"They struck me as business travelers. . On the night before the flight, Jean and her boyfriend Kevin celebrated his 30th birthday. Looking for American Airlines flights and a great experience? Ten seconds passed. "They were up in Albany," says Michael Pangia, an aviation exert. An attendant was allegedly assaulted on a flight from Miami to New York City.. Sadler also sent an alarm that notified Nydia Gonzalez, the reservations office supervisor, who also joined the call. Watching on radar, Zalewski saw Flight 11 turn abruptly to the northwest, deviating from its assigned route, heading toward Albany, New York. At 8:43 a.m., roughly a half-hour after the hijacking began, Flight 11 changed course again, to the south-southwest. American Flight 11 American Airlines Flight 11, from Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles, California, crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center with 92 people on board. American Airlines Flight 11 was the first hijacked airplane of the September 11 attacks. . "They had button-down dress shirts, you know, and the loafers," says Guerrette. He began to grow concerned that, at its current altitude and position, Flight 11 might be on a collision course with planes flying inbound toward Logan. “Our, our number one got stabbed. Reprinted by permission of Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. She took great pride in that one. At one second before 8:18 a.m., flight controllers at Boston Center heard a brief, unknown sound on the radio frequency used by Flight 11 and other nearby flights. You’re gonna be fine . No one from American Airlines’ Fort Worth operations control headquarters relayed information to the FAA’s command center in Herndon, Virginia, to FAA headquarters in Washington, or to anyone else. $60* Viewed: 4 minutes ago. Meanwhile, inside the 767, flight attendant Madeline “Amy” Sweeney was upset. Flight 11 made a sharp turn over Albany, N.Y. and headed south, radically off course. Find our flight deals and save big. Zalewski’s assignment called for him to keep watch on his radar screen, or “scope,” for planes flying above 20,000 feet in a defined area west of Boston. Amy told Michael she saw water and buildings. "The people on the plane, I'm guessing, were thinking that these were going to land in New York and try to negotiate," says Tom Roger. It crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. California Privacy/Information We Collect. The flag above gate B-32 honors the crew and passengers of American Airlines Flight 11, which hit the North Tower about one hour after leaving Boston. Betty stammered at times as she did her best to describe a bloody, chaotic scene. They were the 11 crew members of American Airlines Flight 11, a daily nonstop flight to Los Angeles with a scheduled 7:45 a.m. departure. Outside his office, flight attendants milled around a no-frills lounge where airline employees grabbed coffee and signed in by computer before flights. Zalewski turned to a Boston Center supervisor and said quietly: “Would you please come over here? ", John Ogonowski was the captain. The delayed United Airlines flight took off from Newark International Airport, New Jersey, at 8.42am and was taken over by al-Qaida terrorists just 46 minutes into the journey. “Oh God . At 08:46 on the morning of September 11, 2001, Flight 11, a fully fueled Boeing 767, explodes into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. And our number five. . His birthday was that day. The American Airlines flight dispatcher sent an Aircraft Communications and Reporting System (ACARS) text message to Flight 11: "Good Morning. Shortly before takeoff, Michael walked aboard for a final check. Amy told Michael Woodward the three hijackers in business class were Middle Eastern and gave him their seat numbers, key pieces of evidence to identify the terrorists. A simplified way to describe the job done by Zalewski and the 260 other controllers at Boston Center would be to call it flight separation, or doing everything necessary to keep airplanes a safe distance from one another. "She took me out, and we had a wonderful night," he says. At 8:46 a.m., five hijackers crashed American Airlines Flight 11 into the World Trade Center’s North Tower. Jean, 24, had been flying for only 18 months. Our family has always been very close. Around the same time, Amy told Michael: “Something is wrong. The flight path of AA 11. Zalewski checked his equipment, tried the radio frequency Flight 11 used when it first took off, then used an emergency frequency to hail the plane. ... 06/11/21. . Kathy had spent 32 of her 54 years working the skies, and she’d developed a healthy skepticism about managers, a skepticism that somehow didn’t include Michael. Everything will be OK. Amy Sweeney, Betty Ong, and Kathy Nicosia were three of the nine flight attendants, eight women and one man, who’d be working with Captain John Ogonowski and First Officer Thomas McGuinness Jr. From. Or maybe it was even simpler: In September 2001, one key opened the cockpit doors of all Boeing planes. Blond and blue-eyed, Amy, 35, had recently returned to work after spending the summer at home with her two young children. Meanwhile, Betty turned to other flight attendants clustered around her at the back of the plane: “Can anybody get up to the cockpit? oh God.”