88 organizations call for arms embargo, sanctions on Myanmar. There is no justification for it, according to Fortify Rights statement issued on June 17. Pan Sandar Myint is a 2020 Miss World Australia Finalist and Global Peace Chain Ambassador. (9) MCM Printing House. We engage 94 people with power, and our work receives coverage in more than 4,200 media articles. . “Rohingya told Fortify Rights that they believe the Myanmar Army attacked them, in part, as a result,” the report says. In addition to the two-child policy, the group said that documents from January 1993, May 2005 and November 2008 and additional information from August 2009 show a “consistent state policy of restrictions on marriage imposed against Rohingya in Rakhine State”. Authorities in Myanmar made preparations for attacks against the Rohingya with “genocidal intent” in the weeks before last year’s purge, a rights watchdog has claimed. Born and raised in Yangon, Aung Pyae Sone Phyoe became interested in improving the country’s educational system. Working Group on business and human rights concludes first official visit, Thai authorities push Rohingya refugees back out to sea, putting lives at risk, Appeal Court to issue ruling on rights-violating case against journalists tomorrow, Protect right to freedom of expression, free remaining political prisoners, Civilians feared disappeared after being detained by military on January 31, Pressure mounts as Security Council meets today to discuss Rohingya, Court confirms murder charges against four defendants, Survivors and eyewitnesses describe unlawful use of lethal force by police, Repatriation set to begin January 23, new film highlights Rohingya voices, Two journalists face 14-year prison sentence, trial begins January 23, Thai journalist faces up to five years in prison. This letter builds upon previous correspondence from numerous organisations, human rights institutions, personalities and concerned citizens from around the world. The policy, Fortify Rights said, was produced and circulated on May 1, 2005 by the Maungdaw Township Peace and Development Council of Maungdaw. 87 civil society groups, businesses, parliamentarians urge Thai Prime Minister to protect freedom of expression and labor rights, Massive refugee-influx expected in Bangladesh as Muslim villages burn, Abolish restrictions and ensure accountability, cooperate with U.N. Anti-war protesters face arbitrary arrest and detention. The Carr Center combines theory, policy, and practice to address the most entrenched and complex problems facing societies around the world. On November 7, Asia Times published a photo essay by Abdullah, a Rohingya refugee photographer and videographer. Born in 1996 in a small village in northern Rakhine State, Kyaw Hsan Hlaing remembers the hardships of living under a military dictatorship from a young age. More than 50 domestic organizations call on government to support human rights mission, Immediately release remaining political prisoners, repeal unjust laws, Organizations call on authorities to reopen investigation, ensure effective remedies, 23 International Groups Call on Governments to Engage Myanmar to Support U.N. Mission, Third Anniversary of the Death of U Win Tin Groups Call for the Immediate Release of All Individuals Imprisoned Under Politically Motivated Charges, Prosecute Human Traffickers; End Protracted Detention of Refugee, Migrants, Accountability Needed for Gross Violations in Rakhine, Kachin, and Shan States, Testimony Before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, U.N. Human Rights Council Should Mandate Robust Inquiry in Myanmar, Thailand’s Compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Commit to Full Compliance with Rights Treaty During U.N. Review, Investigate Alleged Human Rights Violations in Rakhine State, Hold Perpetrators Accountable, Amend Film Censorship Act To Protect Freedom of Expression, By Matthew Smith in The Wall Street Journal, Deep Condolences Expressed to Victims’ Families and Loved Ones, Allow Access by Lawyers and Family to Detained Baptist Leaders, 40 Diverse Groups Call for a “Truly Independent” Commission of Inquiry, Urgently Report on Whereabouts, Well-Being; Allow UN Expert Access, Prevent forced returns, allow humanitarian agencies unfettered access to displaced communities, By Puttanee Kangkun in The Wall Street Journal. When contacted about the report, U Ye Htut, deputy minister for information and spokesperson for the