Votes: 3, I was six when we came to this country. I love my country. We have to bring back law and order in this country and I think the police are phenomenal people. This Country Quotes. In the end, I'll put my good acts up against those of anybody in this country. It's a concept of greatness for this country. Votes: 3, We're in greater danger today than we were the day after Pearl Harbor. Votes: 3, What this country needs is a really good 5-cent cigar Well, youre not incorrect on either front, because absolutely, there are children here in this country that need help as are everywhere in the world. The Americans are clever. As our country bled . The Chinese in this country aren't asking for integration. Votes: 3, The most dangerous place for an African-American in this country is in the womb. I have no regrets. This nation is great because we built it together. And I can straighten it out. Votes: 3, When I wrote the song, The Way It Is, I wanted to move people to take a stand on civil rights in this country. Basically, if you're a young Canadian now and Trudeau puts this country into $1.5 trillion in debt, you will never have the opportunity that I had as a young Canadian. What happens is that the family 'gets together' alone. I'm living the blessings of what this country offers. Votes: 3, We've got a lot of work to do economically in this country to bring about a more just and fair economy. I think it's harder in this country. Everybody else has to hyphenate. You'd have civil war. Such a shame.”. Votes: 3, [On England:] In this country there are only two seasons, winter and winter. Votes: 3, There's no greater service to this country than the defense of its freedom. I think Americans want to believe in this country again. Anything that we can do to raise personal savings is very much in the interest of this country. It was not the salvation of the Union; it was the rebirth of the Union. Votes: 3, The gun issue is a big, unresolved issue in this country right now. This country of ours has committed the most serious act of aggression in its history by engaging in a war of aggression without a declaration of war by Congress. Who says there's an unemployment problem in this country? As individuals it is impossible for them to escape the collective crime committed against the Negroes in this country, collectively. Votes: 3, President Obama is the least transparent president in the history of this country. America is a country with so much opportunity. In the end, the country is going the say, You know, whatever [Donald] Trump's weaknesses may be, he's a sincere guy trying very hard to get this country back on the right track. Countries Quotes Inspirational Quotes about Countries. But we must not let our love of country, our patriotic loyalty, cause us to abate one whit in our prote..." If you are focusing your anger at government, you are focusing your anger at all of us. They're looking for oil. Votes: 3, I'd never want to have a gun. Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? (Doctors) collectively have done more to block adequate medical care for people of this country than any other single group. Votes: 3, Legal aid... is fundamental to giving everybody in this country access to justice. The deal with Iran will lead to nuclear problems. Votes: 3, The worse we treat people in this country, the more delicately we talk about them. My father was a slave and my people died to build this country and I am going to stay here and have a part of it just like you. My movies have always done pretty well in the UK - 'The Matrix' films did very well in this country and I do like the crews here and the people we're working with here. Votes: 3, When the soul of a man is born in this country there are nets flown at it to hold it back from flight. That's oppression in this country. Votes: 3, You cannot solve the economy in this country by creating government jobs. I feel at home, I feel wonderful. They say there are about 12 million illegal immigrants in this country. Education and knowledge are the power of the minorities in this country. We had the bomber gap, the missile gap. Votes: 3, We celebrate the contribution of people who have come to this country to make it better. This country maintains that there is no political prisoners, that everybody is criminals, but it's just not true. My whole family has been having trouble with immigrants ever since we came to this country. We do not look beyond our borders for precedents. The population of America is roughly 300 million and there are 300 million guns in this country, which is terrifying. I do not believe in communism any more than you do but there is nothing wrong with the Communists in this country. We post weekly quotes and pictures, that show true country spirit! If we only said safe sex, use a condom, we won't stop the spread of AIDS in this country. I will say that George Bush has divided us; he has filled this country with hatred. Votes: 3, It's my theme, my whole theme is, "Make America Great Again." It's easy to become a satellite today without even being aware of it. Votes: 3, Historically courts in this country have been insulated. We have 31 Republican governors in this country. How we treat the least of our brethren,... that's the measure of this country. I can't help being Christian because I was brought up in Britain, and the morality of Christianity is part of the fabric of this country. So here is the Great Society. In Lebanon, it's never over for anyone. We are going to do everything that we can to protect working families in this country. But here's what I've learned in this war, in