[1] (Some of them were authorised texts, sold to printers particularly when the theatres were closed because of the plague. in 6 Ausgaben zwischen 1597 und 1623 (dem Jahr als die offizielle Shakespeare-Anthologie, die Folio, veröffentlicht wurde) gedruckt, Heinrich IV. By Barbara Mowat and Paul Werstine. THE | TRAGEDIE | of King Richard | the third. ), THE | Tragicall Historie of | HAMLET, | Prince of Denmarke. THE LATE, | And much admired play, | CALLED, | Pericles, Prince of | Tyre. | As it hath sundry times beene playde by the | Right Honourable the Earle of Pembrooke, the | Earle of Darbie, the Earle of Sussex, and the | Lorde Chamberlaine theyr | Seruants. dazu eingehender die Ausführungen von Hans Walter Gabler: Vgl. | Conteining his treacherous Plots against his | brother Clarence: the pitiful murther of his innocent | Nephewes: his tyrannicall vsurpation: with | the whole course of the detested life, and most | deserued death. | LONDON, | Printed [by Nicholas Okes] for Nathaniel Butter, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls | Church-yard at the signe of the Pide Bull neere | St. Austins Gate 1608 (84 pp. Quartos were about half the size of folios, and cheaper to produce. Etwa die Hälfte der Stücke Shakespeares, die 1623 in der ersten Folio-Edition erschienen, waren schon vorher in mehr oder weniger schlechten Druckausgaben auf dem Markt, so etwa Richard III., Titus Andronicus, Verlorene Liebesmüh, Romeo und Julia, Ein Sommernachtstraum, Richard II., Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung, Der Kaufmann von Venedig, Heinrich IV. (88 pp.). | LONDON | Printed by Valentine Simmes, for Mathew Law, and | are to be solde at his shop in Paules Churchyard, | at the signe of the Fox. Jahrhunderts von Alfred W. Pollard vornehmlich im Hinblick auf den Charakter dieser „bad quartos“ als Raubkopien geprägt. Drawing on a suggestion made by Peter Blayney, Knowles proposes that the Folio and quarto passages can be combined in a … | As it hath been lately acted by the Kings Maiesties | Seruants. Da die Folio-Edition von 1623 als Gedenkausgabe von den damaligen Verlegern mit einer gewissen Sorgfalt herausgegeben wurde, kann ihr bei offensichtlichen Unstimmigkeiten zwischen den verschiedenen erhaltenen Textfassungen im Zweifelsfall eher der Vorzug gegeben werden. 1598. [1] Shakespeare's King Lear survives in two copies. Allerdings darf dabei nicht zwangsläufig von einer größeren Originalnähe der Folio-Textfassungen ausgegangen werden, da deren Herausgeber für den Druck das verwendeten, was sie gerade in ihren Händen hatten: möglicherweise gute autographe Manuskripte, aber auch Abschriften von Abschriften, gute Quartos ebenso wie schlechte. And are to be | sold at his house in Carter Lane, next | the Powle head. Dabei vollzog sich im gegenwärtigen Editionswesen ein grundlegender Wandel: Die vorherige Grundannahme, dass es bei jedem Stück nur eine einzige autoritative Version gegeben habe, die von der Textkritik wiederzustellen sei, wurde aufgegeben. Die Feststellung und der Nachweis der Existenz verschiedener Raubdrucke führte insbesondere bei den Vertretern der bibliographisch und editionskritisch ausgerichteten Shakespeare-Forschung zu der Frage nach der Herkunft und dem Entstehungsweg dieser Raubdrucke und damit verbunden zu dem Versuch einer Erklärung oder Aufhellung der von den Schwarzkopierern eingesetzten Methoden, um an eine Druckvorlage für die piratisierten Veröffentlichungen der jeweiligen Werke zu gelangen. THE LATE, | And much admired Play, | CALLED | Pericles, Prince of | Tyre. Indeed, we have begunto questionthelogic underlying the (104 pp. King Lear (Quarto 2, 1608/1619): “Ed VERE: I am Shakespeare.” King Lear (Quarto 1, 1608): “the signe of VERE.” Leicester’s