. In fact, the cockpit doors were relatively flimsy and weren’t strong enough to prevent forced entry. Michael remained friends with many of the more than 200 flight attendants he supervised. Send comments to magazine@globe.com. The … As one of Zalewski’s colleagues tracked Flight 11 on radar, moving other planes out of the way, Zalewski tried repeatedly to reach the Flight 11 pilots. Powerless on the other end of the phone, Amy’s colleague and friend Michael Woodward waited, every second stretching into a lifetime. Instead, she speed-dialed the American Airlines international resolution desk on the other side of her office and told agent Winston Sadler what Betty had said. Amy told Michael that she believed the coach passengers thought the problem was a routine medical emergency in the front section of the plane. Airfones were common on cross-country flights in 2001, for use by passengers with credit cards, on the back of every middle seat in coach. “Somebody’s calling medical and we can’t get a doc — ”. Zalewski tried again. . Ah, nobody knows who stabbed who and we can’t even get up to business class right now because nobody can breathe. He wrote “#cockpit bomb” on his notepad. $53* Viewed: 2 hours ago. The hijackers were in control. Fifteen seconds later, he called out the same message. Michael asked if they were ready to go. (Photo By U.S. Navy/Getty Images) 7:49 a.m.: Flight 11 takes off from Boston en route to Los Angeles. . Then they decided to do something: FAA air traffic control managers called in the military. Based on the timing, about 15 minutes into the flight, they might have used a predetermined signal: when the pilots turned off the fasten seat belt signs. Flight 11 had a capacity of 158 passengers, but as the crew prepared for takeoff, only 81 seats were filled: 9 passengers in first class, 19 in business class, and 53 in coach. For 11 minutes, an unusually long time, Zalewski had no contact with Flight 11. Our first-class passenger that, ah, first, ah, class galley flight attendant and our purser has been stabbed and we can’t get to the cockpit, the door won’t open. 5 attendant, petite and patient, known for her ability to calm even the most difficult passenger. Our number one is, is stabbed right now. A chill passed through him, a queasy gut feeling he couldn’t place and couldn’t shake. Aircraft with seatmap Seat Pitch Seat Width Seat Type Video Type Laptop Power Power Type Wi-Fi; Airbus A330-200 (332) 38: 18.5 Jean Roger was one of the flight attendants. “OK. "Even as a baby, she's always had her smile," says Jean’s mother Eileen. One second before 8:34 a.m., air traffic controllers at Boston Center heard a third disturbing transmission from the cockpit, a lie apparently intended for the passengers and crew but never heard by them: “Nobody move, please. She loved Chinese opera, carousel horses, Nat King Cole music, and collecting Beanie Babies. Amy told Michael she saw one of the hijackers with a device with red and yellow wires that appeared to be a bomb. Tweet: To visit their guest books at Legacy.com, click on an image. That's what passengers expected, and what crew members trained for. Flight 11 was a transcontinental to Los Angeles, filled with more than 20,000 gallons of fuel. American Airlines Flight 11 was the flight that changed everything. We don’t know who’s up there.”, After asking Betty to repeat herself several times, Gonzalez asked: “Have you guys called anyone else?”, “No,” Betty answered. “Is that American 11, trying to call?” Zalewski asked. Unknown at that point to anyone at Boston Center, the foreign-sounding man, almost spitting his words directly into the microphone, had said: “We have some planes. Still, he heard nothing in response. Transponders were required for all planes that fly above 10,000 feet, and it would be hard to imagine any reason a pilot on Flight 11 would purposely turn it off. 1, or head, flight attendant, who was known for running an especially tight ship. Zero Hour: The Last Hours of Flight 11 dramatically recounts the final sixty minutes of American Airlines Flight 11 - an hour, and a flight, that changes the world forever. "And just to get them to allow the plane to be landed where the pilots could then get into some sort of negotiation and get the passengers released. We’re in a rapid descent . . 48 Hours reports what really happened during the flight. Flight The American Airlines Flight 11 aircraft was a Boeing 767 -223ER delivered in 1987, registration number N334AA. At 8:14 a.m., American Airlines Flight 11 is hijacked. Find our flight deals and save big. It's a rather abrupt turn, as we know." . . American Airlines flight service manager Michael Woodward. . Backup copy cached on WebCitation.org . I think something is seriously wrong with this plane.”. Betty, are you there? I don’t know, I think we’re getting hijacked.”