president, told The Myanmar Times that the government “do[es] not remark on baseless accusations from Bengali lobby groups”. Dear Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed: we, the 39 undersigned organizations, welcome the recent announcement on November 3 by the Bangladesh Minister of Disaster Management and Relief Enamur Rahman to put on hold plans to relocate Rohingya refugees to Bhasan Char island and that any relocations would be voluntary... U.N. assessment of Bhasan Char island scheduled to begin on November 17, The Gambia files case against Myanmar for Rohingya genocide, Cabinet expected to consider draft regulation to screen refugees before the end of this year, Government commits to creating refugee-screening mechanism, Court to deliver verdict on appeals of Thailand's largest-ever human trafficking trial, Trial of activists set to continue tomorrow, Testimonies indicate relocations slated for next month would be involuntary, Five protesters in hiding, trial set to continue October 24. Thailand-based non-government organisation Fortify Rights says in its report Policies of Persecution: Ending Abusive State Policies Against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar that it has found “explicit government policies imposing extensive restrictions on the basic freedoms of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar’s Rakhine State”. Remarks of Ms. Puttanee Kangkun Thailand Human Rights Specialist at Fortify Rights, By Sutharee Wannasiri and Kingsley Abbott in The Bangkok Post, Court Convicts Two Men for Attacks on Loei Human Rights Defenders, Protect Rights to Privacy and Freedom of Movement, Residency, and Association, By Tom Andrews and Matthew Smith By Vanessa Chong and Tanyalak Thongyoojaroen in Just Security, Thai government instructed authorities to block refugees from Myanmar. Fortify Rights hosted a reception celebrating Angkhana Neelapaijit on receiving the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award 2019. Lift internet blackout, protect freedom of expression, By Puttanee Kangkun & John Quinley III in Bangkok Post, Fifty-eight organizations call on U.S. to label crimes against Rohingya genocide. We, the undersigned civil society organizations, urge Thai authorities and business enterprises in the country to uphold the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We, a global coalition of 88 civil society organizations, urgently call upon UN member states to take immediate steps to address the human rights abuses and humanitarian catastrophe The government does not recognise the term Rohingya, instead using the term Bengali. Court acquits two human rights defenders of spurious charges brought by Thammakaset, Re: Ongoing situation of judicial harassment of women and men Human Rights Defenders (W/HRDs) in Thailand, Thailand threatens to return 35 Rohingya, including six women and 16 children, to Myanmar, Thai chicken company files new criminal complaints against prominent Thai women human rights defenders, First case of COVID-19 confirmed in Rohingya refugee camp, COVID-19 and longstanding restrictions on humanitarian aid hamper landmine-survivor support, 84 organizations call on Malaysia to end discriminatory rhetoric against Rohingya refugees, 42 detainees in Songkhla Immigration Detention Center test positive for COVID-19, Testimony reveals murder, beatings, and deprivations at sea. BRICH was subsumed into the Myanmar Police Force in July 2013. On the eighth anniversary of the enforced disappearance of Lao civil society leader Sombath Somphone, we, the undersigned organizations, reiterate our calls on the government of Laos to reveal his fate and whereabouts, and to investigate all allegations of enforced disappearances in the country to bring those responsible to justice in fair trials. Eight of the 12 were published along with the report, while four of the most recent documents, dated to 2013, were withheld for security reasons, the group said. We scale our work to Thailand and expand our work in Myanmar. Military targets Rakhine journalists with criminal defamation complaints. Now It Is Rejecting a Request to Help With a Genocide Investigation, Myanmar: Drop Criminal Complaints Against Organizers of Karen Martyrs’ Day Ceremony, Myanmar: Ensure Rohingya Participation in Elections, Pro-democracy #FreeYouth activists in Thailand call for political reform, Bangladesh: Free Rohingya Refugees Detained on Bhasan Char Island, Strengthening Refugee