Commonwealth (1584) Love’s Labour’s Lost, 1598; Love’s Martyr, or Rosalin’s Complaint (including the Phoenix and the Turtle), 1601; Madrigalls, Englished (1590) Martin Marprelate’s “Protestatyon” (1589) | LONDON | Printed by T. C. for Arthur Iohnson, and are to be sold at | his shop in Powles Church-yard, at the signe of the | Flower de Leuse and the Crowne. | By William Shakespeare. ), THE | CHRONICLE | History of Henry the fift, | VVith his battell fought at Agin Court | in France. Das später als Henry VI, Part 2 bekannte Stück wurde am 12. | Gent. | Diuided into two Parts: And newly corrected and | enlarged. Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen, einschließlich interessenbezogener Werbung. | VVith the swaggering vaine of An- | cient Pistoll, and Corporall Nym. ), THE | MOST EX= | cellent and lamentable | Tragedie, of Romeo | and Iuliet. | VVritten by William Shake-speare. Erst im weiteren Verlauf der jüngeren Shakespeare-Editionen wandelte sich diese extrem aktive oder eingriffsfreudige, teilweise auch auf rein subjektiven Geschmacksurteilen beruhende Haltung in der Textkritik zu einer eher vorsichtigen oder konservativen Position, die den erhalten gebliebenen Text der Erstdrucke so weit wie möglich unberührt lässt. | With the vnfortunate life of Edgar, sonne | and heire to the Earle of Gloster, and his | sullen and assumed humor of | TOM of Bedlam: | As it was played before the Kings Maiestie at Whitehall vpon | S. Stephans night in Christmas Hollidayes. | Containing his treacherous Plots against his brother | Clarence : the pittifull murther of his innocent Ne- | phewes : his tyrannicall vsurpation : with the | whole course of the detested life, and | most deserued death. | BY | WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. | LONDON, | Printed by M. P. for Laurence Hayes, and are to be sold | at his Shop on Fleetbridge. SHAKESPEARE. | Written by William Shakespeare. Library. The difference between them was size. Alfred W. Pollard betrachtete seinerzeit die von ihm als „bad quartos“ bezeichneten Drucke der Shakespeareschen Dramen, wie bereits oben dargelegt, vornehmlich unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Textpiraterie; vor allem von den anderen führenden Vertretern der New Bibliography bzw. | LONDON | Gedruckt von Valentine Simmes, für Thomas Millington, und | erhältlich in seinem geschäft in der S. Peters Church | in Cornwall. The term quarto refers to the size of paper many of Shakespeare’s plays were originally printed on. | Newly corrected. | As it hath beene acted by the Kings Majesties | Servants, at the Globe. | LONDON, | Printed by Thomas Creede, and are to be sold by Mathew | Lawe, dwelling in Pauls Church-yard, at the Signe | of the Foxe, neare S. Austins gate, 1612. | LONDON | Printed by V. S. for Andrew Wise, and | William Aspley. | 1631. Quarto 0 1598. Jump to navigation Jump to search. 1–26. | Containing, | His treacherous Plots against his brother Clarence: | the pittiefull murther of his iunocent nephewes: | his tyrannicall vsurpation: with the whole course | of his detested life, and most deserued death. Deadlines for materials are October 1 and March 1. Eighteen of Shakespeare's 36 plays included in first folio collected edition of 1623, were previously separately printed as quartos, with a single exception that was printed in octavo. Ein solches Beispiel ist eine Ausgabe von Hamlet aus dem Jahr 1603, die so korrumpiert war, dass ein Leser, der das Stück nicht gesehen hatte, einen völlig anderen Eindruck von dem Werk bekommen musste als bei der Lektüre einer authentischen Textfassung. (92 pp. Die Komödie The Taming of the Shrew, die zuerst in der First Folio erschien, wurde 1641 nachträglich als Quarto veröffentlicht. Chancery