. BETTY ONG was a flight attendant on American Airlines Flight 11 from Boston to Los Angeles, the first plane to be hijacked. "When she walked in a room, she smiled, and just lit it up. . We are flying way too low!”, Amy paused. . All nine flight attendants had keys to the cockpit, but it’s not clear how the hijackers gained entry — Atta and his crew might have attacked Karen and Bobbi to steal their keys, or the hijackers might have gotten into the cockpit another way. The attack was allegedly sparked after the passenger got into a dispute with attendants over garbage. Tall and blond, 40 years old and fiercely competitive, Karen was described by friends as “Type A-plus.” Nearby stood 38-year-old Barbara “Bobbi” Arestegui, the No. And you know, they just didn’t have any knowledge that this was gonna happen," says Tom Roger. There were 11 crew members on board. We played golf with her boyfriend. Under the seat in front of this row there are 3 boxes, 2 under center seat, 1 on aisle seat. This would be the first day she wouldn’t be on hand to guide her 5-year-old daughter Anna onto the bus to kindergarten. Mitchell Zuckoff is a professor of journalism at Boston University and a former Boston Globe reporter. Timeline for American Airlines Flight 77 The Sept. 11 Commission releases a timeline and audio tapes for American Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon. A whiff of her perfume lingered after Kathy and Betty headed upstairs to the passenger gates. Theory: Insider trading in American Airlines and United Airlines stock just prior to 9/11 suggests that the traders had foreknowledge of … Betty didn’t mention a bomb, and no one knew if whatever Amy saw was real or a decoy. Don’t try to make any stupid moves.”. We can't get inside the cockpit," Ong told an American reservations specialist in a call from the rear phone aboard doomed American Airlines Flight 11. “Amy, sweetie, what’s going on?” he asked. The Sept. 11 Commission releases a timeline and audio tapes for American Airlines Flight 11, one of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center. Those on board could not know they were the first victims in a new deadly form of hijacking. Seventeen minutes later, five more hijackers crashed United Airlines Flight 175 into the South Tower. But he didn’t have much time to let the problem sort itself out. Inside their locked cockpit, Ogonowski and McGuinness taxied the silver jet away from the terminal. 48 Hours reports what really happened during the flight.. Four more tries in the next two minutes. That allowed the airline’s call system to record about four minutes of what would be a more than 25-minute call from Betty that would provide crucial information about what had occurred and who was responsible. Without a working transponder, controllers could still see Flight 11 as a dot on their primary radar scopes, but they could only guess at its speed and altitude. Two minutes after adjusting course, it descended to 29,000 feet. . American Airlines Flight 11 was a domestic passenger flight that was hijacked by five al-Qaeda members on September 11, 2001, as part of the September 11 attacks.One, Mohamed Atta, deliberately crashed it into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing all 92 people aboard and an unknown number in the building's impact zone. The capacity of the aircraft was 158 passengers but the September 11 flight carried only 81 passengers and 11 crew members. “We had a really nice family weekend. Moments after takeoff, the pilots made a U-turn over Boston Harbor and pointed the plane west, flying through clear skies several miles above the wide asphalt ribbon of the Massachusetts Turnpike, headed toward the New York border. Sixteen seconds later, Zalewski instructed Flight 11 to climb to a cruising altitude of 35,000 feet. He was in control of his emotions, he was in control of his actions," says his brother, Jim Oginowsky. Gonzalez asked if Betty had heard any announcements from the cockpit, and Betty said there had been none. CREW. In a tightly controlled voice, Amy answered: “Listen to me very, very carefully.” Michael grabbed a pad of paper to take notes. ", In the days leading up to Sept. 11, Jean was surrounded by her family. But the flight was already behind schedule, and Michael wouldn’t challenge a passenger simply for glaring at him. The plane had 158 seats (9 in first class, 30 in business class, and 119 in economy). There were 11 crew members on board. WASHINGTON, Jan. 27 — Betty Ann Ong, a veteran flight attendant for American Airlines, could not have sounded much calmer on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, as she tried to describe the mayhem aboard Flight 11. There is storage over row 12, but as mentioned, there is a life raft in bin over row 13. Then Zalewski heard an unknown male voice with a vaguely Middle Eastern accent. Controllers at Boston Center fell silent. . Copyright © 2019 by Mitchell Zuckoff. She searched for an emergency button on her phone but couldn’t find one. Listen as they describe the scene on board. Using weapons smuggled aboard, they stabbed or slashed first-class flight attendants Karen Martin and Bobbi Arestegui. We are going back to the airport. The move put the Boeing 767, still heavy with fuel, on a direct course for Lower Manhattan, the heart of America’s financial community. He was on American Airlines Flight 11, which crashed into the north tower. Betty repeated herself several more times in response to the questions of reservation office employees. Betty?”