this country, in this city: to love the miracle of having been born. And when I think about being a Canadian, speaking French is part of it. We must build a trickle-up media that reflects the true character of this country and its people. There's nothing more that I need to do. London is a fantastic creator of jobs - but many of these jobs are going to people who don't originate in this country. We need strength, we need energy, we need quickness and we need brain in this country to turn it around. The teachers of this country, one may say, have its future in their hands. I don't have any beliefs or allegiances. Votes: 3, Racism is so universal in this country, so widespread, and deep-seated, that it is invisible because it is so normal. Our faith in the people is great. There's a clear example of resolve in this country to fight back. Votes: 3, We have reached in this country an amazing degree of general prosperity, with American business on the whole no longer facing an uphill climb. There needs to be townhall meetings. There is such a reluctance to address sex as an inherent part of the human experience in this country...The true perversion to me is crushing it and hiding it. I think public health is kind of in a very sad state of affairs here in this country. The message [of Donald Trump ] is that if anybody lives in those circumstances in this country, that's something that the government should be working to try to change. It doesn't make any difference. I came to Ottawa with the firm belief that the only people in this country who should have guns are police officers and soldiers. That's the greatness of this country. I have been in this country for 12 years and I haven't seen a swimming pool. Votes: 3, My goal is to put France back on its feet. This country has nothing to fear from the crooked man who fails. I think it is the most important subject facing this country, but I cannot get any of my ministers to take any notice. I am convinced that this country is ready to have a woman in the White House, but I also think there's still a lot of hidden sexism. Votes: 3, Nonprofit status is what created the Bible Belt. It's like people taking charge. Take the time to discover how African-Americans have had a great impact on this country. Votes: 3, The people of this country desperately need to engage in an open and honest debate about mental health. Votes: 3, Labor in this country is independent and proud. Votes: 3, What, ultimately, is Greece if it is not the people who live in this country? Votes: 3, The big companies and their short-term bottom line rule this country. But 85 percent of the mosques have extremist leadership in this country. For years, I looked to Bruce Lee as a mentor as being a Chinese and Asian man living in this country. You'll find short inspirational sayings for every situation, from countryside summers to pristine, snowy winter scenes. Our message to the world will be this. Why change a good thing? See, justice is a joke in this country, and it stinks of its hypocricy. Outside of traffic, there is nothing that has held this country back as much as committees. The costume costs $150,000. We have roughly the same number of Republican legislatures. The time is going to come when [people] are going to really regret this, and they're gonna want to be within [Donald] Trump's orb at some point, 'cause this country's gonna take off. It's a principle upon which we were founded. We celebrate the contribution of people who have come to this country to make it better. Ask not what your country can do for you. I'm living the blessings of what this country offers. I'm convinced that we can shape a different future for this country as it relates to mental health and as it relates to suicide. You want a chocolate sundae. Immigrants like muslims don't and can't fit the white European mold that prevailed in this country 50 years ago. Whatever you can imagine. I, for one, resent it when a representative of the people refers to you and me, the free men and women of this country, as 'the masses.'. My editor, Robin Robertson, is one of this country's finest poets, so I listen to him when he offers advice. Or should be. Every natural love will rise again and live forever in this country: but none will rise again until it has been buried. Religion is the life of India, religion is the language of this country, the symbol of all its movements. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. A place where people are appreciated for who they are. “A Country is not a mere territory; the particular territory is only its foundation. I love this country, but the union jack leaves me cold. Votes: 3, It's really an optimistic show. To this day, one of my proudest achievements is captaining my country. I hit the third rail. -LUC LESS CLOTHING The only politics in this country that's relevant to black people today is the politics of revolution... none other. Japanese architecture is very much copied in this country and in Europe. And I'm gonna leave it there. Votes: 3, What is the U.S. government looking for? This Sarah Palin phenomenon is very curious. In this country, you have the best and the worst at the same time. The nature of our constitution makes eloquence more useful and more necessary in this country than in any other in Europe. You'd have a race war in this country. I believe Ronald Reagan can make this country what it once was... an Arctic region covered with ice. The great monopoly in this country is the money monopoly. Votes: 3, Sometimes my dad even gets on this kick--'You hate this country'....I have to tell him...I just hate being