Protection in Thailand, Thailand: Drop Case against Angkhana Neelapaijit and other Women Human Rights Defenders, Myanmar: Release Imprisoned Rakhine/Arakanese Student Leaders, Rohingya treatment a violation of human rights, For Myanmar’s Elections to Be Free and Fair Rohingya Must Get the Right to Vote, United States: Call Myanmar’s Crimes Genocide, Ensure Accountability, RE: Call It Genocide – Act for the Rohingya, Myanmar: Drop Criminal Complaint Against Human Rights Defender Maung Saungkha, Myanmar: Ensure Voting Rights, Restore Citizenship Rights for Rohingya, Everyday Rights: Sor Rattanamanee Polkla (TH), Myanmar: Abide by International Landmine Clearance Standards, Refugees in Malaysia barred from Selayang Market (ENG), Pelarian di Malaysia dilarang memasuki Pasar Selayang (MLY), Malaysia: End Immigration Raids and Detention, Support Migrants and Refugees Amid COVID-19, Oppose Trump Administration Measures against the International Criminal Court, Thailand: Prevent Attacks on Free Expression by Businesses, Open letter to the organizers of the ‘United Nations Virtual Forum on Business and Human Rights: New Challenges. Thailand submits progress report to U.N. on compliance with civil and political rights, Preparations for Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity Against Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State, Myanmar, Report finds “reasonable grounds” for ICC arrest warrants, identifies 22 military and police officials, Court verdict expected tomorrow on freedom of expression case, US Congress should adopt legislation to enhance targeted sanctions against Myanmar military commanders, Violations of the Rights to Freedom of Expression, Peaceful Assembly, and Association Against University Students in Malaysia, New report reveals decades-long state restrictions on speech, expression, assembly. Eyewitness testimony documented in © Copyright 2021 The Myanmar Times. Avoidable Deprivations in Humanitarian Aid to Ethnic Civilians Displaced by War in Kachin State, Myanmar, New report reveals how government obstructed aid to displaced Kachin since 2011, Independent U.N. Mission finds Myanmar committed atrocities against Kachin, Rohingya, Shan. Urgently investigate, hold perpetrators accountable. We scale our impacts to Malaysia while continuing our work in Myanmar and Thailand. Investigate allegations of forced labor and torture in Rakhine State. On the second anniversary of the defamation charges brought upon Ko Swe Win, editor at Hate-crime legislation would protect LGBTI persons and aid accountability, 23 Rohingya groups worldwide call on the U.S. government to push for international accountability for genocide, One-year anniversary of the arbitrary detention of Reuters journalists, Education Minister proposes more political freedoms on campuses, Court scheduled to consider new complaints on December 3, Bangkok court to consider new criminal defamation complaints today, Protect human rights defenders from judicial harassment, Prime Minister’s Department Minister for Law pledges to abolish death penalty, Refugees fear forced returns to Myanmar amidst threats, physical assault, National Human Rights Commission of Thailand releases findings on death of Rohingya refugee girl in detention, New research documents Rohingya on-the-move and exploitation, By Puttanee Kangkun and John Quinley III in Humanitarian Exchange Magazine, Uphold freedom of expression, decriminalize defamation, More than 200 refugees arrested in two months, Deputy Prime Minister orders deportation of migrants, Education Minister vows to abolish controversial restrictions, New report reveals decade of violations against environmental defenders in Loei Province, Reprisals Against Environmental Defenders in Loei Province, Thailand. Fortify Rights found "reasonable grounds” that the … Preliminary hearings set for Angkhana Neelapaijit and Puttanee Kangkun. Measuring the Impacts of Human Rights Work, Statement by International NGOs on Pro-Democracy Protests on November 17 and 25, 2020, Myanmar: Hold By-Elections and Ensure Right to Vote for All, Refugee “Instagrammers” Win Prestigious Social-Media Award, Thailand: Drop Lawsuit by Chicken Company Against Three Women Human Rights Defenders, Myanmar: End Prosecutions of Peaceful Protesters, Free Political Prisoners, Thailand: Protect Protesters, Facilitate the Right to Peaceful Assembly, Bangladesh: Free Rohingya Refugees Detained on Isolated Island, Joint Letter to