. “Yep, everything’s fine,” Karen said. Hello?”. Before he left, Michael scanned down the aisle, almost out of habit, to see if the attendants had closed all the overhead bins. Michael brightened when he saw Betty Ong, a 14-year veteran of American Airlines whose friends called her Bee, sitting at a desk in the lounge, enjoying a few minutes of quiet before work. Tweet Amy used her cellphone to call her husband, Mike, who comforted her by saying she’d have plenty of days to see their kids off to school. Something about Mohamed Atta’s brooding look seemed wrong. Thirty years old, bright and ambitious, he’d risen from ticket agent to flight service manager for American Airlines, a job in which he ensured that planes were properly catered and serviced, and equipped with a full complement of flight attendants. Storyline. The tape ended, but the call continued for more than 20 minutes as Gonzalez and Minter took notes and relayed information from Betty to Marquis at the airline’s control headquarters in Fort Worth. He lived on a 150-acre farm north of Boston. She had low seniority, and was rarely assigned to a specific flight in advance. The plane climbed, but only to 29,000 feet. Betty dialed a toll-free reservations number for American Airlines, a number she often used to help passengers make connecting flights. Again, Boston Center controllers moved away planes in its path, all the way from the ground up to 35,000 feet, just in case. Flight 11 had a capacity of 158 passengers, but as the crew prepared for takeoff, only 81 seats were filled: 9 passengers in first class, 19 in business class, and 53 in … “Um, the cockpit’s not answering,” Betty said. Betty, talk to me . When they arrived in Boston, Atta and Al-Omari cleared another security checkpoint at Logan airport, then boarded Flight 11, along with three other terrorists. . 08:46 American Airlines Flight 11 is deliberately flown into the north tower of the World Trade Center, causing extensive damage to floors 93-99 and trapping all of those above the 91st floor. United Airlines Flight 175 American Airlines Flight 77 United Airlines Flight 93 Return to main memorial page. Pangia says that the hijackers could simply have followed the Hudson River all the way to New York. “Betty, how are you holding up, honey?” Gonzalez asked. “He’s NORDO,” Zalewski told a colleague, using controller lingo for “no radio.” That could mean trouble, but this sort of thing happened often enough that it didn’t immediately merit emergency action. “We are flying low,” she said. If you try to make any moves, you will injure yourselves and the airplane. Michael tried his best to calm Amy. how do you hear me?”. "What happened next, the controller sees a turn of this airplane. A salty breeze from Boston Harbor greeted Michael Woodward when he exited the train at Airport Station on September 11, 2001, but that was the last he expected to see of the outdoors until the end of a long day. Then it all began. The 767 climbed to 30,400 feet. . "He never did anything that wasn't safe.". American Airlines Flight 11 was the flight that changed everything. He told her to look out the window and tell him what she saw. Across the aisle over row 11/12 there is also emergency equipment so no storage there either. In first class he found Karen Martin, the No. One way / Economy. Maybe the hijackers brought a key with them. Copyright © 2021 CBS Interactive Inc.All rights reserved. On their separate calls, the two flight attendants said they didn’t know whether coach passengers fully understood the peril. According to Joan Greener, her niece, senior flight attendant Karen Martin always liked to fly with Captain Ogonowski. The plane took off for Los Angeles with all five men comfortably seated, two in first class, three in business. Tom Brokow, " The skies over America: The air traffic controllers on 9/11 saw the nightmare coming ," Dateline , NBC News, September 11, 2002. . Betty walked with a lively hop in her step and had a high-pitched laugh that brought joy to her friends. Flight Crew: American Airlines Flight 11. Fly in style! Throughout, Gonzalez reassured Betty, urging her to stay calm and telling her she was doing a wonderful job. One way / Economy. With the president traveling, the briefing room and work spaces were not packed, for once. At 8:29 a.m., a half-hour after takeoff, American Flight 11 turned south-southeast, putting it more directly on a route to Manhattan. Ten seconds later: “American 1-1 . Two minutes into Betty’s call, at 8:21 a.m., Gonzalez called Craig Marquis, the manager on duty at American Airlines’ operations control headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas, to report an emergency aboard Flight 11, with stabbings and an unresponsive cockpit. By her family September 2001, one key opened the cockpit, Ogonowski and McGuinness taxied the silver jet from! Nobody knows who stabbed who and we were delighted in every bit of it.” someone in front., urging her to stay calm and telling her she was doing and! 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