Papermaking at the University of Iowa's Center for the Book About DIY Quarto Togither with Auntient | Pistoll. | Written by W. SHAKESPEARE. | AT LONDON | Printed by Valentine Sims, for Andrew Wise, | dwelling in Paules Chuch-yard, at the | Signe of the Angell. THE LATE, | And much admired play, | CALLED | Pericles, Prince of | Tyre. Eine weitere Möglichkeit wäre eine Mitschrift während der Aufführung durch einen von interessierten Verlegern ins Theater entsandten Berichterstatter. | ¶ Imprinted at London, for Thomas Fisher, and are to | be soulde at his shoppe, at the Signe of the White Hart, | in Fleetestreete. They appeared in more than 70 quarto editions, all of which can be seen on this site. A cross-Atlantic collaboration has also produced an interactive interface for the detailed study of these geographically distant quartos, with full functionality for all thirty-two quarto copies of Hamlet held by participating institutions. These would be individual plays in small volumes and it is these that are called the quartos. Versions of The First Part of King Henry the Fourth William Shakespeare. Die Regelung und Anerkennung der Druck- und Veröffentlichungsrechte sowohl für die verschiedenen Quarto-Ausgaben wie auch für die nachfolgende Folio-Gesamtausgabe war eine rein zunftinterne Angelegenheit; für einen Druck war ein vorheriger Eintrag im Stationers’ Register nicht einmal ausnahmslos eine zwingende Vorbedingung. | With the humorous conceits of Sir | Iohn Falstaffe. | As it vvas presented before her Highnes | this last Christmas. It is possible that Shakespeare himself played the King, rather than Phillips. | AT LONDON, | Printed by I. R. for N. L. and are to be sold at his | shoppe vnder Saint Dunstons Church in | Fleetstreet. Shakespeare’s Quartos. 1634. https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Liste_der_Shakespeare_Quartos&oldid=207218823, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. ), THE MOST | EXCELLENT | And Lamentable Tragedie | of ROMEO and | JULIET. Dramen wurden daher in der Regel erst zum Druck freigegeben, wenn sie auf der Bühne abgespielt waren oder Unbefugte ohnehin in den Besitz der Manuskripttexte gelangt waren und sie veröffentlicht hatten. Shakespeare. During Shakespeare’s lifetime, some of his plays were printed. THE | HISTORY OF | Henry the fourth, | VVith the battell at Shrewsburie, | betweene the King, and Lord | Henry Percy, surnamed Henry | Hotspur of the North. (92 pp. Diese hätten, wie nun zunehmend angenommen wird, die originalen Stücke oder zumindest authentische Theaterversionen dieser Werke gesehen oder gehört, wenngleich womöglich in gekürzter oder sonst wie modifizierter Form, oder gar als Mitwirkende in der Theater- und Bühnenpraxis genauer gekannt und aus ihrer Erinnerung handschriftlich aufgezeichnet oder diktiert. | Printed for T. P. 1609. | AT LONDON, | Printed by W. W. for Mathew Law, and are to | be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard, | at the signe of the Foxe. | As it hath been publikely acted by the Right | Honourable the Lorde Chamberlaine | his seruantes. Twenty-one of Shakespeare’s plays were published in quarto before 1642. THE | HISTORIE | OF | Henry the Fourth: | With the battell at Shrewesbury, be- | tweene the King, and Lord Henry Percy, | surnamed Henry Hotspur of | the North. | As it hath beene sundrie times publikely Acted, | by the KINGS Maiesties seruants | at the GLOBE. This version thought to be earlier than Q1 is known only from a single fragment in the Folger Shakespeare Library, comprising four leaves of quire C that was found in a book binding. A Glossary of Medical Terms in Shakespeare. Milling- | ton, and Iohn Busby. Fresh research suggests that he and his company, the Lord … THE | HISTORIE | OF | Henry the Fourth. Q0 1598, composite image illustrating the two unique points of the edition. | With the true relation of the whole Hi- | story, aduentures, and fortunes of | the saide Prince. The most lamenta- | ble Romaine Tragedie of Titus | Andronicus. 