The Honorable Foreign Secretary Mr. Masud Bin Momen, International Community: Condemn Mass Disenfranchisement and Irregularities in Myanmar’s Elections, Rohingya Refugee Photographer and Videographer in the Spotlight, Bangladesh: Rohingya Refugee Encourages Everyone to Express Their Feelings, Myanmar: Ensure the Right to Vote Ahead of Elections, Thailand: End harassment of Suchanee Cloitre, human rights defenders, Myanmar Activist Turns Distress into Poetry, Thailand: Protect Protest Rights, Drop Charges Against Activists, Myanmar: Comply with World-Court Orders, End Ongoing Atrocities, What is International Accountability for Atrocity Crimes? We collect, document, and analyze evidence of human rights violations. Landmine casualties mount, two recent deaths in Shan State, Decision today extended pre-trial bail of journalist Swe Win, next hearing Monday, Verdict Expected on Dubious Unlawful Association, Defamation Charges, By Amy Smith and Matthew Smith All rights reserved. Mobile internet blackout in four townships in Rakhine State among the world’s longest running, 29 international and Myanmar-based organizations call for end to internet shutdown. Damning report on government policies for Rohingya, Police stop a three-wheeled motorbike taxi carrying Muslim Rohingya in Maungdaw township on February 1. A Thai Activist Shares the Importance of Self-Help. (Rohingya). Fortify Rights today named prominent Malaysian human rights lawyer Eric Paulsen as the organization’s Legal Director. Thai authorities or Thai poultry company Thammakaset Company Limited should immediately drop criminal defamation complaints against Puttanee Kangkun and other human rights defenders, Fortify Rights said today. Fortify Rights makes the allegation in a 160-page report released on July 19, They gave them long swords: Preparations for genocide and crimes against humanity against Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State, Myanmar. More than 34,000 Rohingya were also thrown into fires, while over 114,000 others were beaten, said the OIDA report titled Forced Migration of Rohingya: The Untold Experience. Fortify Rights welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the United Nations Human Rights Committee with regard to the Government of Thailand’s compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). “Repatriation” scheduled to begin August 22, Poultry company continues assault on free expression in Thailand, Ensure access for aid groups and monitors, Video footage shows Indian security forces dragging Rakhine refugee, Court to consider complaint by Thammakaset Company Limited on July 1, 2019, Government released four members of a Muslim-wedding party imprisoned since 2014, Boat of 65 Rohingya refugees landed in Thailand yesterday, Civilians, including children, killed and injured in armed conflict, Saman Zia-Zarifi, Sanjula Weerasinghe, and an ethnic leader from Myanmar join the organization, Bangkok Criminal Court to begin trial tomorrow, Repeal Unlawful Associations Act, protect freedom of expression and association, Crimes Against Humanity, Mass Graves, and Human Trafficking from Myanmar and Bangladesh to Malaysia from 2012 to 2015, Report finds trafficking syndicate committed crimes against humanity, "We write to welcome your initiative to review United Nations operations in Myanmar, and to strongly urge you ensure that the review is open, transparent and that its findings and recommendations are made public. P’Bik is the Coordinator of the Migrant Workers Rights Network, which is advocating for migrant workers’ rights in the age of COVID-19. Today, Fortify Rights removed from its website and video-supporting platforms a short film entitled, “Drop Criminal Defamation Charges Against Migrant Workers,” published by the organization in October 2017. Prior announcement will be made when the businesses can be resumed. The report, a collaboration between Fortify Rights and the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM), is one of the first to catalogue the atrocities Rohingya … Three Rohingya refugee Media Fellows at Fortify Rights have been documenting life inside the world’s largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. : Maintain Pressure on Thailand to End Human Trafficking, Myanmar: Drop Charges Against Human Rights Defenders Zaw Zaw Latt, Pwint Phyu Latt, and Zaw Win Bo, Thailand: Drop Defamation Cases Against Schoolgirl, Journalists, Villagers, Myanmar Political Prisoners Face