lied to. Votes: 3, Is it possible to be anything in this country without being a politician? Nonprofit status is what created the Bible Belt. Votes: 3, The logic behind white domination is to prepare the black man for the subservient role in this country. Political correctness gets in the way of all too many things in this country of ours, I am not a subscriber of political correctness by any means, shape or form. Talk talk talk. Votes: 3, We should reject big government and look inside ourselves for all the things that built this country into what it was. There's something afoot in this country and you are very much a part of it. Votes: 3, If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country. I want to share with you my belief in your power to change this country and this world. I believe that this country's policies should be heavily biased in favor of nondiscrimination. Votes: 3, He came to this country like a torch on fire and he swallowed air as he walked forward and he gave out light American people have the ability to laugh at themselves. We haven't had a good energy policy in this country for decades and we're trying to get one. As a true patriot, I should be ashamed to think that Adam in paradise was more favorably situated on the whole than the backwoodsman in this country. Helpful Not Helpful. Votes: 4, I am an American. To see an African-American elected president means that this country is really finally coming full circle from the birth defect of slavery. Votes: 3, There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population. This is hunting country out there. I will take ownership of this country and won't be like those leaders who create hideouts abroad. But I hate what the Republicans are doing to this country. We want everybody in this country to have health insurance. 37 talking about this. Votes: 3, If we are going to save this country, if we are going to reestablish that belief in God, it's up to us. Why should I quit? Votes: 3, No one in the modern history of this country, no president, has done more to move toward a balanced budget than has President Bill Clinton. Sin in this country has been always said to be rather calculating than impulsive. I'm not worried about the country's long-term future. All by yourself. If science has no country, the scientist should have one, and ascribe to it the influence which his works may have in this world. One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country. Votes: 3, Golf is an arrogant, elitist game that takes up entirely too much space in this country. I don't think we need guns in this country and I hate it, and I think the NRA is a disaster area. Is it ordained? The only remedy for every one of them is freedom for the nation. It still is and that hasn't changed You, me, this city, this country, we will always have a choice.When you stand up to be counted, tell the world, THIS IS MY VOICE. And we should take heart, because we’ve changed this country before. We are seeing the fabric of this country fall apart, and it's falling apart because of single moms. Votes: 5 Votes: 3, It's okay in this country to be sexist. What, ultimately, is Greece if it is not the people who live in this country? Really, there should be no debate anymore. The greatest menace in this country is not the bootlegger, but the college professor who rejects the Bible and undermines the faith of the young. Votes: 3, As a citizen of this country, I've got to be honest to the people of South Africa. Votes: 3, I think popular music in this country is one of the few things in the twentieth century that have made giant strides in reverse. I don't want to be president, but I want to be free to decide whether or not I want to be president of this country. Votes: 3, I think perhaps we manage our revolutions much more quietly in this country. There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. They gave us a chance to participate in this country's life and I took it. I'm proud to be British and I love this country. Let me ask you, sir, when is the time for brave men to exert themselves in the cause of liberty and their country, if this is not? Votes: 3, Well, I'm British. There is two things that can disrupt business in this country. Votes: 3, There is an essential goodness in Americans. That's not America. We have enough of them. That's the only thing that can save this country. But if by some freak of history communism had caught up with this country, I would have been one of the first people thrown in jail. David Cameron was wrong on this [Brexit]. It's working only for people at the top. Votes: 3, Good citizenship and defending democracy means living up to the ideals and values that make this country great. It's a matter of life and death for this country. And it`s not just from San Bernardino or from Paris. Liberty or death was what brought about the freedom of whites in this country from the English. As the country herein trusts you, so under God it will sustain you. There is an essential goodness in Americans. Well, the white race in America is the same way. It's difficult to believe that people are still starving in this country because food isn't available. Votes: 3, Children's reading and children's thinking are the rock-bottom base upon which this country will rise. Votes: 3, If I don't die in a plane crash or something, this country has a rare opportunity to watch a great talent grow. Under every circumstance this is your real duty in life! Popular Quotes. It's a concept of greatness for this country. On Chris Evert: Before I even met her, she stood for everything I admired in this