1622. Henry IV, Part 1 (Shakespeare) From Wikisource. | As it hath been lately acted by the Kinges | Maiesties seruantes, at the Globe. THE | Famous Historie of | Troylus and Cresseid. | VVritten by VVilliam Shakespeare. | Printed by IOHN NORTON. Written by William Shake- | speare, Gent. Title: Henry V (Quarto 1, 1600) Editor: James D. Mardock. THE | Tragœdy of Othello, | The Moore of Venice. | Entermixed with sundrie | variable and pleasing humors, of Syr Hugh | the Welch knight, Iustice Shallow, and his | wise Cousin M. Slender. Shakespeare war ein ungewöhnlich erfolgreicher Dramatiker, und so erschienen seine Stücke in immer neuen Ausgaben: Q3 1619 (1619 als Henry VI, Part 3 undatiert gedruckt, Teil der sog. | Newly augmented. | Printed at London by P. S. for Thomas Milling- | ton, and are to be sold at his shoppe vnder | Saint Peters Church in | Cornwal. Shakespeare App Overview ShakespeareTV App Overview Soliloquy App Overview-----Support. THE | HISTORY OF | HENRIE THE | FOVRTH; | With the battell at Shrewsburie, | betweene the King and Lord Henry | Percy, surnamed | Henrie Hot- | spur of | the North. The first quarto of Hamlet was published in 1603, although scholars tend to agree that it was not necessarily the first of the texts that Shakespeare wrote. Teil 1 und 2, Viel Lärm um nichts, Troilus und Cressida, Hamlet, König Lear, Perikles, Prinz von Tyrus, Othello, Heinrich V. und Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor. The first quartos of Shakespeare's plays appeared in 1594 and included Titus Andronicus, and Henry VI, Part 2 (as it is now titled). A | Midsommer nights | dreame. Nach dem Erscheinen der ersten Quartoausgaben oder ihrer anschließenden Folgedrucke wurden sie zu einem großen Teil mehrfach neu aufgelegt. dazu beispielsweise die allgemeineren Ausführungen in John Russell Brown: Vgl. Editor: Donald Bailey. | As it hath beene sundrie times publiquely Acted, | by the KINGS Maiesties Seruants | at the Globe. Wohl weniger weil man glaubte, dass die Leute lieber lesen statt ins Theater gehen würden, als aus Furcht, dass die Konkurrenz ein erfolgreiches Stück kopieren und vermarkten könnte. Quarto is published twice a year. | With the swaggering vaine of Auncient | Pistoll, and Corporall Nym. Quartos: None; Possible Sources: Historia Regum Britanniae (Geoffrey of Monmouth, c. 1136), The Union of the Two Noble and Illustre Famelies of Lancastre and Yorke (Edward Hall, 1548), The Third Volume of Chronicles (Raphael Holinshed, 1587), Journal of the Siege of Rouen (Sir Thomas Coningsby, 1591) View list of sources used for the PlayShakespeare.com editions. So konnte man den wesentlichen Sinn dessen, was auf der Bühne gesprochen wurde, niederschreiben, aber poetische Wirkungen und viele Wortspiele mussten dabei verloren gehen. | Vnder the Diall. The most excellent | Historie of the Merchant | of Venice. There is no certainty as to who played Falstaff, the character chiefly responsible for the play’s popularity. 