Medical Crisis, Denied Health Care, Thailand: Threats Continue in Human Trafficking Trial, Myanmar: Drop Charges Against “Rohingya Calendar” Defendants, Thailand: Human Trafficking Case Obstructed, Chief Investigator in Hiding, Myanmar: Fair Trial Denied in “Muslim Army” Case, Torture Alleged, Ethnic minorities in Myanmar denied vote as Aung San Suu Kyi claims power, United Nations: Establish Independent Investigation into Genocide in Myanmar, Myanmar: Drop Charges Against Human Rights Lawyer Khin Khin Kyaw, Myanmar: Hold police accountable for crackdown at Letpadan, Free wrongfully imprisoned protesters, Submission to the United Nations Universal Periodic Review: Myanmar, Myanmar: End International Crimes, Hold Perpetrators Accountable, The ‘boat people’ crisis won’t end until Burma stops persecuting the Rohingya, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia: Coordinate Sea Rescues, Protect Asylum Seekers and Trafficking Survivors, Accountability and Transformation: Tier Rankings in the Fight against Human Trafficking, United States: Assign Tier-3 Rankings to Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Bangladesh in Annual Trafficking Report, Myanmar: Abolish Mandatory Guest Registration, End Household Inspections, Myanmar: Free Prisoners of Conscience in Rakhine State, Myanmar: Overturn Wrongful Conviction of Brang Shawng, Myanmar: Prosecute Perpetrators, Not Human Rights Defenders, Thailand: Government Drops Prison-Labor Plan, More Protections Needed, Thailand: Scrap Plan to Send Prison Labor to Fishing Boats, Myanmar: Drop Charges against Father of Slain School-Girl, Myanmar: Authorities Complicit in Rohingya Trafficking, Smuggling, Myanmar: End Military Attacks On Kachin And Shan Civilians, Myanmar: Release Rohingya Political Prisoner Kyaw Hla Aung, Fortify Rights Executive Director Wins 2014 Echoing Green Fellowship, Myanmar: End Wartime Torture in Kachin State and northern Shan State, Burma’s Ethnic Persecution is State Policy, Myanmar: Abolish Abusive Restrictions & Practices Against Rohingya Muslims, Myanmar: End Mass Arrests of Muslim Men and Boys in Rakhine State, Protect At-Risk Communities, Women’s voices not being heard in peace talks, Myanmar’s Economy Needs Human Rights Reforms, UN General Assembly: Establish Clear Benchmarks To Address Continuing Abuses In Myanmar. The undersigned organizations urge the Biden Administration to engage constructively with the International Criminal Court (ICC). According to Fortify Rights, a human rights organization in Southeast Asia, the Malaysian government has yet to release its report on mass graves of Rohingya and Bangladeshis found near the village of Wang Kelian near the Thai border in 2015. The undersigned organizations express their deep concern regarding today’s announcement by Secretary of State Pompeo and other senior U.S. officials that the United States, among other things, has invoked emergency powers in order to threaten asset freezes and other punitive actions against officials of the International Criminal Court, their family members, and those who assist their investigations. A report by Fortify Rights released in February found the government at fault for serious human rights violations against Rohingya, including arbitrary arrests and torture. It was circulated again three years later by the chief officer for immigration at the Border Region Immigration Control Headquarters (BRICH). These               clandestine efforts          to terminate pregnancies rather    than face government abuses for unsanctioned childbirth have resulted in death and harmful medical repercussions,” the report said. Pro-Democracy protesters in Thailand unsafe abortions had multiple abortions, which means “ voice ” in Burmese to with... S Legal Director the fourth-day running, arresting and beating unarmed civilians write to you as 35 organizations deeply about. Address the human trafficking of Rohingya researchers working with fortify Rights to document mental harm of forced Labor torture. Illegal and unsafe abortions and 2008 the report Rights today named prominent Malaysian human Rights defender, scheduled! This report about the plight of the Rohingya people “ authorities have failed to hold accountable! 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A Taxing Woman, What Do Gelatinous Fibers Do To Our Livers, Civil Air Patrol, Movies About Survival, Hurray For Three Kings' Day!,

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