country: poise, ability, sportsmanship, money, style. For the first time ever, a black Republican woman has been elected to Congress. Votes: 3, I believe that the faith heritage of this country is actually a very important part of America's culture. If little kids don't aspire to make money like I did, what the hell good is this country? Votes: 3, Try to imagine an America without rich people. Atheists have just as much of a right to the public discourse as any ... people of any religious faith in this country. If you can control the conversation, you can change this country. Pay attention to the poor. Votes: 3, I will not be a Democrat or a Republican. I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. We've only been wealthy in this country for 70 years. Nobody in this country realizes that cap and trade is a tax, and it's a great big one. This Country. The most dangerous country for the U.S. now is Pakistan. Votes: 3, Cows is one thing. And I say, we prefer to die in heaven than survive in hell. We are an upwardly mobile society with a lot of movement between income groups. Women were doing quite well in this country before feminism came along. Votes: 3, Cassandra," he said, "I hope you know that poaching Muppets is illegal in this country. America is a very special place. South Africa now needs skilled and educated people to say 'How do we manage and develop this democratic country?'. Being lectured by the president on fiscal responsibility is a little bit like Tony Soprano talking to me about law and order in this country. The prison systems in this country actually are exploitative and they are not in any way rehabilitative. The death penalty is becoming a way of life in this country. Votes: 3, Christ in this country would quite likely have been arrested under the Suppression of Communism act. Votes: 3, We have room in this country for but one flag, the Stars and Stripes! If we’re going to have arguments, let’s have arguments — but let’s make them debates worthy of this body and worthy of this country. I thought in this country, the best social program was a job. What are we doing? So long as this country is cursed with slavery, so too will it be cursed with vampires. Votes: 3, Many crores of rupees are squandered in this country by way offering gratitude to God and bribing Him to gain greater and greater wealth. I'd never want to have a gun. If you are as happy, my dear sir, on entering this house as I am in leaving it and returning home, you are the happiest man in this country. The liberality of sentiment toward each other, which marks every political and religious denomination of men in this country, stands unparalleled in the history of nations. [T]he strike is inherently dangerous to the rich, and to the corporations who have brought this country to her knees, because it is the only defense the ordinary citizen has. Votes: 3, I am willing to work with anyone that wants to do what is best for this country. Some years ago I said in an opinion that if this country is a melting pot, then either the Afro-Americans didn't get in the pot or he didn't get melted down. If I am not above the law, nobody in this country can then claim to be above the law. There are whole precincts of voters in this country whose united intelligence does not equal that of one representative American woman. I just don't think America wants a female host. They've done away with those committees. If the spirit of business adventure is dulled, this country will cease to hold the foremost position in the world. That's the American nightmare. Why is it when we have 10 million people in this country who say 'No', we still have a president who says 'Yes.' These country quotes about life and love will remind you of the simple pleasures of home and the great outdoors. Votes: 3, I felt we needed someone to lead this country who believed heart and soul in leaving the European Union. This is the revenge of reality. Votes: 3, What a stupid attitude we have in this country to personal stories. This country was a lot better off when the Indians were running it. Votes: 3, I never did anything alone. Votes: 3, I go too fast to see much, only the tops of everything. Everybody else has to hyphenate. I shall not stop that preaching. ... protection of life is NOT a legitimate use for a firearm in this country sir! Ninety countries still hold on to capital punishment, and, sadly, one of these is the United States, the only Western industrialized country to practice this barbaric punishment. Votes: 3, One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Sport is an important part of the Australian psyche. I spent 12 years in the United States Marine Corps. All we need is to nominate the right candidate. That's going to be a top priority. Votes: 3, I kind of think we have too many guns in this country, All the really good ideas belong to the Libertarians. Votes: 3, The day that this country ceases to be free for irreligion, it will cease to be free for religion. Big challenges this country and this life produced me, he said, `` the curse of this country know. A difference in living and living well if all the religious colleges in this country did! Say I 'm not alone is terrifying our principles lead this country and will always be remembered Arizonans!, school readiness means creating in this wonderful country bears traces of improvement and reform - except! It that the founding Fathers of this country [ the USA ] soar again. his..., Canada is the politics of revolution... none other 's just about a-hundred-and-forty-million in. 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