1599. Falstaff Awards. Insbesondere seit dem Beginn des 19. The quarto versions of Shakespeare’s plays were published prior to his retirement from theater in 1611, and widely discredited after the 1623 First Folio was released. Directory. A quarto is formed when a full sheet of paper is folded in fourths, creating eight pages. Die nachfolgende Liste verzeichnet all die Dramen von Shakespeare, die bis zum Beginn des englischen Bürgerkrieges 1642 als Quarto veröffentlicht wurden. Henry IV, Part 1 was almost certainly written in late 1596 or early 1597, shortly before its first performance. Shakespeare’s name did not appear on a title-page until 1598, with Love’s Labour’s Lost. | Newly corrected, | By WILLIAM SHAKE-SPEARE. Shakespeare's Quartos Before the publication of the First Folio in 1623, nineteen of the thirty-seven plays in Shakespeare's canon had appeared in quarto format. | Newly augmented. Richard II was first printed in 1597 as a quarto (Q1).The present edition is based directly on this printing of the play, except for a passage in 4.1 that the quarto does not print. The most excellent | Historie of the Merchant | of VENICE. | LONDON | Printed by JOHN NORTON, and are to be sold by | HVGH PERRY, at his shop next to Ivie-bridge | in the Strand. THE | TRAGEDY | OF | HAMLET | Prince of Denmarke. So werden gegenwärtig zum Teil Dramen mit an wesentlichen Stellen differierenden Überlieferungen wie beispielsweise Hamlet oder König Lear in ihren unterschiedlichen Fassungen jeweils als gesonderte Werke eigenen Rechts herausgegeben.[14]. | By VVilliam Shakespeare. Ebenso spreche die Formulierung verschiedener Bühnenanweisungen gleichsam vom Standpunkt eines mitwirkenden Spielers aus für die Mitwirkung von Schauspielern an der Erstellung dieser sogenannten „bad quartos“. Januar 2021 um 15:14 Uhr bearbeitet. | 1597. The first of Shakespeare’s plays to be printed in quarto was Titus Andronicus, in 1594.The earliest quartos were anonymous. Page xix. Folios are large, tall volumes; quartos are smaller, roughly half the size. A quarto page was about 9½ inches wide and 12 inches high; a folio page was much larger: 12 inches wide and 19 inches high. | With the humorous conceits of Sir | Iohn Falstalffe. | LONDON. Drop down list 3 allows you to select a specific copy of the quarto edition selected. THE | Tragedie of King | Richard the Se- | cond: | With new additions of the Parliament Sceane, | and the deposing of King | Richard. Die nachfolgende Liste verzeichnet all die Dramen von Shakespeare, … Als charakteristische textliche Merkmale der sogenannten „bad quartos“, aufgrund derer eine unmittelbare Herkunft von autoritativen oder authentischeren Theatermanuskripten mit hoher Gewissheit ausgeschlossen wurden konnte, wurden insbesondere durchgängige Wiederholungen, Vorausnahmen, Rückgriffe, eine Fülle kontaminierte Wörter, Phrasen und Zeilen und weitgehende Verflachungen im Ausdruck sowie eine häufig gestörte Metrik und längere Anleihen und Übernahmen sowohl aus anderen Shakespeareschen wie nicht-Shakespeareschen Werken genannt. So geht man davon aus, dass beispielsweise Romeo and Juliet Q1, The Merry Wives of Windsor und Hamlet Q1 mit großer Gewissheit erkennen lassen, dass diese Textfassungen von Schauspielern, die in Aufführungen der authentischen Stücke eine Nebenrolle hatten, reproduziert wurden. This is a presentation for a class in digital libraries. Folio and quarto? Zumeist ist der erste urkundliche Nachweis von der Existenz eines Shakespeare-Werkes eine vom jeweiligen Verleger veranlasste Anmeldung im Stationers’ Register, dem Hauptverzeichnis der Londoner Zunft der Buchhändler, Drucker und Verleger, deren Mitglieder sich damit die Druck- oder Veröffentlichungsrechte für ein Werk als Verlagsprodukt sicherten, da ein „Copyright“ in der heutigen Form zur Shakespeare-Zeit noch nicht existierte. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. Shakespeare-quarto Facsimiles: Othello ... 1. quarto. | AT LONDON, | Printed by I. R. for Thomas Heyes, | and are to be sold in Paules Church-yard, at the | signe of the Greene Dragon. | LONDON, | Printed for Iohn Smethwicke, and are to bee sold at his Shop in | Saint Dunstanes Church-yard, in Fleetestreete | vnder the Dyall. Q3 1619 (not dated, printed with Henry VI, Part 2 as part of Thomas Pavier’s False Folio). Die Folio-Ausgabe trug den Titel Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Die Komödie The Taming of the Shrew, die zuerst in der First Folio erschien, wurde 1641 nachträglich als Quarto veröffentlicht. Mit der zunehmenden Aufgabe dieser Kurzschrifthypothese in der gegenwärtigen Shakespeare-Forschung verlor Pollards Annahme von den raubdruckerischen Praktiken allerdings zunehmend an Gewicht, während dagegen an der Vorstellung von Textvermittlern festgehalten wurde. | 1594. The first of Shakespeare’s plays to be printed in quarto was Titus Andronicus, in 1594. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor. | Imprinted at London: by W. W. | for Cutbert Burby, | 1598. Eighteen of Shakespeare's 36 plays included in first folio collected edition of 1623, were previously separately printed as quartos, with a single exception that was printed in octavo. Introduction; A Survey of Criticism; A History of Performance; Textual Introduction; Bibliography; Texts of this edition. A | PLEASANT | Conceited Comedie | CALLED, | Loues labors lost. THE | TRAGEDIE | OF | KING RICHARD | THE THIRD. | By his Maiesties seruants playing vsually at the Gloabe | on the Bancke-side. | Contayning his treacherous plots against | his brother Clarence : The pittifull murder of his ino- | cent Nephewes : his tiranous vsurpation : with the whole | course of his detested life, and most | deserued death. ), THE MOST | EXCELLENT | And Lamentable Tragedie, | of ROMEO and | IVLIET. ), THE MOST | EXCELLENT | And Lamentable Tragedie, | of ROMEO and | IVLIET. | AT LONDON, | Printed by P. S. for Andrew Wise, dwelling | in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of | the Angell, 1598. Title Page. 154 124 To his con fi nes, and of the trueth heereof. THE LATE, | And much admired Play, | Called | Pericles, Prince | of Tyre. | LONDON | Printed by V. S. for Andrew Wise, and | William Aspley. ), THE | TRAGEDY | OF | HAMLET | Prince of Denmarke. The Oxford Electronic Edition of the plays (OEE), based on the Oxford Complete Works edited by Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor. [1] Shakespeare's Hamlet survives in three versions: a bad 1603 quarto of 2,200 lines, a better 1604 quarto of 3,800 lines, and the First Folio edition of 1623 with 3,570 lines. Quarto by Shakespeare, William online on Amazon.ae at best prices. (88 pp. Neunzehn Dramen von William Shakespeare erschienen vor der Veröffentlichung der First Folio im Jahre 1623 zuerst als Quarto-Druck, achtzehn von ihnen vor seinem Tod 1616. In addition to the First Folio, many quarto editions of Shakespeare’s plays have survived. | Newly corrected by W. Shake-speare. Othello, Modern; Othello, Quarto 1, 1622 (Old-spelling transcription) Othello, Folio 1, 1623 (Old-spelling transcription) Contextual materials. THE | TRAGEDY | OF HAMLET | PRINCE OF | DENMARK. For example, Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1 , the most popular play of the era, was first published as a quarto in 1598, with a second quarto edition in 1599, followed by a number of subsequent quarto … | Written by WILL. | LONDON | Printed for Mathew Law, and are to be sold at | his shop in Paules Church-yard, neere vnto S. | Augustines gate, at the signe of | the Foxe, 1608. | BY | WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. | Newly corrected by W. Shake-speare. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all … | LONDON, | Printed by R. Young for John Smethwicke, and are to bee sold at | his Shop in St. Dunstanes Church-yard, in Fleetstreet, | under the Dyall. | LONDON, | Printed by Iohn Danter, and are | to be sold by Edward White & Thomas Millington, | at the little North doore of Paules at the | signe of the Gunne. THE | First part of the Con- | tention betwixt the two famous hou- | ses of Yorke and Lancaster, with the | death of the good Duke | Humphrey: And the banishment and death of the Duke of | Suffolke, and the Tragical end of the prowd Cardinall | of Winchester, with the notable Rebellion of | Iacke Cade: | And the Duke of Yorkes first clayme to the | Crowne. | As it hath bene sundry times playd by the Right Honou- | rable the Lord Chamberlaine his | Seruants. | With the Battell at Shrewseburie, betweene | the King, and Lord Henry Percy, surnamed | Henry Hotspur of the North. | 1608. Sie waren das Rohmaterial, das die Schauspieltruppen für ihre Aufführungen nutzten, somit ein wesentlicher Teil ihres Betriebskapitals und als solche streng gehütet. | Newly corrected. 1, 1988, pp. Henry IV, Part I, Quarto 1; Henry V, Quarto 1; Henry VI, Part 3, Quarto 2; King Lear, Quarto 1; King Lear, Quarto 2; Love's Labour's Lost, Quarto 1; The Merchant of Venice, Quarto 1; The Merry Wives of Windsor, Quarto 1; A Midsummer Night's Dream, Quarto 1; A Midsummer Night's Dream, Quarto 2; Much Ado About Nothing, Quarto 1; Pericles, Quarto 1; Richard II, Quarto 1; Richard II, Quarto 2 | AT LONDON, | Printed by I. R. for N. L. and are to be sold at his | shoppe vnder Saint Dunstons Church in | Fleetstreet. The Two Noble Kinsmen, eine Gemeinschaftsarbeit mit John Fletcher wurde erstmals 1634 gedruckt. THE LATE, | And much admired Play, | Called | Pericles, Prince | of Tyre. | Newly corrected, augmented, and | amended: | As it hath bene sundry times publiquely acted, by the | right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine | his Seruants. | As it hath bene sundry times playd by the Right honorable | the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. THE | TWO | NOBLE/KINSMEN: | Presented at the Blackfriers | by the Kings Maiesties servants, | with great applause: | Written by the memorable Worthies/of their time; | Mr. John Fletcher, and} | Mr. William Shakespeare.} dazu beispielsweise die allgemeinen Ausführungen von Kenneth Muir zu der Hypothese einer stenografischen Mitschrift der gespielten Bühnentexte und der Leistungsfähigkeit der damals vorhandenen Kurzschriftsysteme in: Kenneth Muir (Hrsg. | Imprinted at London for Henry Gosson, and are | to be sold at the signe of the Sunne in | Pater-noster row, &c. | 1609. 232 163 I may haue leaue to go againe to France, 232.1 164 For though the fauour of your grace might st ay mee, 232.2 165 Yet s omething is there whi s pers in my hart, 236 166 Which makes my minde and s pirits bend all for France. The true Tragedie of Richard | Duke of Yorke, and the death of | good King Henrie the Sixt, | with the whole contention betweene | the two Houses Lancaster | and Yorke, as it was sundrie times | acted by the Right Honoura- | ble the Earle of Pem- | brooke his seruants. ), THE | MOST EX- | CELLENT AND | Lamentable Tragedie, of | Romeo and Juliet. It was conventional for some small publications, including newsletters and pamphlets, to be complete within one quarto sheet. Shakespeare’s plays began to be printed in 1594, probably with his tragedy Titus Andronicus. Shakespeare's Quartos Before the publication of the First Folio in 1623, nineteen of the thirty-seven plays in Shakespeare's canon had appeared in quarto format. | Written by William Shakespeare. Henry IV, Part 1 is a history play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written no later than 1597. (52 pp. Wählen Sie Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen. THE | LIFE AND | DEATH OF KING | RICHARD THE | SECOND. THE | TRAGEDIE | OF | KING RICHARD | THE THIRD. | As it hath been sundrie times publikely | acted by the right honourable, the Lord | Chamberlaine his seruants. A | Midsommer nights | dreame. LONDON, | Printed by W. W. for Mathew Law, and are to be | sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard, at | the signe of the Foxe. | Written by W. SHAKESPEARE. | 1634. | Newly corrected, augmented, and amended : | LONDON | Printed for IOHN SMETHVVICK, and are to be sold | at his Shop in Saint Dunstanes Church-yard, | in Fleetestreete vnder the Dyall, | 1609. (88 pp. ISBN: 978-1-55058-409-7. The first printed text of Shakespeare's Hamlet is about half the length of the more familiar second quarto and Folio versions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Shakespeare_plays_in_quarto The quarto format was common for early modern printed texts. | LONDON. Offensichtliche Druckfehler sind dagegen relativ leicht zu erkennen. Editors of the Folger Shakespeare Library Editions. Drop down list 2 gives you publication dates for quartos of the play selected. MOONEY W E HAVE reached the point in the study of Shakespeare's texts where descriptions of"memorially reconstructed," "bad" quartos that "omit" words, phrases, orlines from presumablyauthoritative, "good"quartos are seen to begthequestion.! Edition: Othello; Othello (Quarto 1, 1622) Introduction. There is somewhat of a linear relationship between the Quarto 1 text and the First Folio, which suggests that the folio text, the last to be published in 1623, was actually written before the publication of Quarto 1 in 1603. | Printed by Iames Roberts, 1600. 1598. Romeo and Juliet, Quartos 1 and2 by MICHAELE. It is a procreation sonnet within the Fair Youth sequence. THE | Tragedie of King Ri- | chard the second. auch anderer Theatertruppen zum Drucker oder Verleger gelangten. 1. Eine Sicherung der Urheberrechte der Autoren gab es zu der damaligen Zeit noch nicht; oftmals diente ein solcher Eintrag zur Druckanmeldung im Stationers’ Register einzig dazu, mögliche Raubdrucke verhindern, um derart die Autoren oder aber die Schauspielgruppen, die sich im Besitz der jeweiligen Originalmanuskripte befanden, vor Druckpiraten zu schützen. Shakespeare Quarto Archives 2. Eighteen of Shakespeare's 36 plays included in first folio collected edition of 1623, were previously separately printed as quartos, with a single exception that was printed in octavo. THE LATE, | And much admired play, | CALLED, | Pericles, Prince of | Tyre. dazu eingehender auch die Ausführungen von Hans Walter Gabler: Vgl. Pavier-Quartos). Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 30. | 1615. | As it hath been lately Acted by the | Right honourable the Lord Chamber- | laine his seruants. dazu eingehender beispielsweise die Ausführungen von Hans Walter Gabler: Vgl. Library. [7], Man hätte den ursprünglichen Manuskripttext natürlich auch heimlich entwenden oder unbefugt eine Kopie anfertigen können. ~ Handbook: Folio-Quarto-Editions ~ Thirty-six plays appeared in the first collected edition, put together in 1623 (seven years after his death) by fellow actors in Shakespeare's acting company. Insgesamt erschienen etwa 55 Einzelausgaben von Shakespeare-Dramen im Quarto-Format. so ist bei etwa 15 Dramen in der Folio-Edition die hier vorliegende Textfassung der einer früheren Quarto-Ausgabe unterlegen, so dass die Textsituation je nach Drama sehr unterschiedlich sein kann. Some plays, such as Richard III and Henry IV, Part 1, appeared in multiple quarto editions, showing their popularity. Wells and Gary Taylor beene divers times acted by | his seruantes about DIY Henry! Beene plaide by the Kings Maiesties seruants the Banck-side Images of all pages of the familiar... Penultimate final line is “ and thou no breath at all Quart auf! 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